The Rise of Annixon Bright

35 D'verg, The Dwarf.

He came upon the market. He didn't really have time to look at the local people, so this time he took his time to study the Dracana people.

The female beings of the race were all beautiful in some way or another. It was odd to see. The general look was:

Their eyes had a motherly, gentle yet gorgeous look about them with adorable small noses. They had odd, ornate partial scales on the side of their faces that connected to the horns. The horns themselves were also a bit unusual. They too were naturally ornate with curious patterns on them, but what was the most curious is the fact that the horns faced downwards and protruded from the backside of their heads over their shoulders. The race, in general, had two different tones of skin. One was a deep blue-grey skin tone. While the other had an almost pearl-like flesh-colored skin. They had thin yet full lips that accentuated their natural beauty, in an almost innocent way.

Annixon approved. He's glad he came to this country. Now all he needed was the modern comforts he was used to.

The males had a lot of similar features like the horns and skin tones. Their faces, on the other hand, looked more like handsome hardened veterans. They had sharp piercing eyes and a larger nose than the females. The females were generally much shorter than the males, but the males were also unusually tall. Taller than humans in general. They seemed to be at least 2 meters tall (about 6'5 feet). Females were generally shorter than humans even for a female at 1.4 meters (about 4'5 feet).

A single male was standing close by as Annixon approached the man. He hoped that they would understand him, "Good day sir. I hope you can help me if it isn't too much of an inconvenience."

"Not at all. How can I help you?" Just as Annixon thought. They do not speak Annixon's mother tongue. There was a subtle accent, but he still was able to speak the language quite proficiently.

"I am looking for a man, my apologies, a dwarf named D'verg."

Annixon noticed the signs of displeasure on his face, "Ah…him." He pointed to a smoking building not too far away, "Its best to avoid him. He is a very, very grouchy man. Just drop what you want to do and get out before he complains that you are breathing."

"You're kidding right?"

"Wish I was, made a child cry with that statement."

"Thank you for the heads up."

Annixon made a slight nod with his head and walked off into the smoking building's direction.

This already was starting to bode ill. Guess he will have to play him on his own turf. He smiled at the thought.

He arrived at the building and knocked on the door. A Dracana girl opened the door, "How can I help you?"

He scowled at him, "You done? Or are you just being a typical human."

Annixon laughed, "They weren't kidding when they said that you had a stick up your ass."

She closed the door on him. Annixon was still smiling and knocked on the door again.

She opened the door again, "What!? You still going to go on!?"

Annixon ignored her and opened the door by himself. She protested and tried to stop him, "Customers aren't allowed inside the workshop!"

He placed his hand on her head and crouched slightly. Her green eyes were glowing slightly, literally.

"I don't know if anyone ever told you but you really have amazing eyes."

"Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere with me. You think you're the first one to try that?"

"No, probably not. All I am saying is the truth. Now, where is D'verg?"

A booming voice sounded off behind him, "What do you want, you simplistic fool?"

Annixon turned around to see the biggest man he had ever seen. The dwarf was only slightly shorter than him but had a chest large enough to fit two people standing next to each other.

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He had bulk, massive amounts of bulk. The only thing he had going that made him look like the dwarfs Annixon knew, was the beard which was red with grey streaks in it.

He was without a shirt and wore leather trousers. He also wore a utility belt with all sorts of tools in it.

Annixon gave him his best smile, "I want to prove to you that I am the best apprentice you will ever have."

"You're too old for an apprenticeship. There is the door. Fuck off."

"Okay, what if I told you I can make a blade the exact same quality as yours after seeing you do it only once."

"I would say you're gods be damned fools if you think I will believe that shite."

"I will bet you a thousand ducats that I can." It was a gamble, but with the Robium mine, he might just make it. He had seen some videos on how they made swords in the modern-day, but not with the primitive technologies. With his perfect memory, he might be able to win the dwarf over.

"You have the ducats here?"

"No, but I will be able to give it to you in a week's time. Just give me a chance to prove my skills to you. Is that too much to ask?"

The Dracana girl was starting to get agitated, "You already have me as your apprentice, Master D'verg, and he is just some fool off the streets!"

"Shut your mouth, you stupid girl. This arrogant bumpkin thinks he can blacksmith on my level, he has another thing coming."

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