The Rise of Annixon Bright

36 D'verg's Challenge.

He picked up two small pieces of steel. He tossed one to Annixon, "That will be your piece."

Annixon examined the piece. Pig iron, the lowest grade iron one could imagine. That would explain why even his short sword was hefty for its size.

D'verg continues, "Because of time constraint we will only build a simple forward-facing paring knife."

D'verg went to work. Annixon could see why this man was so revered for his blacksmithing skills. He hammered out the shape of the knife in half an hour.

He sharpened the knife and annealed it. He added a handle to it. It all took less than an hour. It was beautifully made. He took a piece of wood and jammed it into it, "It needs to have the strength as well. Even if you can make it all fancy, it doesn't mean jack shit if it breaks or bends. Your turn…boy."

Annixon followed exactly what the man did down to the color of the metal in the furnace to hammer out all the way to the shape and annealing with photographic precision. Even the hilt was exactly the same. He took the blade and jammed it into the same piece of wood with the exact same result.

D'verg was speechless. The motion of his swings right down to the precarious handling of the wood. A perfect mirror.

"Who the hell are you!? I never reveal my secrets to other people when it comes to annealing. You got it down to a tee. How is that even possible!?"

D'verg knew the world was big, but he had no idea that the world could throw his talents right back into his face. It was an emotional shock. A human was crafting blades the exact same why he was. The problem with it all was, it was clear to him looking at the Annixon's body and hands that he had almost no prior blacksmithing training, whatsoever.

He fell back into his chair and studied the blade and compared it to his own.

What really scared him was what Annixon said next, "This metal you use for everyday use can be improved by quite a bit. It so primitive and probably requires a lot of attention and care. Why haven't you tried reducing the carbon content in this metal by introducing pure oxygen during the melting process?"

"Oxygen, what that?"

Oh yeah, they had to start there. He will be needing to look into spells that could create electricity, perhaps even create a rudimentary battery. The best results would be to make use of magic and store the electrical. He needed information, he needed a library, "Do you know of any libraries in the area."

"Why the hell are you asking me? I am a blacksmith, not a scholar. Why the hell is you even here to begin with if that is the case."

"I will be needing your aid in the future and a lot of it. In turn, I will help make your operation the envy of the world."

"Again with your bold claims. You take me for a fool?"

"I would tell you, you are talking a bunch of hog shite."

"Yet, I just bested you in your own game."

"You equaled me, not bested me."

"In one lesson."

"I still say you cheated, but I am willing to help you. It depends on what you need."

"I will be giving you jobs that might seem impossible, but with my aid, you will see that it's very possible."

D'verg stared at him for a second. Something told him this human was either crazy, or a revolutionist, but he was starting to like. D'verg doesn't like people, "You will see a massive building if you look to the west. You can't miss it. There you will find the library, but be warned. They are a bunch of stuck up prudes."

"I convinced you didn't, and I was given the exact same warning about you."

"Tell me who said it and I will rip his lung out from his arsehole."

"Colorful, but you just emphasized my point."

D'verg wanted to explode but he calmed down, "Are we done? I need to close the shop for the day and drink. A lot."

Annixon made a quick bow and left.

The dracanain girl ran to D'verg's side, "I am your only apprentice. Remember your promise."

"Shut up girl. I ain't in the mood for your jabbering…but that man does have some talent. It would won't hurt to get him as an equal."

He stood up, "Also he scares me."

The dracanain girl's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. D'verg is actually afraid of somebody, "We never did get his name."

D'verg froze in the door why and started cussing up a storm.

Annixon questioned a lot more people until he finally arrived at the door of the institute. It was called the Institute of Rebalia. The original founder of the place.

Two rings hanged on the door as he used it to knock. No reply. He tried again. Only then did someone opened the door, "You disturb the sanctity of this place. Move along commoner."

"Yeah, this commoner can read and right. Spare me your drivel. I wish to use the institute's library."

"My apologies, I wasn't making myself clear. Get lost!"

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The scholar was about to close the door as Annixon placed his foot in the door. He shoved the door open and the scholar fell flat on his rear end.

Annixon shouted at the top of his lungs. He wanted everyone to hear him, "NOW, WHO THE HELL DO I NEED TO KILL BEFORE I AM ALLOWED TO USE THE LIBRARY!"

A bunch of scholars looked on in shock. One stepped forward. He had some sort of ornate stick in his hand. Annixon smiled, "You dare raise your tool at a Battle Mage. You must have a death wish."

At the same time, he raised his hand and some green runes formed on his arm. The scholar immediately put away his wand, "My sincerest apology. Right, this way."

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