The Rise of Annixon Bright

4 The Escape Part II

He took out the alcohol and poured some of it out onto a curtain. He always hid a Zippo lighter and a small piece of both flint and steel on his left leg just above his ankle.

He took out the zippo and set the curtain on fire. Before he knew it the fire had spread to all sorts of flammables.

He gave it a few more seconds and went outside and shouted, "FIRE!!! We need someone to help us get some water!"

The soldiers came rushing in to try and stop the spread of the fire. Annixon spoke to one that looked like he was in charge, "I will go ask for help in the village!"

"The village is a bit of a distance away. Grab one of the horses in the courtyard."

Annixon called towards Anastacia, "You there come with me I do not know the way around the village."

He grabbed her by the arm making it look like they were in a rush, as the leader called for him, "Hey soldier, use this for permission!"

He threw him an ornate medallion with tree engraved on it. Annixon caught it and ran with Anastacia.

They kind of ran blindly as they stumbled upon some stairs. A man was walking up the stairs and saw them, "What's the rush, soldier?"

"Fire I am going to the village to get some aid. You need to get up there to help with the fire."

"No can do. I and a detachment will track after some escaped convicts."

"Soldier, what's your name?"

Annixon thought for a second and came up with a name, "Yalmdine."

"Yalmdine? Odd name, you from the southern forest?"

"Look, I would love to stay and chat but I really gotta go."

"Of course. Don't let me keep you."

After a while of running, Annixon stopped, "We need to change clothes again."

"What, but why?"

"That man is only suspecting us and probably placed some sort of tracking unit on us. I ain't gonna risk it."

"But that will take longer."

"We got about fifteen minutes to get out."

He started dashing away at full speed, with Anastacia trailing. Just as she descended the chair she saw Annixon standing over two knocked out guys.

"Ah, there you are. You'll take the smaller one I will take the bigger one."

He opened a close-by door to find a small storage shed, "Perfect."

He grabs the smaller guy and tosses him inside, "Quickly, get changed and leave your current clothes."

She does what she is told and changes as quickly as she could.

Annixon, on the other hand, went to a new room and started a fire there as well. He saw her waiting outside the door as he quickly changed himself.

He emerged and said, "Okay, we are going to jump now."

"What!? That's too high we are on the second floor! "

He picked her up in a princess carry, "Sorry me lady, but you will have to go out first."


"Because fear is our greatest enemy in these kinds of situation, and remember to bend the knees and roll" He tossed her out the window without hesitation. The good news was they were on the second floor.

She kept repeating what she was told to herself. Bend the knees and roll.

To her surprise as soon as she hit the ground she rolled and suffered no damage at all, but she was livid.

Annixon soon followed but he was way more professional about it. Anastacia charged him down and started pounding into his chest. Annixon just stood there and took it. Anastacia shouted at him, "You are a bona fide asshole! You know that!?"

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Annixon gently patted her on the head, "Yes, yes, my dear. I'm an asshole. You did well. Let's go. We saved ourselves about five minutes maybe more."

He grabbed her by the hand making her follow him, "I saw the stables when I was being escorted to the cell."

Not long after do they arrive at the stables. A young man was tending to one of the horses, as Annixon shouted out, "Young man. We need two of those horses."

The young man ignored them and continued to brush the horse.

Annixon took out the medallion he had on showed it to the young man, "Is this proof enough?"

The young man points with his head towards horses.

In a jiffy, they saddled the horses. The strange thing was that Annixon had never ridden on a horse before but for some reason, it felt like second nature for him. Even the saddling he did in record time.

They mounted the horses and was speeding off just to be stopped by two guards at the gate, "Where is your permission to leave?"

Annixon showed them the medallion, "Okay, you're good to go."

Again, for some reason, Annixon knew exactly where to go. He had no prior knowledge of the area, he just…knew.

He quickly looked up to the stars. It was already night time. Heck, when he came to this world it was already very late afternoon.

"This way." They went deeper into the forest and rode for about an hour before stopping, "We stop here. I need to quickly do something."

He jumped off the horse and threw the rest of the contents out over a dry patch of wood. After which he got some kindling together and placed it over the alcohol-soaked wood and set it ablaze, "BURN BITCH BURN!!! MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

He placed the alcohol bag over a thick branch and set it on fire after which he started even more fire. He climbed back onto the horse and said, "This will at least slow them down and mask most of our scent. We have at least a three-day ride towards the nearest settlement."

"You sure about that?"

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