The Rise of Annixon Bright

5 Magic or 'Flow'? The Rune system.

Annixon already threw the medallion away for fear of it being used to track him. He knew little about this world. Magic was a real unknown as he wasn't going to risk it.

They both removed their clothes and smothered themselves and the clothes in the mud. Annixon scanned the treetops looking for something.

He spotted what he was looking for and quickly scaled one of the trees.

Anastacia was intrigued by this and stoked the fire some more. Annixon came down the tree with two raccoon-like looking creatures. The only difference was they had a pair of horns on their heads.

He walked over to the fire and looked at Anastacia, "Probably a good idea to look away."

She didn't hesitate. In ten minutes both animals were cooking away on the fire, 'While I can't offer you the cuisine from a top-class chef. I can offer you a bit of substance to keep you going."

She raised her nose in disgust at the idea of eating what she knew as a Wahonu, but she was pretty hungry.

She didn't hesitate to scarf down a mouthful of meat as soon as it was ready, "I don't care much for Wahonu but this tastes really good. Having nothing to eat but some gruel and bread for I think a month this is a godsend. Thank you."

"Food always tastes better when you are truly hungry."

"You think they will find us."

"With the damage, I caused I doubt it, but never think you're out of the woods until you really are."

"How can I ever repay you for what you have done?"

"I need two hundred and fifty dashuns. It's a quarter of what your father was going to pay for you."

"So you didn't do it out of the goodness of your heart."

"I don't have a penny to my name in this world. I need to start somewhere."

She sighed deeply. She knew it was too good to be true. Nobody does something out of the goodness of their hearts. On the other hand, he had nothing, but she found it hard to believe, "You know, you never gave me your name."

"Annixon Bright. A pleasure to meet you. Apologies for not telling you earlier."

"What did you do before…everything?"

"First lieutenant in the military forces. I am not from this world. Literally."

"The military. I thought I didn't recognize your attire."

"You don't exactly seem surprised after I told you I am not from this world."

She shrugged, "Can't say I wasn't surprised. Hearing stories of people coming from different worlds isn't uncommon, just unlikely. Truth is there are eight worlds that are connected to this one, but all of these worlds are connected as one. So nobody really registers them as a different world, just as the lands through the gates. Saying that, which land are you from?"

"Magic doesn't exist in your world."

"Yeah pretty much. Could you tell me a bit about it?"

"Sure. While it is recognized as magic it's called the 'Flow', but a very few amounts of individuals can truly use the flow. So those that can't, learn what is called 'Reunification'. Basically, it's the art of grafting symbols using special stones. The problem is there is about 30 000 rune in existence, and no two enchantments are the same. The rune emblem basically acts as a conduit for using certain types of magic. You need a certain rune sequence to tap into a certain flow like fire or light."


Rubbed his chin for a bit, "So you need a tool for every type of element. Bummer."

"Yeah, master Rune enchanters know about 10 000 of the runes, but the worst is that new types of runes are discovered every year. So no one can ever truly master Reunification. The upside is that Mastercraft can be produced with the knowledge of but a few hundred runes. Those people are called specialists."

"What about the true 'Flow' users."

"Dangerous people. They just understand magic, can use all elements without any special equipment. Some of them use it to improve themselves even more. They are called the battlemages. If you ever hear of one, run the other way."

"What about rudimentary flow use."

"Most people can use the most basic of spells like 'Spark' or 'Moisture'. Some such as myself can use beginner levels of flow like "Torch" or "Water clot". It takes some time creating these spells."

Annixon thought about how he could implement it with the technology he knew. It would catapult the technology of this era by about three to four hundred years. Heck, it could even catapult the technology from his planet by almost a hundred years.

Annixon stood up and climbed a tree to the top. He wanted to check how far they were from the fire. It was already dusk the next evening so he could make out the faint yellow glow on the horizon.

He climbed down and then checked on the horses. Gently stroking one of the sleeping horses. They were knackered. He stood up and made his way to the campfire, "We will have an earlier night today. The horses need their rest."

Anastacia nodded. They made a quick makeshift bed out of large leaves and the like.

Back in the Barracks, an elven man made a discovery of two groggy men coming out of a closet, "You actually went through with it? Literally?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know…swinging for the other team and all."

There was a moment of stunned silence, before the smaller one spoke up, "Wait we need to let the commissar know."

"Know about what?"

"We were attacked. What is the time?"

The one-man produced a crystal, "Ten parts before the coming moon."

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