Annixon doused the fire, "I take it that using 'flow' is tiring."

"You would only use it if you are either a battle mage or using a tool. Otherwise, you waste a lot of unnecessary energy. Use more than you are capable of then you can actually die."

Annixon went to the horses and tried coaxing them up, "Come on big guy. I know you are tired but we still have a lot of ground to cover and I really need your help."

After some time the horses were back on their feet and they were back on the road.

"So, Anastacia. Where do you live?"

"In a port city called Port Maliart. I am hoping we will be going to that city."

"Probably, but can't say for sure."

One of the soldiers petting something akin to a dog, but without lips and was highly muscular, and said, "These fugitives are hard to track. The forest fire didn't help things either and the Anicu are having a hard time catching their scent. Though, from what I can tell is that they are heading towards the Port City Maliart."

"There are three known paths that can be taken. One of them seems to closer. We will head them off given the scent that we picked up here."

"I don't know, sir. This man is cautious. There is a lot of zig-zagging going on, and scouts have reported increased patrols on the road. We should not underestimate the humans."

"Obviously we will still keep to the familiarity of the forest. If we lose the girl most of all we are going to lose massive face. So even if the risk is high, we should get her back and fast. How far do you reckon they are ahead of us?"

"A day's ride, but their horses would need rest. We have revitalising potions on our side. As long as we don't stop and do a wide enough search we should be able to catch them before they enter Port Maliart."

"Good, then we better move fast. Time's wasting."

"Annixon, the horses seem tired perhaps we should rest some?"

"They are tiring faster than I predicted. I guess they only treated these horses with a 'That will do attitude.'"

Annixon jumped off the horse and gave the reins to Anastacia, "Get the horses settled in. I think at least some of them will be upon us by nightfall."

Anastacia agreed, "Where are you going?"

He went to a three and cut off some branches with his short-sword, "I am just going to make sure that the bad people stay away."

Anastacia gave him a quizzical look followed by a shrug. She started gathering some firewood and went about making a fire, "Oh yeah Annixon, we will need some food.

He threw his short-sword blindly into the forest. He went to retrieve to find what he aimed for…a snake.

He brought it back to the fire camp. As Anastacia saw this she freaked out, "A SNAKE! ARE YOU MAD!?"

"No, no insects. Gross, who would actually eat that."

"Excellent source of protein, though I must say, not my preferred choice. Now, I am going to ask you to get to the cooking. I need to set up the traps before the night is fully upon us." He tossed over his Zippo, "Open the lid and just flick the circle thingy on the side. Remember to close afterward. I have only so much lighter fluid in that."

He uses the short–sword to sharpen the branches and sets up some spring-loaded traps using young saplings. After about two hours he returned.

Anastacia was staring at the cooking snake in disgust and sighed, "I can't wait to be back home."

"Well, you have at least a day for that one, my lady."

That scared the holy hell out of Anastacia, "What the hell! Could you please not do that? I ain't some trained veteran like you! I am also not your lady. Call me Anastacia!"

"And here I thought the pet name was rather cute."

Some rustling went off on the woods close to them. Annixon removed his short-sword from its scabbard. Anastacia went tense and hid behind Annixon grabbing his shirt at the same time. An odd-looking bunny with a single horn and a long tail popped from the undergrowth.

Annixon chuckled, "Haha, more food."

Anastacia jumped in front of Annixon, "Wait we can't kill that. It's so cuuute."

Annixon instincts roared for some reason as he turned and caught an arrow in mid-light. He somehow was able to sense it. He couldn't explain why he was able to do that, but it happened.

Anastacia was freaking out, "No, they found us."

Annixon turned around and gently patted her head, "Don't worry it's just the two."

A pained scream could be heard from their back. Annixon smiled, "Dumbass. Should have been more careful. Could you two come out and show yourselves. The other will probably not make it."

Two men came out of the woods. One had two seriously vicious looking dogs without lips. The other one had a bow trained on them.

Annixon smiled casually, "Hi, I would introduce myself but I have an idea you ain't here for dinner."

The man with the bow smiled, "I wonder what gave that away. The bow or the Anicu."

Annixon nonchalantly pointed at the dogs, "Those things are called Anicu? Great, something tells me I have a lot to learn about this world."

"Give us the girl and we will let you go."

Annixon scratched his chest, "A tempting offer, but I prefer not to see a youngling in trouble. So, I will take a gracious pass. Thank you though."

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