The Rise of Annixon Bright

7 The Failed Ambush and the Badass Annixon

Annixon smiled, "What's fair about this? You guys sent in a squad after us…you should have brought more."

The elf with the bow released an arrow towards Annixon who grabbed it in mid-air. The Anicu tamer (dog tamer) sent out the two Anicu he had with him

One pounced towards him only to be met with an arrow into its eye that Annixon caught. The other one was kicked away with a round house-kick towards the tamer. Annixon ran towards the man with the bow who shot a flurry of arrows into his general direction.

Annixon deftly blocked with his blade and dodged everything gracefully. He came up to the Archer faster than the Archer could react.

Annixon's blade stabbed him right into the scapula (a bone in the shoulder just below the collarbone).

The Anicu had recovered and pounced again. Annixon ripped his blade out of the archer spun around and went lower than the Anicu. He stabbed forward, with a clear shot to its chest. The tamer noticed this and jumped in the way of grabbing the Anicu. Annixon couldn't stop his blade in time as it gashed the tamer's side.

The man and the Anicu rolled out of the way, "Sienna, stop. Run."

The Anicu stopped and turned to run away.

Annixon went over to the dead Anicu and picked it up. He cautiously walked over to the hurt Tamer and placed the animal in front of him, "Sorry for what I had to do. Animals tend to be more aggressive than…uuhm…an intelligent being. You guys also gave me no choice but to defend myself, but I am not handing over that kid."

The tamer held his side and picked the animal up and threw him over his soldier. As he turned away Annixon said, "I should probably inform you that this area is booby-trapped and I guess you could hear the screaming."

During their altercation, five more screams went off, "The other reason I am letting you guys go is the fact that you are only following orders. You better go tell whoever is in charge. If he or she ever cross me I would not hesitate to kill them."

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The warning did not fall on deaf ears. They were thoroughly humbled. This man was an animal of a completely different class. He even anticipated their troop movements. Knew how to attack without attacking and to slow down and scatter them enough so that forces couldn't join in time. The dried mud on him even suggested that he compensated for magic-using heat vision. This also resulted in a fainter more natural odor which meant even tracker beasts would have a hard time following him. The forest fire too helped with mitigating his smell. Then there was his fighting. This guy was clearly much stronger than they gave him credit, but that brought up a question from the Archer, "So why? Why didn't you flee outright? You are clearly more capable than you were letting on. So why let yourself be captured so easily."

Annixon gave him a cheeky smile, "Simple. I am in a foreign environment. I needed the information. Though being locked up in a cell wasn't going to get me it, but the real kicker was the girl. She is but sixteen years old. Do all elves stoop that low? If that is the case I would rather take my chances elsewhere."

"You need not side with humans. Someone of your caliber could be a major asset to elves. "

"I just gave you my reason, but I do have a gut feeling that the humans will also learn about me…the hard way." He gave them a smile that sent chills down their spines.

The Archer spoke up, "Fall back, we need to tend to the wounded. Know one thing human. This is going to let us lose face. The Matriarch isn't going to let this stand. May the spirits guide you, and thank you for not killing us off."

Annixon shrugged, "I only kill when it's the best solution, and killing is never the best solution."

They left the circle and Annixon grabbed the now overcooked snake, "Great, charcoal it is. How are you doing there kiddo?"

She was white in the face, "I'll live. You are really something else. Thank you for saving me, yet again."

Annixon waved it off, "Kiddo, this isn't really all that much. For me, this just happens to be a good way for me to get some information."

He took a few more bites from the snake as he made his way to the horses. They were eerily quiet He didn't like that.

He arrived at the scene and saw something he did not like at all. He went back to the makeshift camp, "Don't go to the horses."

"Huh? Something happened?"

Annixon couldn't say much to her. He deliberately avoided killing anyone so as not to shock the girl, but a man was there. He was brutally skewered by two traps he placed there. One through the side of his head and one through the back into his hart. Magic was one thing but that man wasn't going to see his family. He left the body there with the hope that his compatriots would find him. If not, he would be buried in the morning.

He picked a massive log and placed it in front of the fire and sat down to lean against it. He pulled her closer so that she could stay warmer using his own body heat, "Get some rest. Tomorrow is the final spurt, and I don't think we saw the end of them."

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