The Rise of Annixon Bright

44 Advising the Baron.

Valiant made a quick bow, "It's about your son."

"What has that little shit done this time?"

"He had a bit of a nasty fall and broke his ribs. An apothecary is looking into it, but it seems he might have broken some ribs."

The baron went to a cabinet and took out a glass vial with a golden liquid, "You want some?"

Valiant nodded. The baron poured it into two glasses. He took it over and handed it to him, "That is your official story?"

"Yes my lord."

The baron looked over to the two in the back, and waved them off, "Your service is no longer needed. Leave."

The two soldiers nodded and left the room.

The baron looked at Valiant in a surprisingly calm matter, "You had one job. Keep my son away from harm. Now, tell me what really happened."

He made another quick bow, "He threw his weight around as your son."

The baron cleaned his drink and poured himself another one, "You should have been there to stop that foolish child from his rambunctious behavior. It only causes issues. So what exactly happened?"

"He tried getting himself, new wives."

The baron sighed deeply and poured himself another one, "So it was somebody that didn't like that I presume."

"My lord, I am going to speak frankly here, if I may?"

The baron nodded for him to continue.

"You stupid spoiled brat of a son might have caused the downfall of this city."

"Gods, did he pick a fight with one of the lords?"

"No, worse."

"Wait, he picked a fight with the Emperor?!"

"No, not quite that heavy."

"A battle mage?! Why the hell is there a battle mage in my city?! Why do I not know of this!?"

"You do know?"

"Stop being condescending!"

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He made an apologetic nod, "We only found out about him today."

"But how did he evade everyone? A Battlemage tends to stand out and demand all sorts of crazy things not to mention their stupid regalia. The gods must hate me, that stupid pitiful child."

"The child needs to know the error of his ways."

"I couldn't concur more, but his mother is the problem. I can't believe my father made me marry that unstable broad. She pampers that child too much. I need details, what are we dealing with here."

"This man knows magical immunity."

"He is a necromancer?!"

"Woah, whoa, whoa, no nothing heavy like that. How should I put this, he knows how to disrupt magic with magic."

"That is an absurd statement if I ever heard one."

"Then you are going to love what I say next, He battled the contingent that went with Alexey with nothing but his fist and the blunt end of a spear."

The baron narrowed his eyes in confusion, "That must make him one of the best melee fighters I have ever heard. Is he better than you?"

"He made me second guess myself. I thought I was good but him…he scared me. I honestly hope we never get to see what he is truly capable of."

"You are telling me he was holding back."

"Yes, by quite a bit actually. He made a small display of his power and the only time he used magic was to send some sort of shockwave into my magic tool, numbing my hands. I am still feeling the effects of that. The other thing he did was inscribe a pattern over my weapon."

He drew his magical sword but the pattern was gone, "Huh? Must have worn off."

"So a temporary magical nullifier. I would like to meet this man. When can you arrange a meeting?"

Valiant glowered at him," With all due respect, your kidding right? This man doesn't want to be found. It's that simple. We don't even know how long he has been living here, and thanks to your son's greedy self-serving attitude, he will be haled as a hero of the people. Nobody is going to reveal his location. What's worse is your son, yet again. We will have lost all the respect of this man and he will want nothing to do with you."

"Are you saying it's impossible?"

"No, not necessarily. I would suggest a public apology as a show of good faith, and severely reprimanding your son in a public way."

"My wife is going to be a problem there."

"Let me put it this way. Would you rather have an army of a thousand men or a single man worth a thousand men?"

"I see your point. I have a lot too…"

A soldier came bursting in the room. He was sweating buckets.

The Baron wasn't impressed, "This had better be one good gods damn reason to interrupt!"

"My sincerest apologies my lord. A beast of the Decay has been spotted near Landenium lake!"

The baron went white in the face, "How is that possible? The Decay itself is on a completely different continent! Summon my advisors. We will need a plan of action to protect the city. Quick, make haste!"

Both the soldier and Valiant nodded. As Valiant made an attempt to exit the Baron stopped him, "I would really love it if you can get that man to speak with me."

"With all due respect my lord. Against even the Decay itself, one battle mage isn't going to make much difference."

"True, but you said he had a way to disrupt magic. Perhaps he has a way to disrupt the Decay itself."

Valiant sighed, "I will see what I can do, my lord."

Back at the market praises were being sung by the people with Annixon being the main subject of interest.

Annixon sighed satisfactorily, "Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? By the way, that was a rhetorical question."

Sinah sighed, "Annixon, you really should learn to curb your anger, we could have handled it."

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