The Rise of Annixon Bright

45 The Speech and Promise

The cheers went on for a while as Annixon and his posse just stood there reveling in the glory. Annixon used a spell that could amplify his voice, "People of Landenium, this might be a controversial thing to say, but I beg that you hear me out! How long have you been ostracized by a ruling nobility!? Do you not think its time to change!? To right the wrongs of the past and correct the present!? I stand here today in the hopes that my words reached you all. Long have you bowed to a master that thinks he can just take! The people should choose their leaders, not the simple few! Today I will proclaim that I will change this injustice and bring freedom to people! Real freedom! I proclaim the dawn of democracy, where leaders will be chosen by their gifts and abilities rather than their nobility! People will be recognized for their smarts and hard work rather than just giving everything away! A time where everyone will have a say! What say you People of Landenium!? Suffer under the nobility or live the life you wish too! No more will you lose your daughters to lustful nobles! No longer will your sons die in meaningless petty greed of the nobles! I will proclaim this as well! This will be the dawn of a technological revolution that would change the world!"

His fist was in the air at the end of his speech. The girls looked on admiration as the people stared in disbelief. A random voice in the crowd spoke out, "And how are you going to be any different than them! You yourself are a battlemage, one of the core problems of society!"

"Simple my good man! They murder, steal or even use their position as a battlemage for there will be severe repercussions, but these are all plans for the future! Give it some time and consider it!"

He told the girls to separate and get the necessary things. Little did he know just how much of an impact his actions made on the people.

Annixon told the girls that he was going to find some ingredients for his black powder, even though Anastacia was in charge of finances, she still gave Annixon a healthy amount of ducats, "This will be important for the future. So get as much as you need."

He doubted he would need this amount but he still appreciated it.

Juliza spoke up, "Do you see that old lady there. She has a really good supply of alchemical ingredients."

"Thank you, Juliza. We will meet up here in about half an hour."

He walked towards the old lady who saw him and smiled broadly, "Now what would such an esteemed guest be doing at my little humble shop?"

Annixon made a polite nod, "A beautiful day to you, esteemed elder."

She was kind of taken back by the absolute respect she just received, "My, my sonny. You do have a way with words, don't you?"

"My apologies. I meant no offense."

He turned his head slightly. He checked his wounds, "As you can see. I do bleed red."

She laughed even more, "And he has a sense of humor. Rare trait among those that are considered superior."

"I never considered myself superior to anyone."

"You're humble too…I meant no offense sonny, but somebody like you should be ripping apart the political scene."

Annixon smiled, "In due time, but the current political engine needs to be destroyed first, and a new one needs to take its place."

"Don't let the royalty hear you say that. In any case, what can I do for you, sonny."

"I need a healthy amount of saltpeter and sulfur. Do you have any in stock?"

"Of course I do. How much do you need?"

"How much can you give?"

"I have about one bag's worth here with me, but I have about twenty bags in storage."

"How big are the bags?"

She points to a rather large bag in the corner of her stall and then points to another, "Would they suffice?"

Annixon smiled, this was more than he hoped for, and she still had twenty more of it in store, "I'll take it. How much?"

"Take it."

"Huh?... Wait, what?!"

"It's on the house."

"No, I couldn't possibly agree to that. I have money to pay."

"Sonny, you made this old heart jump with excitement today. A humble good-natured battlemage is truly rare these days. I also have to say that I find the choice of ingredients strange though. Dare I ask what you intend to do with it?"

Annixon smiled confidently, "Change the future."

The old lady smiled, "Well, I am all for change if its in the right direction. Just do not become like the nobility themselves."

"I have seen what arrogance does to people, but given the situation here I actually thought people looked happy here."

"Tis true. The Baron is a good man, but some time ago that all changed when he got married."

"Do tell."

"The wife manipulated him into raising the taxes, luckily we are still better off then some cities. We actually have a good militia that patrols the streets, and surprisingly little corruption, but we do have his son. An unfortunately spoiled child. I pray you can change things in this city with your status."

He waved it off, "Doubt it. I will need a lot more influence to pull that off."

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"You have the people behind you. That speech you made was quite rousing."

She smiled, "You will see soon enough, my child. Is there anything else. "

"I also need dried hellfire flower."

"I do not have much of it, but bring me a hellfire flower and I can produce a lot more for you."

She gave him a small vial, "This is all that's left take it. I think you need it more then I do."

"I couldn't possibly accept this."

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