The Rise of Annixon Bright

50 The Fall of Annixon Bright...

He was able to stop himself before he crashed into Athena who was really weak. He grabbed her by the shoulders, and quickly said, "I need you to reload that cannon. Throw one of the bags there in first then take that staff and shove it deeper, then add one of those metal balls. Use the attached string to fire it. I will tell you when…"

Annixon threw her into the cannon's general direction before he was tackled and both of them crashed into the wood.

Athena noticed she felt a bit better. Annixon healed her but was only able to do it for a tiny bit. She set to works on the cannon.

The two sent out such powerful shock waves that Athena could barely get anything done.

The scarred man dodged Annixon's attack and grabbed him by his foot. He swung him over and crushed him into the ground. This was the first real damage Annixon received before coming to this world. He coughed up a fair amount of blood.

The scarred man laughed, "This is real power. What you have won't even work against me. I have magic immunity, you dullard."

Annixon smiled, "You seem to have missed our previous argument. I have tactics, it clearly seems you don't."

The man head-butted Annixon and broke his nose. It was followed up by a series punched to his face. Annixon's right eye started to swell shut.

The man readied a spell which he aimed directly into Annixon's face. Annixon grabbed his hand and made a temporary script onto his arms. This caused the art to become unstable. Detonating in their faces. The scarred man was sent flying as he crashed into a large rock. Annixon crashed through a bunch of trees and came to rest on the ground. Something in his body wasn't quite right. Pain shot through it. He also had a hard time breathing. He struggled to stand up.

The scarred man slowly walked.

He had a smoke grenade on him as well as a dynamite stick. He threw the dynamite stick at the scarred man. The sacred man wasn't taking any chances and used an art to throw the dynamite into the air. A deafening explosion went off in the air. Annixon used magic to send himself backward as he left a smoke grenade where he stood.

It temporarily obscured Annixon.

The scarred man used a flow art to disperse the smoke.

Annixon stood in the distance waiting for him.

The man surveyed his surroundings. He underestimated Annixon once, he wasn't going to do that again.

When he saw no traps in the immediate vicinity he approached Annixon, "You have fought better than I anticipated. I had to give up my soul to gain such power. I have to admit. I am envious."

"Well, I can't say the feeling is mutual, but one thing I am going to say. Everything you have done was a waste. I could have helped you, but you chose another master."

A powerful explosion could be heard from a distance as the ball traveled towards them. Annixon used the very earth like an anchor and wrapped his arm around the man. At the last millisecond, he shoved the man backward.

The detonation coupled with the shrapnel ripped the man in two destroying most of his mid-section. The top part of the body fell to the ground. It was trying to breathe but couldn't get air. After a few seconds, the eyes dilated signaling death. The lower part was spasming on the ground.

A lot of shrapnel escaped and hit Annixon, severely injuring him. His magic was depleted so he couldn't get enough of a barrier going.

He struggled to walk. He was losing a lot of blood as he tried walking towards. He wasn't expecting an all-out brawl while just slaying a creature. He should have seen that coming.

Even though Athena was still hurting, but she ran to catch Annixon in her arms.

Annixon was white in the face by the time she showed up. He spoke in a whisper, "That weapon cannot fall into enemy hands…Take it to a blacksmith named D'verg."

He placed his hand on her chest and healed her completely with the last of his magic, "I have used the last of my magic on you because you are in a better state than me…I am sorry I wasn't able to save your friends…"

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With that Annixon closed his eyes and went limp. She started to panic. She wasn't going to lose someone else. She ran to one of her deceased mage comrades and looked for a rejuvenating potion. They were incredibly expensive due to the quality, but it was no healing magic. She hoped at least one bottle survived. She was in luck. She was crying all the while when she saw her comrades. She steeled herself and ran back to Annixon with the potion. It wasn't going to save his life but it could at least extend it.

She was luckily a naturally strong woman as she placed Annixon on the carriage. In her sword friend case, it was better to heal him slowly, but in Annixon's case, they needed to get him to an apothecary first.

To lessen the impact of the ride, she places the bodies of her friends first and placed Annixon on top of them. She felt it was gratuitously disrespectful, but if she could save his life she needed to do everything possible. She even went as far as placing moss in and around him.

She started driving as fast as she could.

She arrived at the gates in less than an hour. The men stopped her because they saw her covered in blood. This angered her, "I don't have time for this show me the way to an apothecary!"

The one soldier recognized her, "My apologies Lady Athena. There is an apothecary on standby right there in that room over there."

It was a rule that the Baron instated. To have an apothecary ready at all times in every one of the three gates.

She jumped off the carriage and went to the back, "Help me please, would you?"

The soldiers followed her and saw who she was helping. Strangely enough, they had no grudges against the man and helped carry him to the apothecary.

The apothecary gave him one look and saw the seriousness of his condition, "If he survives the night, it would be a miracle. Don't get your hopes up. I suggest you try and find his next of kin."

Athena remembered the name D'verg. She got some of his work a few times.

She ran to the carriage and hopped on. She needed to deliver this superweapon to him.

She rode as fast as she could. It was already rather late and the streets were relatively quiet.

She jumped off and hammered on the door.

A young dracana opened the door, "The shop is closed, come back tomorrow."

"I can't. A man named Alexon, or something, told me I needed to deliver this."

She pointed towards the cannon

The burly dwarf appeared behind the younger dracana, "His name is Annixon. So I take it you are here with good news?"

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