The Rise of Annixon Bright

51 The Deliverer of Gut-Wrenching News.

D'verg remained stoic as he happens to see the blood dripping from the back carriage. The walls of the carriage obscured the bodies.

D'verg turned to Karuli and said, "Hey little shit, go into the house."

He gently pushed her into the house as he came out with a few blankets, "Cover your friend. It's tasteless to see them like that. I'll help you."

First D'verg took down the walls of the carriage. He placed his hand on the base of the cannon. The green script began to glow and blow winds out from below it. He beckoned Athena to the other side, "This script is designed to make it lighter but we still need to stabilize it. Also, it's a bit of a mana monster. Just channel some of your magic into the other side."

They gently lifted and placed it safely on the ground. Then they pushed it inside the shop, "You will keep your mouth shut about this thing. Are we clear?"

She found the hostility unwarranted. D'verg continued, "Also you said that you had bad news."

He made sure the door was closed, "I don't want the little one to hear it. I will also make sure your people there get a proper funeral."

Athena told him everything that transpired.

By the end, D'verg made a tight fist, "God damn fool…Take one of the horses and head straight down. Just ask the people around and ask for an old mansion. You would want to speak with two pretty human females that live there. I will take care of your friends"

"I don't want to leave them. I have been with them for five years."

"I am going to tell you something harsh. Leave the dead alone, it's just going to break you. You spent some time with them in the end. Give those girls the same courtesy."

The words hurt her deeply, in more ways than one. She begrudgingly took one of the horses and set off.

It took her longer than anticipated but they finally found the place. She went through the gates and started to feel a certain trepidation. This day was the worst in her life. Worse still she will have to let the families know of their deceased sons and daughters.

Before she could go in she started punching the ground and started to cry in a soft wail. She ripped off her armor and tossed it. She was done with it all. Her entire team was wiped out. They should have never taken this job. She decided to keep the axe as a memory to her fallen comrades. She wiped her tears and made her way to the door and knocked.

Nobody seemed to open the door so she tried again. On the other side, she could hear somebody, "Who the hell bothers someone else at this time of day?"

Maania was the one to open the door, "Your annoying Dracana, and we have been told not to buy useless crap, so get lost."

Athena was taken aback by the open hostility, "Could you…"

"No, what? Wait! Something happened to Abixxon!"

"If you are here to slander Annixon I am going to punch you."

"Whoa! Relax. Little elf you are actually scaring me!"

"Good, now get…wait what happened to Annixon?"

"I will only speak to the human girls that live here."

"You don't get it, do you? Everyone that lives here is because of him. That means everyone has an equal say."

"Oh, okay. I take it your care quite a bit about him?"

"No, not particularly. He is a human after all. A good one, but a human."

Athena was getting tired of this tit for tat, "He is dying."

This pissed off Maania, "That is a messed up joke. Leave before I lose my patience."

She made an attempt to close the door but Athena stopped it, "He is with an apothecary at the northeastern gate."

"Wait you are being serious. What happened?"

She told her everything, buy the end Maania felt like she was going to get a panic attack. She started hyperventilating but calmed down after a few moments. She walked outside past Athena and said, "I think I am gonna be sick…"

She immediately started to vomit. Athena didn't know what to do. She hesitated, all she could do was apologize, "I am sorry. It came out of nowhere. He saved my team's life just to be cut down directly afterward. Could you please tell your friends?"

Maania was still reeling from the news, all she could muster was simple, "Yeah."

In her delirium she wandered inside, leaving Athena to herself. She stops to turn around, "What are his chances."

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"The apothecary says he probably won't survive the night."

She bit down on her lower lip trying to hold back the tears. For some reason, Athena felt truly guilty. She knew it would be hard but seeing someone react that way must have meant that he was someone special.

Athena turned and walked to her horse as an older voice sounded out. The younger girl was crying into her, "Where are you going, child? Stay, we will give you a proper meal and bed. You must be traumatized by today's events. Losing your friends like that. Both me and Maania know the feeling. The reason why she is taking it so badly is that she is about to lose someone special to her yet again. So, you are no stranger here."

She was crying softly by the time she finished those words. She lifted her head and smiled, even with the tears streaming down her face. She gladly accepted the offer. Naitra turned with Maania still clutching her dress, completely out of it.

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