The Rise of Annixon Bright

53 Falsely Entombed

Annixon was hovering over his body at the funeral precession, "Oi, old man. Are you being serious!? Send me back to my body! This is hard to watch."

The old man chuckled, "I will only do it when everyone is gone."

"I swear one of these days I am gonna punch you, old man!"

"Well, I guess it won't be happening today. Besides I am controlling the flow of magic in your body to heal it."

"I can do that myself."

"Not when you are on death's door. I had to remove you and use natural magic just to keep your body from failing. We ain't in your world where a…I think you called it a defibrillator, is available. Never mind the act of blood transfusion, but I am proud of you. You took on a necromancer possessed by six Decay Hunters. I knew you would be strong, but that is remarkable what you did. You exceed most humans in your world. It's a good first step against Decay."

"Yeah well, it doesn't feel like it. The girl Athena lost all her friends in that spat, and from the look of things, as I can observe from this position is she is doing really, really bad. I hate the fact that I wasn't able to get there in time."

Annixon was in a maudlin mood. He was forcibly ripped from his body just so he could survive. It reduced his heart to a crawl, giving the illusion of death. That was why the apothocary declared him dead. He could live with that but seeing the girls the way they are…broken. He knew his supposed death would have an effect, but this was just brutal to see.

On the other hand he was glad people cared for him like that. It was like a child losing their parents. It tends to break the children.

He waited patiently as the girls didn't leave for most of the day. What surprised him the most was, how Maania acted. She seemed to be distraught almost broken. He didn't know their connection was that strong.

They finally left, but it was slow going.

He saw their personal carriage that was apparently a gift because some rich merchant neglected to pay the man after a small bet, so he got a bit rough and forcibly took the carriage. When you are drunk one is poised for stupid things.

The old man spoke up, "Okay, they seem to be far enough. Time to wake up oh and the oxygen in your coffin will be a little low. Also, I had some magic reinforce your coffin. It will wear off as soon as you wake up. You also have little magic left so you better make the most of it.

Annixon got whisked straight into his body and slowly opened his eyes. It was pitch black. He could suddenly hear the creaks on his coffin. He used an earth based flow art to cast out the dirt on top of him.

He struggled to get out of the six foot hole he was in, but he did finally succeed to get out. He found a shovel not far from him and used it as a form of a crutch. He knew it would be a bad idea to go home. So he decided to go to one other person he actually trusted. D'verg.

It was in the pitch of night when he finally arrived. Some light was still luckily emanating from the shop. He knocked but no answer. He used his shovel and hammered down hard on the door.

D'verg got such a fright that he thought he was going to die from a heart attack. He was fuming. His apprentice was still asleep and the shop is closed. Who in their right mind would be there that time of day?


What he saw scared him more than the knock, he staggered backwards and cussed, he pointed with a shaking finger, "You…You should be dead! Is this necromancy!? Be gone fowl beast of the dead!"

"Shut up D'verg. I ain't dead. You people are just stupid."

D'verg quickly closed the door behind him, "She is still sleeping. I don't want her to see you like this."

"Well she will have to see me sooner or later."

"Yeah, but not tonight."

D'verg grabbed him into a hug. The pain was excruciating for Annixon, "I am still hurting, you ass!"

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D'verg quickly let him go, "Ah, uuhm that never happened. I have a reputation to hold you see."

Annixon actually smiled at the comment, "I need your help."

"Name it and it's yours."

"I need cooked liver crushed into milk. You must aim for some sort of puree. After that some fruit juice would be nice. I need to lend your shed. I will be needing a blanket and cushion, just so I could rest for the night."

"Done, but why don't you come rest inside."

"I think Karuli will have your ass if she sees me sleeping on the floor in your room. And even if I did hide in your place somewhere I ain't gonna risk her finding me. I will never be able to rest at that rate."

"Ah, point taken."

Annixon headed off to the shed and waited. After a while D'verg came with the goodies. Annixon started drinking the liver-milk liquid and instantly regretted it, but he knew he needed the nutrition. Also he was too hungry to really care. The juice was good enough though. Even though he slept so much already, he still slept like a log.

D'verg's booming voice woke him up, "I will get it from the shed, girl. You get back and go to sleep. You are just going to be a pain in the arse with that crappy mopey attitude of your."

He couldn't hear Karuli but it sounded like she accepted.

D'verg opened the shed door, "Oi, you better heal up quickly and show yourself to that girl. Now get the hell out of my shed."

Annixon smiled brightly at that statement. Good old D'verg is back.

He gathered himself and started to walk. D'verg threw him a proper crutch and a cloak, "I believe that these things are self-explanatory."

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