Annixon arrived at the mansion rather early thanks to a lift he got. Someone happened to be going that way.

He stood in front of the door, took a real deep breath and knocked, but no answer, "Uugh, why does this keep happening."

He tried again. Only after a few times did someone open the door. It was Maania, "Today isn't a good day to be pestering…ing…ing. Whaaa!? The Necromancer still lived!? And know he dared use Annixon of all people! I am going to murder him myself!"

He took the crutch and lightly tapped her head, "Earth to Maania?! I am right here and I am no undead. So, get that out of your head."

Maania fell flat on her ass, and pointed at him, "You, you, you, you…"

"Yeah, yeah I should be dead and no I never was dead. I was in a death-like state. It's called a coma."

"Wait wouldn't' that mean…"

"Yip, you silly little girls…went and buried me alive. Thanks for that."

Maania was trying to say something but couldn't. She just experienced the biggest shock of her life. She ran into Annixon's arms. The two of them fell to the ground. Tears were streaming down her cheeks out of sheer relief and happiness. She started to kiss him, as much as Annixon tried stopping her the worse the kissing got. It got so out of hand that Maania was trying to remove her shirt. Luckily someone else intervened, "As much as I want to see my great-granddaughter this is the most inappropriate place to do that, young lady."

She blushed profusely and quickly got off Annixon. Annixon saw Naitra and smiled, "Thank you for that. I am still hurting pretty badly…and she wasn't letting up."

Maania blushed even more, "The gods must hate me, but I don't regret it and will do it again given the chance."

Naitra spoke up, "You sure you aren't undead."

"Yeah, I was aware of everything the whole bloody time. Just couldn't move my body"

"Well, I am just going to do a little test."

She made a quick swift cut with a knife. Annixon was not amused, "Ouch…was that necessary?"

She took some of the blood and threw a drop of it into a vail filled with a deep purple liquid. The liquid changed and became transparent, 'If you were an undead it would have turned dark red. You have no idea how relieved I am to see you hale and whole. I just don't understand how we missed it."

"Unless you have a way to properly monitor the heart, good luck. Using nothing but feeling or a quick burst of magic for diagnosis ain't gonna cut it. In any case, how are the rest doing?"

Annixon made a face, "Those girls really need some help. Okay, here I go. I will start with Juliza. She seems the easiest."

He came to her room and heard her cursing up a storm, "What am I doing wrong!? Where are you when I need you?"

He quietly slipped into the room. It seemed she was studying something, "None of this makes sense."

He looked at a prototype it seemed she was working on. She was trying to recreate the script he gave her. Annixon spoke up, "You are missing numerous lines and even some curves. Remember it needs to be one unit not multiple, also you are using the wrong base ruin."

"Great, now I am even hearing him."

She turned around to see where the voice came from, "I am really losing it. Now I am seeing the damn fool. Go away apparition."

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"Well, that's wasn't insulting at all."

He looked at his own body and clothes, "And here I thought I was looking pretty dapper, but not my thing. I need freedom of movement."

"If I wasn't delirious I would actually think you are really there."

He gave her a slow clap, "Congrats you finally figured it out."

She fell off her chair, "Holy shit! An undead!"

Annixon shook his head, "I ain't an undead! How many times will I be saying this I was just in a deathlike state? Oh, by the way, thank you for burying me alive."

Maania shot out from behind him, "Not cool. How were we supposed to know that?"

There was a moment of silence, "Well okay. Guess I won't be going back to that hell hole. Man am I glad to see you. Haha, now I can concentrate again."

Annixon left the room with a smile.

He found Anastacia sound asleep…in his bed.

He got a mischievous idea. He slowly crept towards her and wrapped her up in the blanket. He pulled the blanket to make her fall to the ground. She was wide awake after that. She looked around in a dazed state to find the disturbance. She saw Annixon and responded like everyone else so far, "Noooo, they made you into an undead…"

"Good god girl. Do I look that bad? I swear if one more person claim that I am undead I am going to…kick something."

"Wait, you are alive?! How, why, when?"

"All valid question."

He explained to her what happened to him. Anastacia was having trouble getting a grip on reality. She stood up and made her way to him and kissed him. She touched her own lips afterward, "It really is you."

She embraced him in a hug and started crying. Maania couldn't help but feel jealous, "Well, my kiss was longer."

Anastacia peered out from behind Annixon, "Doesn't it feel great?! My lover is back!"

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