The Rise of Annixon Bright

61 First trail a success!

(Author note: Sup ladies and gents, this bitch is back and the novel will be starting up again.)

With the bath finally ready for action. Annixon placed the thunder battery just outside the water. He covered the bath with some leather and cut two holes in each side. He had D'verg make some pipes for him. He also had D'verg make an old school pump as well as some metal containers. D'verg was rather intrusted in the contraption. He even found the old-school pump's design rather unique. Annixon modified it by adding leather to the release and seal valves. Truth be told he wanted to use rubber. So that was a design that was needed next on his agenda. He got one container of hydrogen and one of oxygen.

"D'verg, when you are melting metal ore, introduce oxygen into the mix. This will reduce the carbon content. If we are to make tougher and less brittle metal. This process would be essential."

"Making metal less brittle? Wouldn't that take away from his strength?"

"That is where tempering come in and annealing. You know how to do that, so that won't be a problem. Just know that, even low quality blades made by this way will produce higher strength blades. Now on to the next phase. The most exciting yet. Making Robium. I need graphite."

He took out his book and asked it where he could find graphite. He knew that the modern populace didn't know much of it in that department, because the term came from his world. The curious thing was there was a cave not far from their location. Less than two miles away.

He told D'verg he was only going to be away for a short while. He was back within twenty minutes with a few pieces of graphite. When he got back he started to crush the Robium ore into a powder. While it was considered to be the hardest metal in existence in its native form it was quite brittle.

He used the smelter for this he made two graphite anode using the copper he used to get the gas from water. That was when he ran into a snag. Smoke was coming out but it was clear he needed a lot more energy, "Shit…"

A wind turbine now was on the cards but he needed that energy now. His best short term solution…himself, "D'verg one last favour."

D'verg raised an eyebrow, "You're telling me all this was for naught?"

"No, I just need longer pieces of copper rods. I don't want to be burned to a bloody crisp after all."

"That won't be a problem. I already made a bunch. Thought you might ask for more, you stupid punk."

Annixon was genuinely happy as he smiled, "Thank you, D'verg. I mean it. You have been patient with me for quite some time."

"Yeah, safe it. I want to see this new miracle you are about to pull off."

D'verg was place on observation at the smelter. Blue runes formed around Annixon as his hands sparked to life with electricity. It got channelled along the copper rods and into the graphite. He steadily increased to power until D'verg saw the material light up like a Christmas tree. Slowly but surely material started to trickle from the smelter. D'verg could believe his eyes.

There wasn't much but it was enough to make a short sword. D'verg smiled. When the material cooled down it gave of a blue metallic sheen.

Annixon wasn't happy. This took more energy than he was hoping for. He needed power and he needed it fast. For now he will have to suffice as being the conduit himself.

D'verg grabbed the metal and placed it into a furnace. After a while he removed it, and found it was still cold, "Well, should have seen that coming. This material is truly lost to the ages. It's one thing to extract it but to work it is a different creature all together."

"Nah, I just think we need a stupid amount of heat."

"And where do you suppose we get that?"

"I suggest a volcano, but that might not be necessary. I can engrave the smelter and use myself as the conduit."

"Don't you need a catalyst?"

"Yeah, and a pretty impressive one to boot."

He removed his book and wrote, - Where can I find a very powerful fire based core? –

The book replied, -A dragon heart. One can be found about five thousand miles north-west from here-.

Okay, that was not what he had in mind. So he asked again, -I need a fire core that has the capabilities of melting refined Robium.-

-Heart of the Fire Salamander. One than can be found at the lake of Landenium to the south east where its nest is. One can also be found for sale in the markets for twenty thousand ducats-

Annixon had trouble breathing. Twenty thousand Ducats!? That is a bit much, "D'verg I am going to have to hunt down a fire Salamander."

"You're a right ignorant idiot, aren't you? Now don't get me wrong, I do think you might have a teensy bit of fighting capability but where in twenty hells are you going to find one in short notice?"

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Annixon waved him off, "Don't worry. I got it covered. I will be back before dinner."

"Wanna make that a bet?"

"Well, now that you mentioned it. Hell yeah. What are we betting?"

D'verg gave it some thought, "How about I get supreme leadership of this entire stretch of land."

Annixon smiled, "That's a big ask. Fine, and how about I get all rights to your business. Which meant you have to swear fealty to the cause."

"Deal, a surprisingly reasonable request from you."

"We will talk when we get back tonight."

Annixon headed towards the school. He found Athena busy looking at new students' combat form. She slapped one upside the head and corrected her stance. There was suddenly a bunch of o's and ah's coming from them as Annixon approached, "Athena, I know this might be a tall request but I need you on a mission. I need your legendary knowledge on a hunt."

She smiled and replied, "What are we looking for?"

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