"A fire salamander? You're kidding right? The chances of finding one are a million to none. It would take weeks to find one. With all due respect even you are not an omnipotent god."

Annixon smiled at the statement, "While I ain't no god. I am still pretty gifted. I already know where to find one."

"And where did you get this information. I have first-hand experience that word of mouth is about as reliable as a child hoping to kill a dragon with nothing but a knife."

"Well, all criticism aside, are you willing to help me or not?"

"The expedition would take too long, no I can't. I can't leave the school unattended for so long."

"We will scout the location and be back before dinner. If there is nothing there, we will return. No harm in just checking."

"I can agree with that at least."

"Good, we are leaving right now."

She quickly gathered her axe, told the pupils to disperse and followed Annixon. They both grabbed a horse and set forth towards Landenium Lake.

When they got there Athena started to suffer from anxiety. Annixon was in front and didn't notice this.

Her breathing got heavier and she slowed her horse down. She climbed down and held on to the horse. She was suffering from a panic attack.

Annixon noticed the lack of additional horse stomps and turned around to see where Athena was. He spotted her a bit of a way back, "Ah, crap. It took me this long to notice she wasn't following?"

He rode back towards her and dismounted. He noticed that she was having a panic attack. He quickly rushes to her side and tried to calm her down, "There, there. I am here for you. Think happy thoughts." He said with a smile.

"Annixon, you are not helping."

"Okay, then I will give you something really to panic about."

He pulled her face closer and kissed her. Her eyes went wide in surprise as she completely went blank, forgetting her current situation. She touched her own lips when he stopped, "Heh? We, what, who?"

"Welcome back to earth, Athena. Now you may slap me or laugh. Whichever floats your boat?"

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"Why did you kiss me?"

"I am countering your bad thoughts with shocking thoughts. Congrats, it seemed to have worked."

"You took my first kiss!"

With that he ignored her further protests and hopped onto his horse.

"Oi, Annixon! I am not done with you! Annixon, ANNIXON!"

After about a two hour ride they arrive at the cave. They made their way inside and looked around for any signs of the beast. Athena studied the faecal matter she found, "This seem to correspond with a rather large animal, but this is hard to say that if it's your salamander." They went to the end of the cave and still found nothing, "Seems it used to be here. Maybe another adventurer got a hold of it?"

Annixon started to question the validity of his book. So far it was pinpoint, but not so much this time. A hit and miss.

He made his way out towards the exit where the light was better so he could inquire the book again, but as soon as he got to the entrance a nasty massive lizard creature with flames coming from holes in it body stood waiting for them. Luckily Annixon placed the horses in a safe zone to the side of the cave. Annixon laughed, "Haha, told you. Man I should have made a bet."

She already had her axe ready, "How? How did you know? The chances are…"

"Non-existent? Goes to show, you should have a little bit of faith in your…uuhm…comrade? We should probably kill it now."

The salamander spotted them. Flames exploded from its body. Annixon waved his face to cool himself down, "It's way over there and I can feel the heat. I hit the jackpot."

A blue flame burst from its mouth traveling their direction. Annixon nonchalantly steps in the way and produces wind to cleave the flames, "That is hot! Where is my binoculars when you need them?"

"Is this really the time to be cracking jokes?"

"What?! It's just a beastie."

"I think you suffered brain damage. That is a bloody Fire Salamander, and it looks to me like an Elder!"

Annixon smiled as he used a speed enhancing magic to cover the ground in an instant. He concentrated enough magic in his hand to crush the creature's head in an instant. An explosion of flames engulfed the area. This made Athena panic, but runes appeared all over the flames as it all shot into the air. Annixon nodded and then turned around. Athena could barely contain her laughter. Annixon's beard was thinned and burned and his brows were missing. Some of his hair got singed as well, "Well, that was uncomfortable."

Athena burst out laughing, "Do you know how ridiculous you look!"

"I take it I am missing a few hear follicles." He shrugged, "It will grow back in time."

On their way back after butchering the beast Athena couldn't stop laughing which annoyed Annixon quite a bit.

He arrived at the factory with the sun on the horizon. D'verg looked at Annixon and had no idea what to say. When Annixon climbed of his horse he pointed at D'verg, "Not a word…by the way I won the bet."

He produced the jar with the heart encased in it, "How can I tell that is a Salamander heart?"

"The missing eyebrows not indication enough?"

"I thought that was some silly form of a joke."

"Why would this be a joke? Why would I willingly mutilate myself? Now, I won the bet, time to pay up."

"You are really making me do this?"

Annixon puffed his chest out a bit, "Yip. A bet is a bet."

"Gg, fine. I pledge myself. Yadda, yadda, yadda. You know this is just a silly formality."

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