"A scary thought. Let's not go there. We still have two days and we are well on our way for a forth blade. This means we should consider a fifth."

"A fifth, for who?"

"You picked that up quickly enough. I need it for the Baron."

"Why in blue ball's name should we give that dumbass anything?"

"I want to remain in his good graces for now. I intend to use him to get closer to the emperor."

"Still don't think he deserves a blade of his own. Perhaps a dagger."

"We will need is influence in the coming battle against Sidero's family. Though I have to say they have been remaining quiet for much too long for my comfort."

"It's about a week's trip via coach not to mention it would at least take them a month to muster an army, and then that army could take a month to get here. The rate we are moving at would give us more than enough time to counter them. Our biggest problem will be man power. We have very little in that regards."

"If you were to give a guess, how many do you think we could muster?"

"Five hundred, if we take the young ones, about a thousand?"

"Thousand? That is more than enough."

"The enemy could muster way more than that. I don't think a thousand is going to cut it."

"Let's worry about that for a later stage, for now, we must concentrate on the task at hand."

Somewhere in to the far east of Landenium port, almost a week earlier.

A young good looking lad approached Sidero's coach as it arrived at her intended destination, "Lady Sidero, a pleasure to see you. I take it your trip went well?"

"Gavin, my beautiful boy. I hope you are ready to make love to me tonight, because I am not in a good mood. Where is my father?"

"I am always ready for you my lady, as for your father he is entertaining some guests within the main hall."

"Troublesome guests I presume?"

"Unfortunately, yes. The lady of Casgard wishes to marry into the family with one of her daughters."

"They are outback wretches with no real potential. Why is my father even entertaining the idea?"

"I am but a humble servant, my lady. I do not know the vices of my lord."

She sighed, "Fine, I will go see him. Be in my chambers tonight. You might need to make another child with me."

"I am at your disposal, my lady."

She ventured off towards the hall were her father was entertaining his guests. She smiled and nodded to the people sitting drinking some tea and eating scones with strawberry jam. An elderly well-built man stepped forward to greet her, "How was your trip, my dear?"

"I had some…setbacks. I wish to speak to you about it, in private."

He turned to face them and gave him his best smile, "Ah, but time flies when you are having fun, but I have to cut this short. Familial issues you see."

"Of course, my lord. I wish for a favourable response."

The two males shook each other's hands, as the other party left. Sidero politely nodded as they passed her. When she was sure they were out of earshot she spoke up, "Father, you can't seriously consider marring Elizabeth to those degenerates!?"

"No, I wasn't. Elizabeth is my last daughter to marry out. I need to make it count. I wished for her to marry the emperor, but the emperor wasn't having it. That child is getting any younger and needs to settle down. He needs Elizabeth. So tell me about your woes."

"My husband knew exactly what happened to my son! And he is protecting the individual who did it!"

"And why would that be?"

"Apparently, he is a Battle mage."

"A battle mage you say? We should pull him to our cause if that is true."

"Well, I did try, but he is stubborn."

A random servant came into the room, "My lord. I have a message from Kedrick von Helsgar via pigeon."

"Interesting, bring it here."

The servant brought the message to him. He decided to read it out loud, "Dear Lord Matias. I herby cordially invite you and kin to attend an Auction at my estate. It is one for the Millennia. Very curious. What do you think my daughter?"

"This is news to me. I have no idea what this is all about."

"You think it's a trap."

"They would not dare to incur the wrath of the Marina family."

"So true and it's an auction. Quite curious. Send word that I will be attending. One for the millennia. Huh, guess we will see."

"Father! I wish to teach my husband that he should fear the Marina family, and can't do whatever the hell he wants."

"That requires me to procure forces, and a lot of them. It will take time, my dear. So why don't we enjoy ourselves in the meantime. No harm in attending a little auction while we gather forces. We might even find something worth our time there."

"It is as you say, Father, but he is still a lowly baron."

"He owns a rather prosperous port, my daughter. It was for that reason we married you to him. You don't have to love him, just manipulate him."

"It is this so called Battle mage that is going to be a problem in that regards. It seems he is manipulating my husband."

"Don't worry I will handle him personally. I assume he will be at this auction."

"Most likely, yes."

"Good I will have a chat with him there. He might be a battle mage, but it seems he is trying his luck with the big boys. I will expedite the forces. By the time we are back from the army will be ready to move out."

He stood up and drank some of his tea, "Our first bit of fun, since who knows when."

Sidero smiled, "Ever the war monger, father."

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