The Rise of Annixon Bright

66 The Bout: Everard vs Annixon

Annixon shook his head, "How on earth can you people stand this attire…it's so uncomfortable."

"Really? I think it's rather comfortable."

"Clothes that hinder your movements are immensely uncomfortable, and it looks ridiculous."

The Baron just laughed, "Oh, don't be so cynical."

"Trying to get the blades was a ridiculous push."

He took out a blade and scabbard that was under a piece of cloth and gave it to Kedrick, "We really worked hard on this one. You better appreciate it."

The baron removed the blade slightly and saw it was a Robium blade, "What the? This is one hell of a gift. I take it you want something in return."

"If my plans work out, in due time."

Kedrick smiled, "A small price to pay."

"The blade was created to practical. The scabbard was D'verg's choice. I don't like it."

Anastacia hooked him by the arm, "That's because you have zero sense of style. You are this near perfect human being yet when it comes to style, you are a hapless cause."

"Harsh words, Anastacia."

She smiled proudly, "Of course. If you are going to be the face of the future, then you need to look the part."

"You are making it sound like I want to take over the world."

"Isn't that what you are doing?"

"No, I want to free the world. A total difference."

Sidero hooked in with Kedrick, "Hello, there Battle mage. Not the same riff raff like last time I saw you."

"Wow, you've got a pair on you. Sidero. My last lesson didn't stick?"

"I am here with my husband, not to make trouble. Let's just be civilised about all this."

Annixon started to laugh, "Civilised?!...nah, that went out the window when you tried to condone your son's actions."

Annixon turned around to walk away just to be stopped by an elder looking man. He was well built for his age and had thin grey hair and blue eyes. He seemed to exude an arrogant confidence. A surprisingly good looking individual. He extended his has, "My name is Matias, head of the Marina family. You have been most gracious to my daughter and her son."

Annixon smiled as he accepted his hand, "Of course I have been. How else can we convey emotional respect, Matias?"

"You must be the Battle mage then? I am sorry, I never did get your name?"

"That is awfully narcissistic, don't you think?"

"Haha, of course it is, but it's not so narcissistic if it's true. You will see with today's auction what I mean."

"Ah wait, before you go. I like to introduce you to my right hand man. A true Battle mage in both title and accomplishments."

"If you can call it that."

A man in an overall regalia with all sorts of adornments covering his clothes. He had a look of superiority about him, but Annixon barely registered it. Black hair with brown eyes, though with a gruff look about. He was also slightly bigger that the normal human being, which meant he enjoyed his food. He extended his hand. Annixon smiled and accepted, as he did lightning formed in his eyes. Annixon wasn't impressed, "Spare me, you can't even comprehend what real magic is."

A script crept up the man's arm. This enraged the man, "You dare invoke open hostilities in front of me!?"

"Relax, it but a small, teensy taste of what I am really capable of. There, now try using a simple spell with that hand."

The man obliged him and tried, but nothing came out, "I call it magic suppression, but there is no way in hell you can achieve or even break through it. Now, I will throw your words back at you. You dare invoke a challenge to me?" Annixon shook his head, "You are not my equal, nor will you ever be, so go display your maudlin power somewhere else."

"Maudlin!? You dare go there!?"

"Temper, temper. How would it look if you went off like that in front of so many nobles?"

Matias agreed, "He is right, Everard, but I suggest a small sparring bout. It will entertain the people while we wait."

Annixon smiled, "That is a splendid idea."

Everard smiled, "I will show you what a real Battle mage is capable of."

Annixon sighed, "Save it for the bout."

The two stood opposite each other outside of the venue as more and more nobles gathered to watch the spectacle.

The man had removed two blades from their sheath, as Annixon just stared at him. Everard chuckled, "I would suggest picking a weapon. I can't promise you will survive the match if you don't defend yourself."

Annixon sighed and beckoned the Baron to begin the match.

The Baron nodded, "You both understand the rules. No maiming or killing. Do not aim for any genitals. Any and all other rules are permitted except that the outside onlookers may not intervene."

Annixon smiled and exclaimed to the growing crowd, "Why don't we make this interesting!? Why not place bets on who is going to win!?"

He nodded towards Anastacia to make a massive bet. He threw his blade as collateral, "This will even the odds a little bit."

Everard laughed, "Your funeral!"

Kedrick checked on both sides to see if they were ready and said, "Begin!"

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