The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1113: Meet Yangdou again

Those who originally wanted to ambush others did not know that at this time they became the guide of others.

It sounds like a tongue twister.

Mainly Aoki seized the opportunity.

At this time, there was no special sign on the clothes of the other person, and Aoki could not confirm which one of these people was.

They seem to have determined that there is no deviation from the direction.

Following Aoki's brain, the thoughts turned sharply, and the thoughts appeared one by one.

In the end, I decided to catch it and talk about it.

After all, I don't know what we will encounter if we continue to go deeper. It is safer to seize the immediate benefits.

After the decision was made, Aoki directed the Daw King and Geng Gui to a new round of hunting operations.

The distance between each other is not very close.

Aoki attacked from behind and was not so easy to find.

A total of five people.

The dull king subdued the other's elves, and Geng Gui controlled people to hypnotize directly.

Just the elves who have just entered the level of the quasi-king king, the gap between them and the dull king is still a little big.


Aoki meditation.

Followed by the same process.

He was soon arrested by three of the five.

Plus the person who used to be the bait.

Aoki has captured four people.

But when it came time to catch the fourth person, the other party found out.

But even if it was found, it could not stop Aoki from taking the fourth person.

But the man who took the lead just glanced in horror, without any intention to save his companion, and ran towards the forest at a faster speed.

Looking at the other person's decisive look, Aoki felt almost the same.

If you want to know the information, five people are enough.

But the last one who ran away shouted, "Master Yangdou! Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Talking, while also desperately urging his mount to speed up.

Hearing this name, Aoki, who was about to leave, stopped.


Hunter Guild?

An interested look appeared on his face.

It seems that this time the Hunters' Guild is also a big deal. As soon as it was shot, it sent two or more Tianwang-level trainers.

Aoki does not consider Yangdou to be the leader of this hunter's guild operation.

His strength is not enough to suppress the fire village of the lava team and the spring of the ocean team, and dare to shoot against the iron spin, obviously he does not have this right.

Then there must be someone else in the Hunters Guild.

In this way, Aoki did not want to leave.

Catch up with the dull king again.

Not far from the forest opposite, a plume of smoke wafted from the air. This may be the temporary residence of the Hunters Association, in order to deal with those Alliance trainers who came towards the tree of life.

From the camp in the distant forest, a spirit with a man alone was coming towards this side.

The distance was a little far away, and Aoki hadn't seen the other person's face clearly, but the person who was running in front called it that way, and Aoki also roughly confirmed the identity of the person coming.

"Stop!" The roar came.

It was only a little far away, but Aoki came to the man first.

Aoki's face was still disguised.

Hearing the sound of stop, did not stop.

At this time, at the speed of the opponent, I came to the sight of Aoki.

Aoki is no longer interested in catching people.

Five people are enough anyway.

Solve the last person directly in front of Yang Dou.

If you know that you might run away if you don't shout, it is estimated that your intestines will now be regretful.

If you know that the person is not Yang Dou, you may still have a chance to survive, you may also hate Yang Dou.

That's right, Aoki is going to solve his men in front of Yang Dou.

The approaching Yangdou face was grimly dripping water.

Looking at Aoki's gaze with a fool's intention of killing, there was a little surprise.

When did the people in the league decisively kill them?

Aren't alliances usually choosing captives?

After all, in this space, except for the people in the alliance, the rest of the people dare not ignore his words.

But he didn't know that Aoki was completely intentional, as for the purpose

"Oh" sneered, and turned around and left the dull king.

But Yang Dou was stunned.

Just seemed taunted?

Knowing that Aoki might have the meaning of seduce, but Yangdou, who thought he was strong enough, caught up in anger.

Feeling the movement behind him, a smile appeared under the face covered by Aoki's superpowers.

He beckoned the dull king to slow down the speed of instantaneous movement a little, and don't let him lose it.

This may not be very far from the main camp of the Hunters' Guild. If the two of them fight, they will surely attract the attention of the other party. When there is support, rush over.

Now lead Yangdou away, and it is not too late to deal with him after a safe distance.

Yang Dou did not think much.

He didn't even associate the man in front of him and the dull king with the kid who had been spotted by the hunter's guild, running away with a dull beast.

Although both are flashing elves, he has long forgotten small characters like Aoki.

In his opinion, the two were not on the same level at that time, and now the gap must be even greater.

But he didn't know that what he had done was remembered directly by Aoki, a careful guy.

Here comes the revenge.

The dumb king also remembers that Yang Dou exists, and he cannot restrain his desire to fight.

If it weren't for this person's persecution, Nazi would probably be encountered.

However, it seems that Aoki's superpower awakening has something to do with him.

Then there was such a scene in the forest, a person ran away slowly, a look that made you chase, and the person chasing was really dare to chase, but did not mean to let him go.

In this way, the two ran and chased each other for more than an hour.

At the speed of both of them, more than an hour has been a long distance.

There is also a long distance from the tree of life.

Not to mention that it will attract the attention of the Hunter Guild, even if the noise of the fighting is loud, it will not affect the people under the tree of life.

For more than an hour, Yangdou has gradually calmed down, and there is a hint of thought that he wants to give up.

But noticed that he stopped, and Aoki stopped in time.

Nothing else, provoked again, the **** turned towards the sky, aimed at him.

The meaning is self-evident.

How can this be tolerated? Anyway, this direction is not the direction of the alliance station. What terrible things he has, catch up again.

The opponent is just an elf with super powers. He has the means to subdue him. After the evolution of the dull king is popularized ~ ~, he also knows a lot about the skills of dull king.

The idiot king cannot learn the Eye of Miracle skills.

I have a few evil spirits.

Just after catching up, you should pay attention not to be used by the opponent to move instantly.

This became the main idea in Yang Dou's heart at this time.

I ran again for an hour, this time it was really far enough.

Aoki patted the dumb king's back and made him stop.

The battlefield is here.

"Huh, why don't you run? Lead me here, thinking that there is a trap design. Now it seems that you just run away without a brain, what's the point?" Yang Dou said coldly.

"Yes, of course, it makes sense, so that when you call for help, no one will help you." Aoki also taunted again.

Lift the super power film on the face, the other party may not know yourself.

Start the war directly, let's defeat it first!


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