The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1114: Full battle

Did not give each other more opportunities for communication.

Aoki needs a quick decision.

Throw four elven balls.

The crow's head, Dragon King Scorpion, Madara and Madam Huajie appeared together.

Coupled with Geng Gui and Dao Wang who were already outside.

All six elves of the first echelon played directly.

Seeing the elf summoned by Aoki all of a sudden, Yang Dou's face changed.

He also gave up the idea of ​​ridicule and quickly threw five elven balls.

Including the Heruga who was always with him, the other elves summoned were Cunning Tengu, King Nido, Queen Nido, Mighty Crocodile, and a double bomb gas.

Both the level and strength have reached the level of Heavenly King.

The strongest of them was the Heluga who had been with Yangdou.

Pokemon: Heluga (cyan)

Gender: Male

Level: 64

Attribute: Evil + Fire

Features: get up early

Carrying props: None

Hereditary skills: Flame Vortex, Resurrection, Siege Attack, Fate

Basic Skills: Purgatory, Trick, Lightning Tooth, Gaze, Spark, Long Stalk, Mist, Roar, Bite, Smell Detection, Siege, Flame Tooth, Surprising Strike, Seal, Fraud, Jet Fire, Bite

Teaching Skills: Iron Tail, Hell Spike, Hot Air, Fraud, Loud Sound

Skill Learner: None

A Heruga who entered the peak of the Heavenly King class.

After Heruga, King Nido and Queen Nido, the two elves had a level of 63, then a strong crocodile at level 62, and finally a cunning tengu and double egg gas at level 61.

From here, we can still see what kind of position the man in the Hunter Guild has.

The Hunters Guild is not a one-man talk, but is managed by a group of old guys.

The resources available to the older generations of these old guys can be exactly the same as those of cadres in some forces.

The growth rate of Yangdou is definitely fast.

It may be that he has enough talents, coupled with the strong support of the old guys in the Hunters Association, the materials are tilted to the current level.

Being able to be dispatched to Fengyuan area, as the main contact person of the lava team, there is not enough strength to easily fall behind when negotiating.

All twelve elves spread out at once.

Sun Doo directed his elves to move.

Aoki turned on the electrocardiogram directly and connected all his elves.

From the strength and level of the elves, Aoki itself still has a lot of advantages.

At least the dull king's strength won the audience.

The crow's head gently flapped its wings, and a stream of air flow appeared around all the elves' bodies, and they felt a lot relaxed.

The next thing that happened was Madara. Her dexterous body, plus the tailwind skills of the crow's head, disappeared into the woods in a blink of an eye.

In order to prevent the surprise attack of Madara, the cunning Tengu disappeared into the woods under the command of Yangdou.

The cunning Tengu was originally an elf who was very good at moving in the forest. After entering the woods, it seemed like a fish into the sea, wantonly swimming.

However, Madara also has some advantages. The ice attribute still has a lot of restraint effect on the grass elf.

Afterwards, the crow with its tail fluttered and flew towards the sky, as if ignoring the battlefield.

In the face of the flexible and free-flying elves of the crow head, sun fighting is not a method that can be targeted. After all, the only double-bomb gas that can fly in the air faces the crow head. It can only be beaten. No resistance.

The dumb king silently threw the Eye of Miracle skill directly on his face.

Later, Mrs. Huajie converted her attributes into grass, and left a few grassy fields in the field according to the arrangement of Aoki.

In the end, the Dragon King Scorpion strode forward to the front, facing King Nido, Queen Nido, and a mighty crocodile, three elves, without shaking.

Mrs. Huajie stood behind the Dragon King Scorpion and threw him some auxiliary skills.

There is not much time for both parties to arrange and prepare.

King Nido and Nido struck a healthy pace and rushed towards the Dragon King Scorpion.

In their view, a dragon king scorpion is nothing more than a pinch.


The Dragon King Scorpion yelled excitedly, instead of stepping back, he rushed towards the two elves.

An energy ball condensed on Mrs. Huajie's chest and was thrown towards Nido, hoping to ease the pressure on the Dragon King Scorpion.

Geng Gui smiled and immersed himself in the shadows, not knowing where to go.

In order to prevent Geng Gui's sneak attack, Yang Dou could only arrange the crocodile beside him.

The other most loyal elf, Heruga, rushed directly to the dull king.

When evil spirits face super power spirits, they do have some advantages, but the dull king's water system also restrains the fire system of Heruga.

More importantly, Aoki's dull king is not a simple dull king. The quiet use of miracle eyes can definitely catch the other side by surprise.

And for the elves such as Heruga, the dumb king really knew it.

Geng Gui did not lurk towards the sun, but appeared beside the dull king. According to Aoki's order, he directly played the characteristics of the dragon king and scorpion, and converted to the dull king.

嘭 ——

The first to battle was the Dragon King Scorpion and King Nido.

呲 ——

The sound of the Dragon King Scorpion's four feet rubbing against the ground.

Go back about three or four meters.



The dragon king scorpion smiled when he looked at the two Nidu and Nidu who met with him.

It ’s my turn when you ’re done.

The muscles and carapace of Dragon King Scorpion all swell.

Using it with all his strength, He was suppressing King Nido and Queen Nido in place.

The shocked expressions of King Nido and Queen Nido.

However, it was not shocked for a long time, and Nido was hit directly on the face by the oncoming green energy ball.

boom! !!

Mrs. Huajie's continuous attack will not stop just like this.

Without the help of Nido, the Dragon King Scorpion roared and finally was able to compete with King Nido.

King Nido is not vegetarian. He resisted the attack of Dragon King Scorpion and used the earthquake skills.

The Dragon King Scorpion suffered considerable damage.

At the same time ~ ~ Heruga finds the long-awaited idiot king.

The solid superpower is almost the same as the essence.

Violently attacked Heruga.

However, Heiluga under the command of Yangdou was relying on the advantages of the evil spirits, and did not mean to dodge at all, even taunting his face.

This is the advantage of the telepathic command. The other party does not know what Aoki has prepared, but relies on his inherent knowledge to fight.



Hei Lujia gave a sigh of pain and was directly bombarded, while blood was spilled from the seven tricks.

One blow directly hurts you!

Working with ease, coupled with the dumb king's entry into the full Uranus level, and the speciality of the flashing elves has once again triggered and strengthened, its outbreak ability is undoubted.

Heruga felt that her head had exploded.

Just in the first round of contact, the dull king directly helped the entire team to seize the opportunity.


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