The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1029: Bangui Ethnic Group

From birth to now.

Although Shakira had a good time, he was also very happy with Aoki and many other companions.

But in fact he was still a little lost.

After all, other elves, no matter who they are, have seen their own race.

He alone, Shakira, has never seen his family, neither Kira, Shakira, or Bangila.

This was the first time he had met his own kin.

Say no excitement, that is impossible.

After understanding Shakira, Aoki nodded.

But some preparation is needed.

After summoning the dull king, leaving him with superpower coordinates on the ground, he followed some Bangila to the valley.

After all, Bangila is too strong to have the ability to resist.

If the Bangilas run away, the only chance may be the momentary movement of the Dazed King.

Noticing the appearance of the idiot king, Bangila was halfway back and glanced back. After confirming that the idiot king did not have too many threats, he continued to walk in.

The dull king recorded.

Aoki led the elves toward the valley.

After all, these Bangilas don't just eat ore.

The hunting relationship between wild elves is also vivid here.

Compared to those boring rocks, absorbing a small amount of minerals and energy from it is, of course, not as simple as ingesting directly from other elves.

The three Banghira brought Shakira and Aoki into the valley.

Except for the main work, Banghira, Shakira and Yukira looked at Aoki and his elves with curious eyes.

Especially Aoki.

They haven't really seen creatures like Aoki.

Feel the sight of Shakira and Yukira.

The pure curiosity eased the tension in Aoki's heart.

With a slight smile, opened the storage space and took out a box of Shakira's exclusive energy block.

Although these things are Shakira's characteristic energy blocks, they are best suited for Shakira of Aoki, but they are still very attractive to Kira and Shakira.

After seeing what Aoki took out, the young Yira and Shakira had their eyes brightened and their noses twitched slightly, as if they smelled.

Aoki smiled and delivered these energy blocks to each of Kira and Shakira.

They are really the first time to see these things in the energy cube. It was only after the demonstration of Aoki Shakira that it was actually food.

Isn't food equal to stone?

Food = stones!

This is the basic consciousness they have had since childhood, but now they have been shocked.

But after eating the energy cube for the first time, all of Kira and Shakira were stunning.

There are still such delicious things!

With a touch of pride, Shakira of Aoki introduced them to the functions and effects of energy cubes with a little excitement.

It's as if telling my little friends how powerful his dad is and how delicious his dad is doing.

Full of pride and pride.


Suddenly, the palm of his hand fell from the sky and slaps directly on Shakira's body, stopping what he said.

Turning around, I saw the leader of Bangalla.

Seeing that the fierceness on his face was not there, the other hand carefully held a rough basin made of stone, which contained a basin of water slowly.

Carefully reached Shakira and Aoki in front of them.

It's hard to imagine that with such a large bangla, he was so careful that he might spill the water inside.

At the same time, after seeing the emergence of water, Shakira and Yukira, who were here, swallowed a sip of water, as if the water was a treasure.

Aoki noticed their changes and instantly understood.

How rare and precious is such a pot of water in a place where rocks are everywhere, not everyone can understand it except Bangila.

A small pool of water in this valley may be the main reason for the group of Banguis living here.

Also their most precious thing.

Although they look fierce in Bangui, they are still gentle inside.

Just camouflaged themselves with a strong appearance.

Seeing this scene, Aoki suddenly thought of the memory of the great Bangira mother who was obtained by Kira's mother when she discovered the elven egg of Kira.

Isn't it just such a great elf willing to give his life for future generations?

Although the water brought by Bangila brought some impurities, Aoki did not refuse.

Divide it to his own elf, and also give each Shakira and Yukla a little.

Maybe they have their share every day or even every other time. After all, the water is only so low, it is definitely not enough for them to drink.

Seeing what Aoki did, the leader of Banguila's expression became softer and softer.

She patted Shakira again.


Called out.

So Kira and Shakira ate the water and energy cubes in their hands as quickly as possible, and then followed the leader of Banghira to the open space in the valley.

Aoki looked at them with curiosity.

But I saw one of the three previous Bangilas, carrying a group of Shakira and what Kira was doing there.

It seems like there is some teaching to teach them how to fight.

The teaching method is a bit rough, but Aoki still has to admit that this teaching method may be the most suitable fighting method for them.


Shakira of Aoki yelled beside Aoki.

Aoki smiled slightly and nodded. "Go and see how they train."

Upon hearing that, Shakira immediately smiled and rushed towards it.

Happily like a child.

Maybe he was just a child.

Starting with Shakira hatching from the elven eggs, it's almost a year now.

Regarding age, it may be smaller than all of Kira who was present.

His efforts and growth in just one year ~ ~ are visible to the naked eye.

Aoki was also quite satisfied with Shakira's performance.

Aoki smiled as she watched Shakira quickly integrate into them.

This opportunity to really relax may be what Shakira has always lacked.

After they started training, Aoki took Boscodora to sit directly on the ground.

Closing his eyes with the dumb king, his powers fluctuated.

Boscodora, while watching their training methods in situ, was a little curious, and imitated there.

Only the small broken diamond stayed quietly beside Aoki.

It can be seen that every diamond in the small broken diamond has some strange light flowing, which seems to be undergoing some magical changes.

And the center of the small broken diamond, which is the place where the corner of Zernius is placed, also has a steady stream of fine energy flowing out of it, and melted into the small broken diamond's body.


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