The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1030: Strange Jaw Dragons Strike

When Aoki opened her eyes again.

I was surprised at the scene.

Shakira, who had been obediently listening to the lesson below, was already at the front.

What Shakisha is talking about.

Boscodra, who had been training beside Aoki, also stood beside Shakira, and the two elves worked together to describe something.

It seems to be telling some tips and methods about fighting.

Bangjira, who had given the lecture above, had sat behind all Shakira and Yukira, listening to the lectures of Shakira and Boscodora of Aoki, and nodded from time to time. Look like.

Not just him, the rest of Bangila was sitting beside him, listening to Shakira at the front.

Even the leader of Banguila, although he did not have a modest attitude, stood with his arms around his chest and did not squint, but he occasionally betrayed his feet and tail.

All the elves, whether Shakira or Kyra, or even Bangla, were listening to him.

Teacher Shakira teaches online.

If you want to hear, please register first, first come first served, places are limited.

Interested parties please contact Bosco Dora at xxxxxxxx


Anyway, Shakira is giving a lecture to the Bangilas.

After all, Shakira was tuned by Aoki with one hand, and the understanding of fighting is definitely different from the Bangila who have been here and relying on intuition.

It's not that the fighting skills of the Bangilas are not as good as Shakira.

They each have their own characteristics.

So what Shakira tells is something that the Bangilas have never heard or tried.

A new fighting style brightened the eyes of the Bangilas.

Seeing that Shakira did not have any problems, he took Boscodora and their brains very happy, and Aoki was relieved.

However, the small broken diamond at this time still obediently stayed beside Aoki.

Aoki looked at the elf who was very different from ordinary small broken diamonds, and she was also relieved.

"Why don't you play with them?" Aoki asked.

"Drill?" The small broken diamond gave a surprised look at Aoki.

For the first time, Aoki asked him if he wanted to play.

Reached out and patted the head of the small broken diamond gently, and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, do what you want, do whatever you want. No one will limit you, and you don't have to stay by my side."

The small broken diamond listened to Aoki, and looked at Aoki with hesitation and inquiries.

Seems to be asking, can I?

Nodded without hesitation.

Aoki felt that he might have overlooked the existence of small broken diamonds before.

He is not a cold diamond, but a living elf.

Although the fighting ability may not be very strong, although Aoki's expectations for him may be mainly after the mutation, but this does not conceal that he is an elf with his own thoughts.

Affirmation of Aoki.

The little broken diamond suddenly smiled.

Beating on the ground, heading towards Shakira and Boscodora.

Boscodora saw the little broken diamond come over without any intention of rejection, instead he lifted it directly and let it rest on his shoulder.

The pairing of the two elves was not particularly abrupt.

Watching the three elves playing with a group of Bangla and the Kira, Aoki and the dull king are also a rare relief.

Everything that needs to be prepared is ready, let's wait for it to develop naturally.

Almost two hours passed.

Banguira also ended the lecture.

However, this time is different from usual. This time, whether it is Bangila or the smallest Youkira, you have learned a lot of useful things.

For a time, Shakira of Aoki gradually gained popularity here.

Except for the three strongest bandilas who still regard Shakira as a junior, all the other bandilas regard him as an equal level of existence.

There were even a few young Yuira who regarded Shakira as an idol for worship, and wanted to achieve the same degree as him after his own evolution.

However, they did not know that Aoki did not know how much resources he had spent in order to cultivate Shakira to the present level.

That is to say, Bangila can only live on the rocks, otherwise in such a resource-poor place here, it is basically impossible for the existence of the Uranus-level elves.

The appearance of such powerful three bandiras was already beyond Aoki's expectations.

There should be some secrets in this valley, but Aoki doesn't know yet.

Just when the elves are preparing dinner.

Suddenly the leader of Banguira raised his head high.

Looking out of the valley, let go of the things in your hand.


The leader of Bangla shouted.

After hearing the roar of the other elves, they also let go of their things.



The rest of the Banghiras cried one after the other.

All Banghira, led by the leader of Banghira, walked in a direction outside the valley.

Only a group of Shakira and Yukira remained.

The elves they left were co-ordinated by the soon-to-be-evolving Shakira and hid in the corner of the valley.

Aoki looked with suspicion at the Bangila who were leaving.

Don't know what happened.

Shakira was aggressive.

But soon, Aoki knew what was happening, because he could vaguely hear some roars and footsteps.

"Go! Look around." Aoki's face changed slightly.

With his own elves also rushed in that direction.

The original Shakira wanted to stop, but before they could stop, Aoki they ran away.

The leader of Banguila and the rest of Banguila stood on the edge of the valley, watching the sand gradually approaching in the distance.

Aoki who came over saw this.

It's like a group of elves are approaching here, and there are still a lot of them.


The leader of Bangla's face was serious.

"It seems true that here is not just the Bangla community at the top of the food chain, but also the existence of restrictions on them." Aoki thought to himself.

In terms of single-round combat effectiveness, Bangila will definitely be the top of the same level of combat effectiveness, but sometimes, individual heroism is useless.

Sometimes the quantity to a certain extent ~ ~ can also play a big role.

Especially when there is someone in need behind the strong man who needs care.

This was the case with the Bangilas.

There are ethnic groups behind them that need to be guarded, and the fighting power that can erupt is limited.

Soon, the elves appeared in the dust before Aoki's eyes.

He is also familiar with such elves.

Strange Jaw Dragon!

And it is still a large group with about thirty or forty strange jaw dragons.

No wonder it can become a race that even the Bangui people are afraid of.

Aoki estimates that what they want to compete for may be the pool of water in the valley.

The water source here is the top-level resource. All powerful ethnic groups hope to occupy a water source.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Gain 1112 for the leader of the cold ink boss!

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