The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1031: Leave it to us!

Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this time, the monster jaw dragon group is not far from the Bangui Las.

The chip scanned the information of the leader of the strange jaw dragon.

Pokemon: Monster Jaw Dragon (Teal)

Gender: Male

Level: 75

Attribute: Rock series + Dragon series

Feature: Strong Jaw

Carrying props: None

Genetic skills: Dragon Dance, Lightning Teeth, Frozen Teeth, Rock Sanding

Basic skills: Rockfall, Double-Edged Hammer, Wagging Tail, Impact, Roar, Stomp, Endurance, Invisible Rock, Biting, Coquettish, Primal Force, Dragon Tail, Bite, Dragon Claw, Make a Difference, Earthquake, Angle drill, ultimate impact

Teaching Skills: Dragon's Wave, Iron Tail, Blocking Road, Iron Head, Loud Sound, Snoring, Earth Power, Brute Force, Lame

Skill Learner: None

The teal qualification has reached the level of 75. It has already crossed the Heavenly King level and entered the quasi-champion level.

Really rare.

You can see two wild elves who have broken through the ranks of Heaven in this place.

Just don't know what the world is here.

Let's paradise the rocks.

The leader of the Monster Jaw Dragon and the leader of Banguila do not deal with each other.

But still have to admit, Bangila is far stronger than the strange jaw dragon.

Even no matter what Bangila is, it is better than a single strange jaw dragon, so the other party needs to have so many to dare to challenge.

It is possible that the leader of the strange jaw dragon, even the younger brother around Banghira, and the prince at the peak of the king level, may not be able to successfully defeat.

After all, there is still a big gap in quantity.


The leader of Banguila roared, and at this time he became the rampant sandstorm giant again.


!! !! !!

Banghira behind him also roared unwillingly.


The head of the strange jaw-dragon on the opposite side greeted Bangui La, and also roared skyward.

Unfortunately, this is a rocky area. There are rocky elves everywhere. Otherwise, how the sandstorm giant won this title may let the other party know.

Sandstorm skills have not much effect on the monster jaw dragon.

However, Aoki noticed that the Bangilas were very courageous. This may be the first tie, or it may be a little accumulated from the usual battle wins.

On the opposite group of strange jaw dragons, in addition to the leader, there are a few strange jaw dragons in front, and the strange jaw dragons in the back can see a little tension and awe.

This is the fame of the sandstorm giant.

No exchanges took place and neither side was fighting for the first time.

The leader of Banguila took the lead and rushed directly towards the group of strange jaw dragons.

The rest of Bangila is also close behind.

Around their bodies, the green gradually dissipated, and thin layers of fine sand appeared beside them.

Although the characteristics of the Yangsha can not give them an advantage when fighting the monster jaw dragon, but if you change the way of use, it can still have a good effect.

At the same time, Shakira gave them lessons during the day, which also allowed the Bangila to have a new way to use the energy of sand, rock system and ground system.


With the roar of the monster jaw dragon leader again.

All the monster jaw dragons also rushed towards the Bangilas.

Even those with less guts did not flinch.

Being timid is nature, but this battle is about the future development of the ethnic group and they cannot be allowed to retreat.

Neither side can say that they are right, the other is wrong.

This is the survival of the fittest in the wild for resources.

Aoki and his elves stood still.

Although Shakira was worried, he was not stupid enough to rush to fight.

Obviously, it can be seen that the strength of both sides is not what he can absorb.

From this point we can see that Shakira's mentality has improved.

If it is the original time, we will not care about the strength of the opponent, we will definitely rush up the first time.

Shakira has improved.

Aoki stood in place, looking at the two groups of elves who were about to come in the distance.

The leader of Shakira raised his fist high, with a lot of energy condensed on his fist, and his arrogant physical strength.

If it is an ordinary elf, it is estimated that it will be punched with shit.

Huh! !! ——

The first contact was with the leader of Bandira and the leader of the monster jaw dragon.

But the result was somewhat unexpected.

With only one punch, the leader of Banguila directly blasted the leader of the monster jaw dragon, rolled a few laps on the ground and stopped.

But the rest of the strange jaw dragons were not surprised, as if they were already used to it.

Immediately, two strange jaw dragons rushed up, blocking the leader of Banguila from moving forward again.

And the leader of the strange jaw dragon that rolled away shook his head and stood up again.

Without any hesitation, determined the location of the leader of Banguila, opened the huge jaw again and rushed up.

The rest of the battlefield is also the result.

Often the first weird jaw dragon that came in contact with Bangui La was the worst, and he would not say anything when he was bombed, and he would stand up and fight immediately after bombing.

Otherwise, other monster jaw dragons may not stop.

There are more than three times the number of weirdosaurus than Bangila.

So almost every bandila will face three or more weird jaw dragons.

This is also the main reason that the monster jaw dragons were able to stand still with the Bangui La ethnic group.

The number of battles between the two groups is not once or twice.

They still know a little about each other.

As soon as the battle began, it went straight into the heat.

All the elves are the most primitive and simple, the collision of fist and flesh.

Soon various wounds appeared on both sides.

You can see how aggressive the battle is.

But it didn't take long for the stalemate fighting to change.

Two Jaguars suddenly burst out of the Jaguars group, gave up their opponents, and hurried towards the valley.

The rest of the strange jaw dragons are still able to hold the crazy outburst output of the Bangila.

Looking at the two strange jaw dragons rushing over, Aoki guessed their plans.

It should be that in the group of strange jaw dragons, several strange jaw dragons completed the breakthrough, which caused the situation that originally competed with each other.

But the leader of the monster jaw dragon knows that it is almost impossible to completely defeat this group of Banguila. All they can do is to hold back.

Then send two monster jaw dragons into the valley to **** resources.

That is, if there is a Shakira or is blocked by Kira, there is no need to stay.


The leader of Banguila also saw the outliers of the two strange jaw dragons, and suddenly roared.

However, the number of Banguila was relatively scarce. One or two of the strange jaw dragons could be seen.

If there is one less Bangila, the rest of Bangila will be in trouble ~ ~ But at this time, they have to do so.

Otherwise, let alone drive away the monster jaw dragon to protect the water source, the people may also suffer major casualties.

The leader of Banguila is ready to forcibly stop another Banguila opponent so that he can return to rescue.

If you don't go back, at the speed of the strange jaw dragon, Bangla may not catch up.

Shakira and Aoki, who also saw this scene, also watched two strange jaw dragons rushing, but the goal was not themselves.

"Shaki." Shakira apparently understood the situation and shouted at Aoki.

"Rest assured." Aoki didn't hesitate and didn't reject Shakira's request.

As a trainer, if your elf's request is refused, don't say anything about his companions.


After receiving a positive reply from Aoki, Shakira immediately shouted cheerfully towards the leader of Bangui La.

These two, give us, you continue your battle!


First more! begging!

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