The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1048: Man, just be positive

It feels like it is.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and one punch was punched into two hundred and fifty.

After a small round of powder punching, it looks as if the output is very high, but for Bangui La, there is no pressure.

Fanquan, I punch you with a punch!

When the monster monster was slammed on the ground, Gordon's four elven balls, the elves had been summoned.

All the people who were watching beside him were still staring at the outbreak of Bangla.

Not even Gordon summoned the four elves.

In fact, Gordon didn't notice the status of Juganuma at this time.

Because in his opinion, even if Bangjila is relatively strong, after all, the giant marsh monster has the restraint of attributes, at least for a period of time is still no problem.

What he wanted to do now was to summon four elves at once while everyone was turning their attention to the battle between Bangila and the monster monster, trying to catch a surprise.

What he expected was true. The battle between Bangila and the monster monster really attracted most people's attention.

Not many people can find Gordon summoning the four elves.

It was only when Gordon turned his attention to Bangila in front again, but found that his giant marsh monster was already lying in the hole in the ground at this time.

Slightly stunned.

He even wiped his eyes subconsciously.

In his opinion, the bandila of Aoki was indeed very strong, but it was very strong.

Obviously only heard the sound once, but now the monster monster is lying on the ground.

What the hell?

What does this mean?

This shows that this Bangila is very strong.

Obviously a metamorphosis, OK?

This is a giant marsh monster. Among all the elves, they are considered to have more endurance and endurance.

As Gordon's original wizard, it has been cultivated to the present. In Gordon's view, it cannot be considered weak at the same level.

Even because of the advantages of attributes, they often have the upper hand when fighting.

Now he finally understood what the uproar was before.

But this time he was riding a tiger.

The four elves have been summoned, and they must hold onto Aoki while others don't respond.

No matter how much is sacrificed, it must be done.

Otherwise, he can expect how miserable he will be.

The four elves are flying mantis, fighting mushroom, Haoli and Thunderbolt.

While others' attention was still shocked by the strength of Bangla, Gordon directed the four elves to launch an attack.

He knew that it was almost impossible to beat Bangui in a short time.

So what he has to do now is to bypass Bangila and attack the trainer directly.

Fight for him.

However, Aoki, the person involved, has long seen through his ideas.

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Bangira, crush them!" Aoki said coldly.

The four elves on the opposite side are not as strong as the previous giant monster, but there are only a few in number.

But their opponent was Bangila, and Aoki had no desire to command the battle.

Too weak, still too weak.


Hearing Aoki's order, Bangila once again showed a fierce smile.

The body did not move, but from the crevices on the ground, grains of sand gathered at Bangila's side at a rapid speed.

In addition to the sand, there is a relatively large rock.

These rocks became sharper under the control of Banguila, as if you could see the sharpness at the corners of the rocks.

Spike attack!

The first thing to bear Bangla's attack is to reload the first flying mantis.

There is no room for him to operate, even if he flies in the air and moves back and forth, trying to avoid skills.

However, the spiky attack of Bangui La, but got the true biography of Boscodora, each rock launched the attack at a different angle.

It's like tracking missiles, no matter how the other side dodges, it can't avoid the attack.

Sure enough, after a series of attacks, the flying mantis fell to the ground.

Lost the combat ability directly!

In just one round of sharp stone attacks, the flying mantis lost its combat ability.

But it is also due to restraint of attributes.

The flying mantis, which is a worm and a flight, is four times restrained by the rock skills.

You have to know that the strongest thing in Bangla now is the explosive power of rock skills.

One of the elves was lost, but the other three elves had no intention of stopping.

The oyster mushroom, Haoli and the thunderbolt, attracting attention with the help of the flying mantis, have now come to Bangla.

Just when everyone thought they were going to attack Bangila.

The three elves chose the direction of turning collectively.

Mushrooms and Haoli are fighting spirits that can deal four times more damage to Bangla.

However, due to the sign of the giant monster marsh and the flying mantis, Gordon commanded them to directly bypass.

They don't want Bangla to be positive, but that doesn't mean Bangla doesn't want to come with them.

Fight between men!

Just be positive!

Huh! !!

Huh! !!

His hands shot like lightning.

Accompanied by two muffled sounds.

The running oyster mushrooms and Haoli's bodies stopped abruptly.

At this moment both the elves looked horrified.

When it came to knowing that his trainer was letting him bypass Bangla, the two fighting elves were still uncomfortable.

Whenever fighting fighting spirits dare not just face up.

It was only because of the order of the trainer that it had to be done.

When noticing that Bangila's hand stretched out, grabbing directly to their neck ...

One is because it is really fast, and the other is that the two elves want to give Bangila a dismount.

Can the body of the fighting elves be touched casually?

嘭 —— 嘭 ——

But the result was beyond their expectations.

The fistula mushroom and Haoli fisted out when Bangila grabbed them.

With the speed bonus of running, the power is quite scary.

However, it was discovered that Bangila's arm only paused for a moment, then grabbed their neck again.

The two elves who were running at full strength were caught by the neck and almost choked themselves.

Bangila's arms were motionless, but they stopped.

class! !! !!

With a roar, Bangjira swelled up his muscles and grabbed the two fighting elves, still slightly reluctant.

But he's done!

Then the next thing is the picture that children cannot directly watch.

Bangila's height of three meters and two is not comparable to the two elves.

Straightening his arms, I lifted them into the air.

Hold high!

The next thing is of course to hold the girl in your arms.

But Bangila is more straightforward.

A raging flame appeared above his hands.

Fire fist!

Then with a very powerful gesture, he slammed hard towards the ground.

boom! !! !! boom! !! !! !!

Two sounds sounded ~ ~ followed immediately by the explosion of the ground.

Click! !! Click! !!


People watching around turned upside down, because Bangui La with two elves directly sank the ground to a depth of more than 20 cm.

As for the state of the two elves at this time, it is probably unnecessary to think about it.



I don't know who took the lead, and the sound of drooling voices appeared around the battlefield.


Ten more eighth more! begging! Please subscribe! For the fourth leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow Reward, add 5/11!

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