The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1049: Come on Ultraman!

They did not see too much power-type battles.

But it was the first time I saw such a simple and powerful combat.


It is totally a unilateral killing.

Since Gordon summoned the four elves, the audience felt the difference.

Then I saw Aoki's indifferent expression and the savage look of Bangui La, who was originally envious of Gordon, but at this time it was showing mercy.

Gordon was also pale.

Never seen such a Bangui.

Is this elf really Bangui?

I believe that many people have the same thoughts as Gordon.

Is this a monster at all?

Hey? This is the Elven World. There are big monsters. Is there any Ultraman nearby? need help...

Although Gordon was shocked at this moment, Gordon was still sober.

At the cost of three elves, it was finally one of them that bypassed Bangila.

The Thunderbolt successfully broke through Bangilla's defense.

As long as you can hold Aoki, everything is worth it.

Maybe that time will still be able to take this perverted bangla in your pocket!

Thinking of it, Gordon even felt a little fiery.

But the arc of the corner of Aoki's mouth is getting bigger and bigger.

Too underestimated Bangila.

Gordon still underestimates Bangila.

Forget what Bangila's nickname is?

Sandstorm Giant!

But Aoki didn't call her that.

This is the Sandstorm King!

The existence of a king is even higher than that of a monster.

It is also because Bangila's grasp of energy has reached a level.

Really thought that the Thunderbolt broke through the defensive range of Bangila?

Just as the thunderbolt bypassed Bangila and rushed to Aoki.

From the beginning, the sand that entangled around Bangla was directed at the lightning beast at lightning speed.

At this point Bangila had turned around, and all the sand shot from his feet.

Entangled one foot of the thunder beast directly.

Let the thunderbolt in motion run a stun.

Looking down, he found a rope made of sand.

And the sand is connected by Bangila.

The sand is gradually exerting force, and it is useless to let the lightning beast struggle.

Even the sand started from his feet little by little, wrapping his body all over.

The look to swallow him completely.

Thunderbolt is struggling frantically.

But the more you struggle, the more excited I am.

Under the control of Bangla, the sand wrapped the lightning beast at an extremely fast speed.

Until he was completely wrapped, there was no chance of resistance.

And when the sand is all wrapped up.

The Thunderbolt appeared in front of Bangila.

Without any hesitation, and without any sympathy, he directly lifted his feet and stepped on it severely.

Those who watched at this time finally confirmed that the battle was not easy.

According to their understanding, Aoki should not be a bully who likes to bully the weak, and he will not play hard after the opponent defeats.

But now all of Gordon's elves, without exception, have lost their fighting ability under the violent attack of Bangla.

And the status quo is quite miserable.

Bangila's shot was all-out.

At this moment when others looked at Bangla, they were a little shocked.

Some even wondered if Bangui Aoki had the rank of Heavenly King.

Only those who are relatively strong, such as Yuanzhi and Junsha patriarchs, can confirm that this Banguila is only invincible at the same level, and it does not break through to the level of Heavenly King.

But this is the most shocking.

Do you know what is invincible?

That is to say, as long as there is no big difference in level and there is no big class gap, any elves are not rivals in front of Bangla.

Of course, saying invincible is a bit exaggerated.

However, this Banguila in Aoki does have the qualifications of an elf of the same level.


After defeating the five elves, Bangla's desire to fight | the desire finally came out.

Open your arms and grow up.

The sand on the ground scattered under the unconscious control of Bangla, flying in the air.

It instantly became a sandstorm area.

Covered everyone and all the elves.

But it did not cause them any harm.

After the sandstorm spread, Bangla's screaming ended, and control of the sand was abandoned, and all the sand fell to the ground.

In an instant, an island with little sand originally turned into a desert island.

Although because the island itself is not very large, Bangila at this time has the ability to change the landscape.

Even Aoki's Maharaj has the ability to change the landform, but it is not as simple as Banguira and the scope is not so large.

Bangira's debut, the first appearance in front of the crowd, has brought enough shock to everyone.

At this time, Ogo, who was standing not far from Aoki, looked at Bangui La with a very strong interest in his eyes.

Bangla is also a rock spirit, what he is good at is the steel and rock spirits. Now it seems that the elves of Bangila are quite suitable for him.

What makes Ogo more interested is that I don't know which elf is stronger after Bangjira has raised his level to the same level as his glittering giant gold monster.

This trip to the steel space, but the flash characteristics of the flash giant gold monster was triggered for the first time.

Become stronger.

After Bangla ’s release, Aoki walked to him with a smile, and patted Bangla ’s arm lightly in praise.

With a height of three meters, Aoki could not even touch Bangila's shoulders even if she jumped up.

Feeling Aoki's unequivocal compliment, Bangila's face suddenly showed a smile, and her self-confidence was stronger.

This was his first battle after evolution.

For the first time, he knew that the combat ability he had burst out could be so strong.

So after super evolution ...

Thinking of it, Bangla's heart was even more fiery.

Aoki slowly came to Gordon.

The smile on his face faded away.

"I gave you a chance. I only used an elven banjara, but it looks like you are not sure." Aoki said lightly.

Gordon's face was very pale at this time, and even his lips lost color.

His eyes were apathetic, and when he heard Aoki's words, he didn't know how to respond.

"Come!" Aoki whispered ~ ~ and heard a word.

Two people wearing the Union Intermediate Search Officer costume walked out of the crowd, saluting Aoki. They just saw the battle in Bangila just from beginning to end.

"Catch it," Aoki said to Gordon.

Upon hearing Aoki's order, the two came out a little dazed.


However, as a search officer's professionalism, they still obeyed Aoki's order and arrested Gordon.

Genji and Junsha patriarchs came to Aoki.


Ten more ninth more! Please subscribe! begging! For the fourth leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, we will add 6/11!

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