The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1059: Dream Gene Research Project

"Boss." The bald researcher came to Sakagi.

"This is Xia Bo, the chief researcher of this fantasy gene research. He has the ability of no less than any elf doctor and is the chief commander of this research." Banmu said to Aoki with a smile.

Then he said to Xia Bo, "This is Aoki, a new cadre, you can't look down on him."

Aoki and Xiabo looked at each other, then smiled.

"Dr. Xiabo." Aoki reached out his hand.

Xia Bo also stretched out Aoki and shook it gently. "I have heard of the name of Aoki cadres for a long time. The first place from the trial, the person in charge of Fengyuan District, how dare I look down . "

They both laughed happily on their faces. As for what they thought, only they knew.

After Xia Bo and Aoki had finished their greetings, they looked at Sakaki again, "Boss, Aoki cadres are ... for that matter?"

After hearing that, Sakagi nodded, "Yes, mainly for that matter."

Aoki didn't know what the two were talking about, but didn't ask.

"Let's take a look first," Sakagi said to Aoki.

Later, under the leadership of Xia Bo, they briefly visited the laboratory.

Just visiting a part of it was enough for Aoki.

In order to study the genes of dreams, the resources invested by the Rockets can only be described by massive amounts.

At this time, the research of fantasy genes has been from the beginning to recreate fantasy, and now the dream genes are integrated with the genes of other elves.

Because I don't know what kind of elves or which kinds of elves are better fused with fantasy genes, so there are almost all elven genes in this laboratory.

Even the legendary elves have many.

For example, the Three Gods, or the Three Gods.

There are too many types of elves, nearly a thousand.

Then there are more permutations and combinations, and there is almost no end.

And it's not to say that fantasy genes may only have a high degree of fusion with one or two genes, and there may be dozens of genes.

Even some genes were originally at odds with the dream gene, but under the combination of multiple genes, it was very suitable for fusion with the dream gene.

It depends on whether the researchers understand the characteristics of each elven gene and whether there is a more suitable combination.

and many more...

"No wonder one research requires so many resources and so long." Aoki thought secretly.

At this time, the study of the combination of fantasy genes and other genes has only just begun.

"How is it? Aoki, after seeing some, do you have any feelings?" Xia Bo asked with a smile.

Aoki showed a shocking look, "It is indeed our Rockets, and indeed it is Dr. Xia Bo. Such courage and ability are somewhat unimaginable."

Sneakly patted a rocket and Shab.

Wear it all, don't wear it.

After hearing Aoki's words, the smile on Xia Bo's face was indeed more obvious.

Without saying much in this regard, the three came to a relatively remote corner. Aoki found that the research of these people seemed to be different from what I had seen before.

"Xiabo, explain to Aoki." Banmu said to Xiabo.


After Xia Bo nodded, he said to Aoki, "You should also participate in the exploration of Aoki cadres and dream islands. We found some dreamy hair from the dream relics, and successfully collected the dream gene from above.

In fact, our initial idea was to clone another dream completely obeying our orders through the dream gene.

But contrary to our wishes, we found that when a large number of fantasy genes were recombined, for some unknown reason, the genes would collapse as soon as they contacted each other.

So fantasy cloning after we spent a lot of time and resources.

One conclusion is that dreams cannot be copied! "

With that said, Xia Bo paused for a moment and organized the sentence in his head.

"So, later in our research team, there were some differences, many people came up with different ideas, and various research directions emerged.

Finally, for a series of reasons, it was decided to continue these branches.

What you just saw is the research on the integration of fantasy genes into the rest of the elven genes. At present, this research has also become our main research direction.

But not long ago, another direction of research was to get some results. "Said Shaber.

Aoki nodded, as Xia Bo said, another issue should be related to where he is now.

After tapping the instrument here, Xia Bo continued, "It's here.

The main direction of research here is ...

Since the fantasy genes will collapse at the moment of recombination for some unknown reason, does it mean that there may be people or elves that control these genes.

In the end, our guess is that dreams, whether intentional or unintentional, must have some connection with these genes and dreams.

So we grasped this direction and conducted research, and finally got some results. "

At the end, there was a hint of excitement on Xia Bo's face.

At this time, he was completely immersed in the research of fantasy genes, and any harvest would become the reason for his excitement.

When hearing Xia Bo's words, Aoki was a little surprised.

Looking for a relationship, or connection, with fantasy through fantasy genes?

Still thinking of such a ghost?

It is indeed Xia Bo.

It is called by Sakagi. Without him, there would be no man with a dream.

"So we inadvertently found a passage to the unknown space through these invisible connections ..."

Hearing here, Aoki knew what his mission was.

Feelings is to find an unknown channel leading to a space where there is no idea whether there is a dream or not, and one needs to investigate.

"Because the distance is a bit long and the cost is high, we have only manufactured a one-time conveyor for the time being, which can only allow one person to complete one round trip. And it is best for this person to have a certain superpower, most The good thing is that at the same time this person has a little sensitivity to space, "Xia Bo explained.

So when Sakagi told Aoki to join the mission, Xia Bo's attitude towards Aoki was good because he knew that Aoki was a superpower.

Wen Yan ~ ~ Aoki's heart moved slightly.


Still have some spatial sensitivity?

It seems that there is still some danger when transmitting.

"In this case, isn't Lord Nazi the most suitable candidate?" Aoki asked, with a hint of doubt.

Nazi's super powers and space abilities are almost human beings that can crown the entire elven world.

Also, how did Sakagi know that he had a certain amount of space?

How do you know that you have a certain sensitivity to space?

"Nazi is not OK," said Xia Bo, shaking his head directly.


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