The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1060: Download Information

"Nazi's super powers are too strong. As soon as she enters this transmission channel, the channel will crash." Xia Bo explained.

"I asked Nazi for her opinion and she recommended you in the end.

She said that your current super powers can perform this task, and there is a hint of space in your super powers, saying that you have enough space talent. Sakagi then said why he knew why Aoki was sensitive to space.

That's why Da Lao Yuan called him.

It turned out that Nazie encouraged.

Wasn't it the last time she passed through Golden City, and she didn't visit her, she was remembered by her?

Aoki had a slight headache.

This woman with a bad brain ...

However, Aoki was not very angry.

This may seem like a certain danger, but is it an opportunity?

An unknown, never-explored space.

Just think about the benefits of Aoki in the space of Sherabi.

And there should be no other people in this space, only Aoki and wild elves.

This environment is his favorite.

In the wild, humans are more terrifying and troublesome than elves.

Moreover, Xia Bo also said that this transmission device has the ability to go back and forth once. As long as you think, you can come back any time, but the completion of the task is still open to question.

However, no one is staring at himself anyway. What's in it?

If there is no trace of fantasy, the Rockets don't need to spend a lot of resources to invest in this research.

If there is a dream, it may face the Rockets' aggressive offense.

Aoki nodded.

Seeing Aoki agree, Xia Bo's face suddenly appeared happy.

"Wait a minute, I'll get ready, and I'll be able to teleport later," said Xia Bo, leaving.

"Wait a minute, rest for two days, and then teleport two days later." At this time, Sakagi interrupted Xia Bo, who was too excited.

"Yes! Yes! It is necessary to prepare first, to be able to carry out this task, and I do not know how long it will take to return." Xia Bo patted his head.

Aoki did not object.

"You need to prepare first, you can put forward any needs, and at the same time you better arrange your own things first." Sakagi told Aoki.

Hearing Sakagi's words, Aoki lowered his head for a moment and thought deeply.

"First of all, make sure that this space does exist? I don't want to travel back and forth in the vast alien space after teleporting.

There is also a transport device that can perform one round trip. Is his security reliable? It's not that you are in doubt about Dr. Xia Bo's ability, after all, it's about ... "Aoki said here and stopped, everyone will understand.

"At this point, you can rest assured that we have determined the specific size of this space, and even some basic terrain distributions have been scanned. Before you go, we will give you a map of this space.

As for this transmission device, it is only conservatively estimated to be transmitted back and forth once. In fact, according to our calculations and analysis, even if it is transmitted back and forth twice, there should be no problem, except that each transmission requires a certain buffer time, which means that you After the teleportation has passed, it may take three to seven days to accumulate energy before being able to transmit again. "

Xia Bo didn't mean to be angry about Aoki's question.

After all, this task is not only about Aoki's life, but also the Rockets' pursuit of fantasy. At this point, no one dares to fool Sakagi, otherwise Sakaki's anger is not something others can bear.

"And we have also gone through some tests, mainly because the cost is too high, even our Rockets can't afford it, so we can only let one person go and see if there is a dream, it will be given before you go You have a device that can help us save more space to build and will teach you how to use it. "Xia Bo said.

Sakaki nodded, looked at Aoki, nodded to him, "No problem."

Seeing Sakaki nodded, Aoki's last fear was relieved.

Sakagi's words are still very credible.

"Then I ... need to use the computer in the laboratory to query some information, and at the same time I don't know how long it may stay, so I want a lot of materials and strive to allow me to stay longer in that space, explore more Be more comprehensive. "Aoki put forward his own conditions.

In fact, this is an equivalent exchange.

Sakagi groaned a little, and did not immediately agree.

After glancing at Aoki again, he nodded. "Okay."

After speaking, walk directly outside the laboratory.

At the same time a voice came, "Xiabo, Aoki's request will be given to you."

"Yes!" Xia Bo answered.

"Let ’s go, cadre Aoki. I'll take you to our computer room. I don't know which aspect of the information you want to query? Our laboratory contains all the information collected since the establishment of the Rocket team, but Not one or two computer locks can hold it.

It is a computer group. If you can tell which aspect of the query, the search will be much faster. "

Aoki nodded, and hesitated a little, then said, "I want to find some information about the development of elf and elf qualification skills."

In fact, Xia Bo means that Aoki can only find some information.

This already gave him a lot of permissions.

That is, Sakagi agreed, otherwise the people here, including himself, would not have access to all the information.

Soon, the two came into a somewhat cold room, and the room was flashing red and green light everywhere.

There are huge computer hosts everywhere.

It really looks like a computer group.

"Here is the information you want to find. Aoki, although you have been granted the authority granted by the leader, you still have to say that everyone can only use it for up to thirty minutes, after which you need to apply again." Finally reminded.

Aoki nodded to know.

Xia Bo then left, leaving Aoki alone.

If Aoki does not go out after half an hour, he will return again.

Pull the chair straight away and sit down in front of the only monitor.

Control the computer with your right hand, avoid the monitor in the room with your left hand, and gently place a finger on the computer's main unit.

For a moment, the microcurrent that appeared on Aoki's finger was directly connected to the computer.

"Chip, download information," Aoki ordered.

Suddenly, Aoki felt that the amount of microcurrent on his fingers increased ~ ~ brought a slight numbness.

Keep your eyes on the content on the screen.

In fact, there is a screen in front of Aoki, which is the progress bar of the chip download information.


The speed of this progress bar is really slow.

At the same time, Xia Bo came to the monitoring room, staring closely at Aoki who was looking up the information to see if he had any small movements.

"Chip, filter downloads, keywords, qualifications, skills, training, wizards." Aoki saw the speed of this progress bar.

The time is obviously not enough, and there is no choice but to download selectively.


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! For the fourth leader of Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow, we will add 9/11!

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