The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1089: Throw "pebbles" into the lake

Times of Day.

I walked through this outer forest.

I entered the grassland.

虽然 Although the number of wild elves here is quite a lot, because there are no shelters, most of the elves here are attacking directly.

Few sneak attacks exist.

Walking on this grassland, you can see many power spirits.

Like the hordes of Kentero.

This group is a hegemon on the prairie, and few elves go back to find them.

It's not worth it. A group of bisons who may go crazy at any time, don't provoke them casually.

Then there is a group of rhinoceros and unicorn rhinoceros.

Their existence is more troublesome and horrible than Kentero. It is because this kind of elves' defense ability is too strong. If they don't have the ability to deal with it, it is better not to cause them trouble.

In addition to these two groups of elves.

There is also a kind of elves that has attracted Aoki's attention.


Elves with general attributes are also known by Aoki, a kind of elves that can super-evolve.

The elf, the most famous is the relationship between the mother of the wolf and their offspring.

It is said that the baby marsupial will live in the mother's pocket for three years before leaving. The marsupial mother is willing to pay for even her life in order to protect her child.

And when the marsupial is super-evolving, as long as she has a marsupial in her mouth, both elves will be affected.

I can say that this is the only situation in the elven world where one super evolution can affect two elves.

Aoki their arrival, so that the original calm grassland, there suddenly appeared waves.

I was like a pebble dropped on a calm lake.

The wave will soon affect the entire grassland.

When I first entered the grassland, nothing happened.

It was only after encountering a bunch of Kentero that things changed.

Because of Bangila, they saw a few strong Kentero members in the Kentero ethnic group.

Aoki saw that his elves were able to show interest in the good Kentero, and then they knew how much they were obsessed with fighting.

I was actually Bangla.

In the previous forest, in order to hurry, I did not deliberately search for a large group of wild elves. The wild elves that encountered the attack were all quasi-tenno existent, both in the hands of Boscodora and Flaming Chicken. No more attacks.

He did not participate in the battle.

For a month, apart from making him feel particularly energetic when playing against the ape, usually he only had to train and retrain.

I was almost fading out a bird.

I entered the grassland now, and actually felt some danger from a group of Kenteros, how could I bear it.

I have to fight one battle.

Bangira is like this, but Boscodora and Flaming Chicken are not.

Their obsession with the King of Heaven is simply heartbroken.

Aoki is not worried that they will not be able to break through to the Heavenly King level, just that they are too attached to this and hurt their bodies.

Looking in front of herself at this moment, six burning eyes leaned on the sand chair, with one hand resting on the handle, and the other hand stroking Leo Lu's Aoki slightly, and felt a little pain in his head.

Have you deliberately cultivated a few combataholics?

It seems a bit uncontrollable?

He waved his hands helplessly and motioned them to go.

Then took out an elf ball and summoned Mrs. Huajie.


As soon as Mrs. Huahuajie came out, she felt the fresh air on the prairie, and then she happily showed a sweet smile.

With the appearance of a smile on Mrs. Huajie's face, centering on where she stood, the surrounding ground was full of flowers.

Flowers of various colors are blooming one by one. At this time, Mrs. Huajie, with white petals, seems to be incarnate as a flower fairy, and is completely integrated into this flower bush.

And the range of flower bushes is still expanding a little bit.

I slowly attracted the attention of the elves on the prairie.

Aoki knew that Madam Huajie saw this grassland and thought of the place where she once lived, and felt the flowers in the grassland subconsciously.

As an elf who can control flowers, Mrs. Huajie created a flower bush, which is not difficult for her at all.

Aoki didn't say anything, Mrs. Huajie was just happy.

I called her out just in case, just in case, to prevent Bangilla from fighting too much in the battle, facing the irritable Kenteros, they could not restrain themselves and accidentally hurt themselves.

However, obviously, Aoki still underestimated their sanity.

虽然 Although they are a group of reckless husbands, they also like to rampage when fighting. Being able to solve their opponents with one hit is absolutely unwilling to use a second punch, but this does not mean that they have no ideas of their own.

What kind of reckless man is the most terrifying?

智慧 The wise and strategic reckless husband is the most frightening!

班 ——

Bangira said something to Boscodora and Flaming Chicken, and the three elves quickly developed a tactic.

Ao Aoki watched from a distance, without being involved in their battle for the first time.

I really want to see if their self-combat ability has increased during this period.

The teachings of the Scaly-tailed Scale Ankylosaurus, the combat skills and the use of energy learned from the moving apes.

The three elves were quickly consulted.

Facing the breeze coming out of the grassland, all the "bears" on the flaming chicken were suddenly covered by flames and rushed directly towards the Kenterro group.

The fiery red figure quickly caught all of Kentero's attention.

Flame Chicken is running faster and faster.

肯 And the Kenteros were agitated.

Haw spouted white gas from their nostrils, and his hind feet throbbed on the ground from time to time, looking like he was about to move.

The flickering effort of the flaming chicken appeared in front of them.

I didn't even have a chance to respond.


He stomped on the nearest Kentero head.

踩 Stepped him directly on the ground.


As Kentero fell, the ground shook slightly.

Then, with the help of the rebound force, the Flaming Chicken pulled back a few times to open the distance.

Then ...

The entire Kentero ethnic group rioted.

I don't care about my companion who fell to the ground ~ ~ Crazyly moving his hoof toward the flame chicken.

The flame chicken seemed to be provocative, standing on the ground with his fingers, waiting for a while before running back again.

班! !! !!

! !! !!

At this time, Bangui La and Boscodora, who had been preparing for the start, yelled in excitement.

Aoki looked at this scene.

I take back that sentence ...

This is definitely a tactic that Bangila came up with, the Flaming Chicken to attract hatred, and then ...

They are going to face up directly with a group of Kenteros.

Bangira is twisting her body and using Dragon Dance skills.

This skill he also learned some skills from the scale-tailed dragon, the release speed is faster, the increase effect is stronger.

Bosco Doral roared, and a huge rock suddenly appeared on the grass.

Then these rocks disappeared directly.

This is not about throwing a stone into the lake. This is about throwing the atomic bomb into the lake!


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