The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1090: Strongest trick

The flaming chicken quickly ran past Banghira and Boscodora.

Here is to see their two main forces play, they just need to restrain them from the side.

Bangira and Boscodora stared at each other.

The two elves lifted their feet almost at the same time, savagely.


Boom! boom! boom!

The ripples appeared on the ground, and cracks of various sizes appeared on the grass.

The double earthquake shook towards Kentero rushing over.

The leading ones lowered their heads, and whether or not there were hidden rocks in front of them, they now seemed like crazy charges.

Then it turned out ...

The invisible rocks were directly smashed by them, but the earthquake was not so easy to deal with.

The cracks in the cricket made some of Kentero's attention a little bit, and the hoof directly caught in the crack, and then tripped. Once one fell, the back began to fall successively.

There are actually a few of Kentero who can guarantee their rational existence, and barely walk around this group of fallen Kenteros.

班 ——


Bangira and Boscodora roared at the same time.

He stepped forward and rushed towards Kentero.

Bangila's body appeared rubble, while Boscodora lowered her head directly, and there were a few light-colored sharp corners flashing slightly.

I'm not afraid of anyone else!

Soon, the two elves finally touched together.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Uh ...

I was like bowling. Boscodora, who used a double-edged hammer, was more Kentero than Kentero, and all Kentero he encountered on his way was knocked off.

Bangila then smashed into the Kentero group with a rock fragment, as if in a state of no one, grabbed a horn in one hand, and stopped the charged Kentero directly.

I can imagine how much power this requires.

After a while, the flaming chicken, which had already run away, did not know when it would reappear.

Standing on the periphery, grabbing one at hand was a violent meal.

敌人 Anyway, there are enemies everywhere, as long as you use what you have learned from the rod-tailed scale dragon and the moving ape during this time.

I haven't encountered such a target for a long time.

At this moment, Aoki, sitting on a sand chair, looked at the scene.

Poke yourself ... shouldn't they just let them fight like this?

The huge roar has successfully attracted the attention of all the elves around.

However, the combat effectiveness shown by Bangila, Boscodora and Fire Chicken is not bad.

I can see that the respective fighting abilities and skills of the three elves have been greatly improved.

I did not dare to compliment the ability of the three elves to cooperate without Aoki's command.

He is completely fighting.

Fortunately, this group of mad cows does not have much ability to cooperate. When they see who the enemy is, they go straight up.

Soon, those weak Kentero fell directly to the ground, and in the end only those who were stronger than the quasi-kings were able to stand in place to fight.

But it seems that they should not be able to hold on for long.

Look at Bangila, who is completely insane, standing in the middle.

I saw him with both hands, one grabbing a corner of Kentero's head, and raised them up.

I grabbed two kenteros by their horns, and lifted them directly alive. This sense of sight made the wild elves who wanted to approach from around them stop their feet and ran without looking back.

Mom, come and see the monsters!

What's more frightening is that Bangila hasn't noticed that he has Kentero in his hand, and treats them as his own weapons, shaking them frantically.

Cooperate with several skills from time to time.

Boscodola, who was aside, was not inferior.

I completely turned into a true mad cow, relying on her nearly invincible defense, grabbing a Kentero was pressing the hammer directly on the ground, regardless of the attack of other nearby Kentero.

At the same time, roaring in his mouth.

I seem to be talking.

Not convinced! Not convinced!

He forgot that Kentero, who was held down by him, had been unable to speak, and wanted to cry without tears.

A little normal may be the flaming chicken on the periphery.

After all, in terms of body shape, the flame chicken is also quite normal.

If you don't count him kicking him into the sky every time he defeats Kentero, everything will be normal.


Aoki supported his head with one hand.


Mrs. Huajie, who was aside, walked to Aoki.

I seem to be saying, these little guys ... Teach, cough, that's pretty good, don't you stop it?

I can't tell the truth, from the combat effectiveness they show at this time, it is really good.

If you don't count Kentero flying from different directions around them.

咳 "Cough, it's okay, it should be a long time without fighting, let them vent a little bit today, they should be rational after defeating this group of Kenteros ..."

Anyway, Aoki decided not to command, and let them fight to the fullest today.

But things often start to be out of control at this time.

I don't know whose idea it is.

I may be completely crazy.

Bangira and Boscodora each grabbed a Kentero and threw it towards the unicorn rhino herd grazing in the distance.

以 Originally based on the weight of Kentero, even though Bangila and Boscodora are really strong, the distance is still not enough.

But at this time their tacit understanding suddenly got better.

The flaming chicken gave up the enemy in front of it, and then it bounced off, kicking fiercely on the Kentyro flying in the air.

Instantly, enough power was added at once.

肯 The Kentero may be the longest flight in the world.

嘭 ——

A slam in the herd of rhinoceros.

Several of them looked at them.

I saw three spirits reaching out their hands very aggressively, hooking their hands in the same rhythm.

The strongest trick!

You come over!

With such a provocation, how could the rhinoceros be able to tolerate it?

He then rushed towards Banguila under their leader.

At the same time, the surrounding elves who have been impatient for a long time, also rely on the power of the rhinoceros to rush towards Benjera together.


Mrs. Huahuajie witnessed the whole process ~ ~ looking at Aoki who was sitting on the sand chair with a big mouth at this time, she screamed softly.

阻止 Stop it now ... is it too late?

Aoki never imagined that for the first time, he let them fight for the first time, but in the end it turned into such a situation.

All the elves on this prairie were encouraged by them to fight?

My head hurts a bit, which makes me slowly.

But Aoki still threw two elven balls.

打 If you want to fight, let's fight together.

The giant marsh monster and the mosquito coil frog emperor also appeared together.

Seeing how the giant marsh monster in the scene can bear it, Fei rushed up.

The mosquito-killing frog emperor gnawed for a long time, and then showed a bitter helpless expression, and rushed together.

"Ms. Huajie, give them a green grass field and let them fight on their own." Aoki said, holding his head hard.

Lao Tzu doesn't want to care today.


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