The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1106: What happened

"A month and a half ago, Fengyuan Alliance officially started its battle with the Hunters Guild.

The hunter's guild's main combat power in Fengyuan area was not much, so it was soon wiped out, and the person in charge was the Dragon King Tianzhi! "

Elgas began to tell the cause and course of things.

Aoki sat quietly and waited.

What happened in this one and a half months?

It should be that it has nothing to do with yourself, only a few people know that they have gone to the space of Feng Wang.

But no one can prove where he is.

"It was just when the last one was wiped out that he encountered a strong resistance.

According to reason, there is nothing wrong with the treatment of Genji.

However, the other party's ability to escape was first-rate, running directly to the Guandu area.

In order to cooperate with the King of Genji, we also sent experts to support the Guandu area, but there is a close relationship between the Hunters Association and the Rockets, so we could not win for a while.

The two sides originally wanted to engage in a protracted battle, but Genji Uranus was wounded after being attacked, so this task could only be run aground. "

After listening to his story, Aoki said, "What does that have to do with me?"

"We investigated your whereabouts and arrived in the golden city of Guandu a month and a half ago, but soon disappeared.

It should be your dull king using teleport?

I wonder if Fang is inconvenient to disclose what you did? "Ulgas asked.

Aoki nodded. "I told President Adams before. I entered a mysterious space and stayed there for a month and a half before returning."

"Can anyone testify?" Urgas continued.

Aoki didn't hesitate and shook his head frankly. "No, this space is for me to enter alone, no one knows."

"I'm glad Mr. Aoki for your honesty. Since you haven't proven that you aren't present, then you are still one of the suspects." Urgas clapped his hands and said.

He and his men noticed the existence of Aoki from a very early age.

It was only that Aoki's identity and status were not high at that time, which did not attract his attention. In addition, the last time the league encircled a Rockets base, the information was disclosed by Aoki, so he completely put aside his preconceptions about Aoki.

If it were not for this incident, they would not have noticed Aoki.

After hearing Elgarth's words, Aoki was happy at once. "So, it's not just me, other people who have not testified will become the object of your suspicion?"

"No, no, we don't just doubt someone alone.

Since I started this job, I haven't missed it yet.

Listen to me first.

Before Genji Heaven was injured, we fought with the Rockets, and finally successfully captured a cadre-level member of the other party.

From his mouth, I learned that you are Aoki, and that there are not many people who can approach the Genji King at will.

And most importantly, we detected fluctuations in superpower energy in the office where Genji Uranus was attacked and attacked.

As far as we know, Mr. Aoki, you are also a superpower? "

Listening to Elgarth's words, Aoki nodded again and again, "It seems that I really have become an important object of doubt."

Aoki's heart was getting heavier.

It seems that someone is designing himself, maybe the Rockets.

Actually using a cadre as a consumable is really a big deal.

But it may also be accidental.

But how small the chance of this contingency is, he need not say more.

"I do n’t know where Genji was injured, and who are the masters sent by Guandu Union?

And is n’t King Genji awake now? "Aoki asked one after another.

If these conditions are not well understood, Aoki will have to doubt himself.

Arrived in the Guandu area, disappeared in the golden city, can pass by people close to Genji, coupled with super power fluctuations, and a confession made by a Rocket cadre.

It's no wonder that Adams and Liu Shenggang looked so dignified when they entered the office.

However, Aoki was not very worried about himself, and he had a way to prove it.

He was just curious who did it, what purpose it was, or purely accidental.

"The location is in the light red city in the Kanto area. We have sent the orange king of the ghost system in the Kanto area, and the local museum owner, Azu, in the light red city.

Although Aju is the owner of the Daoguan Pavilion, his strength is not weak at all, and he can pass the level of the Four Heavenly Kings, so he can capture a cadre of the Rockets. "Ulgas said with a hint of pride in his face.

The strength of the Guandu area is the strongest in all regions. Some powerful museum owners can fully serve the position of the Four Heavenly Kings in other regions.

"Heaven King Yuanzhi hasn't awoken yet. He has a toxin in his body that he doesn't know what it is. Without the help of Master Liu Shenggang, it might be ..."

As Earl accelerated, Aoki's eyes narrowed slightly.

A orange? !!

The hunter's guild paid a big price for Aju?

Or is Orange asking for it?

He probably guessed a little.

But one thing is certain, the person who shot was Aju!

If anyone in the entire elven world has the best ability to assassinate, Aoki will definitely push Aju to the first place.

As for the reasons for leaving the superpower fluctuations in place, it is probably to cover up the toxic energy fluctuations left by his work.

Where did it come from?

Don't forget that Nazi is a much stronger superpower than Aoki.

And the captured Rocket cadre was afraid of being threatened, so he said everything?

Fortunately, his own teacher, Liu Sheng, was just here, so Genji Heavenly King did not die at this time.

So it seems that the chance is really a bit higher?

The Fengyuan alliance was really up and down again. Tie Xuan just woke up not long after, and the position of Uranus was resigned, but then it became the strongest Uenohara Ueno.

Adams is estimated to be sad.

Aoki looked a little serious, "I don't know where Genji Uranus is? I might have a way to detoxify. I have studied the most about detoxification. I believe that as long as Genji Uken wakes up, all doubts about me will disappear."

Ergas shook his head. "Sorry, for the safety of Genji King, now no one except Master Liu Shenggang and President Adams can approach, of course, including Mr. Aoki, your suspicions have not been washed yet. clear."

Aoki showed a ridiculous expression, "Mr. Elgas, you are not a superpower, I don't blame you, but don't you have a superpower inside the search officer? Anyone who is a superpower, they The fluctuations of superpowers are different, and even because of different people, when using superpowers, the expressions are different, and the most intuitive is the color. "

With that said, a mass of superpower energy emerged in the hand, "Here is my superpower. You can investigate.

And the frequency of superpowers is not impossible to simulate, which is not enough to be evidence.

Also, if it is really my hands, do you think I will not be able to erase the fluctuations of superpowers around me?

Don't you see such obvious planting?

One last thing ~ ~ Although no one can ever prove that I have entered a different space, but I can prove that I have gone to a different space, and that I can prove my own thing, except for me in this world No one else should have it! "

Speaking of which, Aoki took out a golden feather directly from his storage space.

It's the King of Phoenix!

Although the energy in it was absorbed, its charm remained.

At a glance you can see the extraordinaryness of this feather.

"This is ..." Seeing this feather, Adams and Liu Sheng just stood up and stared at Yu Yu in Aoki's hand.


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