The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1107: Red face black face

"That's right, this is the legendary **** beast of the phoenix king! In this world, only I should be right.

If you doubt the authenticity of this feather, let the masters of Yuanzhu City take a look and believe that they should be able to tell the difference. "Aoki said lightly.

"Phoenix king Yuyu!" Adams and Liu Shenggang both exclaimed.

Urgas also looked at the feathers in Aoki's hands, looking incredulous.

The phoenix king is the legendary elves that are widely circulated in the Kanto region, that is, the Kanto and Seongdo regions. There are many trainers and religious worshippers in the chengdu region.

The old monks in the Bell Tower of Yuanzhu City are among them.

The King of Phoenix represents peace, and if this person's heart is too dark, he will not recognize it.

Although Aoki is a member of the Rockets, it does not mean that he is a killer. He has his own bottom line.

For those who are good to themselves, Aoki will not be able to do such sneak attacks until the other party does it.

This is his bottom line.

If even this bottom line is gone, it is not much different from a beast.

The emergence of Feng Wang Ji Yu can represent many things.

At least it proves that Aoki's alien space is not from Hu Yan.

It also shows that there is no absolute darkness in Aoki's heart.

Of course, no one can even have a little darkness in their hearts, but some people hide deeply, while others hide shallowly.

"Furthermore, it seems that it is not good for me to shoot at Genji King? If it was really my move, would I get back in the first place?" Aoki stared directly into Urgas' eyes. , Look right.

"Alright!" At this moment, Liu Sheng just patted the table and stood up from the chair.

The expression on his face was extremely serious. "Aoki is my disciple. From accepting him as a disciple, and with such a long time together, he has never done anything to disappoint me. They have made a lot of contributions, Fengyuan Gemini, the owner of the museum of Fuye Township, the top four of the God Olympic Games, and found the fairy department!

Which one is not a contribution to the league?

Are the Alliance people going to kill the next generation of the Alliance like this?

Believe it or not, I announce the Aoki incident!

And you! Adams, if you don't stand again, I will take Aoki to other areas!

The president of the Carlos area has also contacted me before, and the relationship between Girona and Aoki in the Shinao area is also good!

Let's go together, who I don't welcome! "

Liu Shenggang hardened all of a sudden and startled everyone.

Especially Elgas.

Liu Shenggang also went out of the Guandu area. Although he does not serve in the Guandu League, no one would underestimate his influence.

Really want to start a surge, the Alliance Breeders' Guild, but there will be a lot of old guys follow the storm.

Adams smiled bitterly, and of course he knew that Liu Shenggang was talking angry.

But he also knew what Liu Sheng was angry at. In fact, for a moment, Adams did have some doubts about Aoki, but he was quickly obliterated by him.

But now things have come to this point. A chief search officer in the Guandu area went to his office to find a chief search officer he personally appointed. He also made a look regardless of who he was, and he felt Chill.

Especially after seeing the phoenix king Yu Yu from Aoki, Adams' regrets did not disappear.

It was also the serious injury of Genji, which made him start to doubt everyone.

"Aoki, as the chairman of Fengyuan Alliance, I apologize to you here." Then, Adams bowed directly to Aoki, apologizing.

It can be seen from this that Adams is definitely a person who can afford to let go and can serve as the chairman of Fengyuan Alliance, not just his strength.

Aoki saw Adams's look, and immediately stepped aside and avoided it.

But Liu Shenggang was standing still, just watching Adams bow.

The expression on his face looked better after the end.

Adams said to Liu Shenggang again, "Xiao Gang, you also know what the current Fengyuan alliance is like. Iron Chain and Yuanzhi's successive injuries have made me a little confused."

"President, I did not blame you. This Mr. Elgarth is also following the rules. If I am in his capacity, I will probably do the same as him." Aoki told Adams.

To say that there is no idea in mind, that is impossible.

But the smart people's cleverness manifests itself.

Oneself and his teacher, Liu Shenggang, sang red faces and black faces one by one, so that Adams could be taken down a step, and the future compensation would be even less worrying.

Adams glanced gratefully at Aoki.

What a great kid.

It was really disturbed, and they began to doubt.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with Aoki, so he can be so straightforward.

Urgas stared at the trio stunned.

Why do you suddenly become an outsider?

Although Aoki was shocked to be able to take out the phoenix king Yuyu, it seems that Aoki's suspicion has not been cleaned up yet?

"That ..." Urgas just said.

"Let's go and look at Genji. Aoki, maybe you have a way. I have forgotten that you are a genius breeder here. Maybe it's blue now." Adams came over and patted Aoki's shoulder, You must look great.

Liu Shenggang's expression also converged, becoming pale and light.

Everyone has grown up, when do you not know what to do?

The ghost knew if he was really upset just now, or if he colluded with Adams.

In short, the three men strode out, leaving Ergas alone in the office.


Looking at the three men far away, Ergas didn't know whether he should follow him.

Aren't you suspicious?


Soon, the four came to the highest ward in the Elf Center at Alliance headquarters.

There were guards in the corridor and outside the room.

Aoki led Adams and Liu Shenggang into the ward and saw Genji lying on the bed.

His face was a little pale, but his breathing was smooth, but he kept his eyes closed and didn't wake up.

"What about Genji's elf?" Aoki asked.

"The elf has no problem, and it is also protected by the Tyrannosaurus, so he can be treated in the first time. The opponent is a direct attack on the person, and the sneak attack is extremely bad." Adams said.

Aoki nodded, showing no surprise.

Although Ao's strength is good, the strongest place is still assassination. The frontal battle is certainly not the opponent of Genji.

"Teacher, what is your diagnosis?" Aoki asked Liu Shenggang.

Although I don't know where the ability of his disciples has reached, it is very misconduct for a teacher.

But Liu Shenggang had enough trust in Aoki.

Even if Aoki can't heal Genji, he will never mess up.

"Poisoning ~ ~ mixed toxins, this toxin is not the kind that is usually contacted, only effective for humans, not effective for the elves, so only the Joey family and I can do nothing, what we can guarantee is Genji Physical function, but the longer it is, the worse it is for him. "Liu Shenggang said.

This is where the Elf League is awkward.

The research on elves is indeed excellent, but on human beings, it is still at a certain stage.

It is mainly the alliance that admires trainers for battles between elves, and very few will directly deal with humans.

And general antidote is common to humans and elves.

Wherever I have encountered this situation now, even if the toxin is mixed, it only works for humans.

In this world, is there really any research dedicated to humans?


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