The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1121: Steam explosion

Steam explosion!

Pokekenian, the elven spirit, is also known as the steam elven.

His signature skills.

By inhaling the water directly into the body with high temperature, then compressed, and then sprayed out through a tube on the back.

With the effect of water properties, but it has a very high temperature.

Similar to the enhanced version of hot water skills.

The elves standing in front of Aoki looked extremely serious, looking at the steam like artillery shells.

Bangila put her hands on the ground and fully controlled the ground system energy.

Then a huge sand wall appeared, blocking the steam.

But in less than a second, the sand wall seemed to be broken.

Madara immediately rushed up, and the frozen beam ability spewed on the sand wall, and the sand wall was completely frozen in an instant.


Still unable to hold on for a second, the ice wall began to crack ...


With a soft sip, Madura snorted, and five ice cones appeared instantly, stopping behind the ice wall.

Five ice cones formed a wall.

Immediately after, the previous sand wall was completely broken and a large amount of ice was melted.

class! !! !!

With a roar of Banghira, the sand dug out of the ground again, matching the icicles of Madara.

A wall of sand and ice formed again.

The hot temperature of the steam instantly melted the ice cubes, and then evaporated again. The water vapor evaporated and merged with the original steam.

However, the effect of ice is very obvious, at least the overall temperature of the steam explosion has decreased.

The crow's head flew over Bangila and Madara, flapping their wings wildly, trying to fan the steam back.

The Flamingos stood near Aoki and watched Bangira's defense.

He acts as the final barrier, and if Bangira's defense is breached, then he will need to provide final protection.

Aoki stood still.

He wanted to see how much they could do with Bangirana's attack in the face of Polkenian's attack.

Polchenyn's level is much higher than them, but it is still at the level of Uranus, so even if there is a gap, it will not be the other kind.

The levels of energy are also on the same plane.

Once they can't stop, Aoki also has the final preparations, do not have to worry about their safety.

However, I have to say that Polkanin is really strong, no wonder it can destroy a mountain.

This explosive steam output cannot be blocked by Bangila alone without the ice skills of Madara.


The icicles slowly shattered again, melting a little bit.

"Bangira, Madara, hold on!" Aoki said in time.

If you continue to resist, you can't resist it. There is only blocking effect if you keep the skill.


With the sound of Aoki, the icicles and the sand wall shattered together.

Two green hoods appeared on Bangila and Madara.

Instantly, the steam exploded on them.

In the end, the "suffering" steam explosion attack was finally over.

It was just one attack from Polkenen, but Bangila and Madara used all their abilities to defend.

Although it is also because the ranks of Bangila and Madara are relatively low.

But from here you can see the gap between Bangila and them.

After an attack ended, Polkenen did not launch another attack, but stared at Aoki with eyes, and the hostility in his eyes could not be masked.

His own attack seems to make it difficult for the opponent to fight, but this human is still so calm. Does it still have this card?

Aoki called Bangila and Madara to their side.

"Good job," Aoki praised.

This is really well done.

You know, this is Polkenien, even if it is a pseudo-beast without a priesthood, it is also a beast.

And there are so many beasts higher than them.

Being able to stop it was beyond Aoki's expectations.

Bangila was excited.

So excited!

Able to fight such a powerful opponent!

Aoki smiled and took out three elven **** and threw them directly.

The dull king, Madam Huajie, and Boscodora appeared.

Geng Gui also emerged from Aoki's shadow.

Almost equals the gathering of elves.

Looking at the elves that appeared next to Aoki, and the breath on them, Polkenyn's face gradually slumped.

Just three or two words are not a problem for him, but the other party summoned so much at once, so even he must pay attention.

"Polkenen, I don't mean to be against you, I just want to see Maji Yana." Aoki said loudly.

Although he said he didn't mean to fight against him, the elves around Aoki were all ready to fight.

Aoki knew that if she wanted to see Maji Yana, she would definitely pass Polkenen.

Fortunately, the strength of this Polkenen has not reached the level of the future.

As long as you upgrade one level and break through the senior king's puppet, the qualitative change of strength is very scary.

Aoki has not fully confirmed whether this Polkenen is a real beast.

Maybe ... still growing.

You will not be granted the priesthood by the world until you have fully grown up.

This is a speculation of Aoki.

After all, even if the divine beast is born, it does not have an extremely strong strength at the time of its birth. It also slowly grows from a weak child to a certain degree before it is granted a priesthood.

It is not certain whether there is another Polkenen Aoki in this world. The only thing he can confirm now is that the Polkenen in front of him has not reached that level.

"Human! Do you repeatedly challenge my bottom line, do you think you have the strength to fight me?" Polkenen said loudly.

"It seems ... no matter what, you have to fight a battle before you know." Aoki said with a smile.

Then using electrocardiography, he said to the crow head alone, "Crow head, you fly into the Nibel Plateau, find a sea of ​​flowers, and see if you can find this elf in the sea of ​​flowers."

Then, the image of Maji Yana appeared in the head of the crow's head.

The current Ma Ji Yana is not strong, and it can even be said that she does not have combat effectiveness.

As long as the crow head can find ~ ~, you can bring it.

Understanding the meaning of Aoki, the crow nodded his head, fanned his wings directly, and rushed towards the sky.

As if seeing through the head of the crow and want to do it, Polkenien was so angry that he aimed two cannons at the head of the crow, and the energy in it was madly gathered.

"The dull king, suppress him!" Aoki said, placing his hand on the dull king's back.

The two superpowers are completely integrated.

Suddenly, the super power of explosive power suddenly increased by 30%!

After Aoki's super powers reached the level of advanced super powers, he finally broke out with his own super powers like other super powers.


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