The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1122: Bully less

There is still a big gap between Aoki's superpowers and the total of superpowers.

In fact, as long as they are superpowers, the gap between them and superpowers is great.

Of course, exceptions like Nazi.

Therefore, the combination of superpowers and superpowers is not an accumulation of totals.

It's a bit like two pipes. The dull king's pipes are thick and Aoki's pipes are thin. But when the two pipes are put together, the drainage is much larger.

This is how the combination of Aoki and the dull king's superpowers works.

Just after the two barrels of Polkenen had just been lifted, they felt tremendous pressure on him.

Suddenly unable to aim!

In the blink of an eye, at the flying speed of the crow's head, it disappeared into the air in an instant.

Polkenen, who knew what the crow's head was going to do, was completely angry.

"Human !!! You are challenging my bottom line !!!"

Then, turning his attention to Aoki, the two pipes were also aimed at him.

Aoki did not panic, took out a keystone from his pocket, "Geng ghost, super evolution !!"

Feeling the echo of the keystone in Aoki's hand, the superevolutionary stone swallowed by Geng's stomach suddenly lit up.

All the super-evolutionary energies erupted, enclosing Geng ghost.

Super-evolutionary energy comes fast and goes fast.

The super-evolved Geng ghost is revealed.

Super sister Geng Gui!

The smile on his face was even more ghostly, his fists fell on the ground, his eyes stared at the opposite Polkenen, showing a dignity.

Geng Gui is the main spirit of Aoki facing Polkenen.

The Geng ghost at level 68, after super-evolution, the simulation calculation level reached level 72, which is also considered to be the level of a senior Heavenly King, and the gap between Polkenen was smoothed.

Plus the dull king combined with Aoki.

With the aid of Aoki, the dull king's fighting power burst out in a short period of time, and it was much stronger.

Combining with the super Geng ghost, and a battle with Polkenen, Aoki has the confidence of a battle!

桀桀 ——

Geng Gui screamed, sneaking into the ground silently.

"Bangila, let the sand fly!" Aoki said to Bangila.

Polkenen in the water and fire systems was twice restrained by ground and rock skills.

class! !! !!

When Bangila heard Aoki's words, she directly lifted up the sky, and then the sand in the soil flew out, and the sand dance flew up!

Geng Gui drilled out of the shadow, then flashed red in his eyes, playing the role of Bangila, Yangsha!

Double Yangsha!

Sandstorms are even larger.

If you cannot adapt to the sand, you may not be able to adapt to the sight of the sandstorm.

A flash of yellow light on Mrs. Huajie transformed her attributes into a rock system.

Although Mrs. Huajie is best at the fairy and grass systems, it does not mean that other attributes cannot be adapted. After the emergence of the sandstorm team, the special person trained the rock and ground systems for a long time.

Bangila and Boscodora entered the sandstorm together.

The remaining elves stood beside Aoki and did not join the battle.

After drowsy superpowers suppressed Polkenien for a while, they wrapped their superpowers in Bangila and Boscodora, making them more convenient to move.

Polkenien watched Huang Shafei fly away, his vision became poor, and indeed he could not use the long-range skills.

Then he heard only heavy footsteps, and two giants, Bangila and Boscodora, appeared in his sight.

The target was locked instantly, and the two pipes on Polkenyn's back were aimed at them, and the water vapor in them had condensed.

However, before he released his skills, a dark shadow appeared beside him, and a small colored ball appeared in front of him and threw it to Polkenen.

Strange light!

Don't ask Polkenen to get into chaos, just interrupt his steam explosion skills.

Polkenen's attention was affected.


A large amount of steam was exhaled from the body. This is the performance of the steam explosion that was not used and leaked from the body.

Polkenen also noticed the presence of Geng Gui, and immediately turned his direction. The flames on his body suddenly appeared, wrapped around him, and rushed to Geng Gui.

Flash Flame Charge!

Geng Gui looked at Polkenen, who was rushing over, and did not dodge. Two shadow **** appeared in his hands and were thrown towards the opposite side.

class! !!

Bangila put her hand on the ground and roared.

The special symbol on his chest lights up. On the way of Polkenen, the sword of the cliff!

Huh! !! !!

Before rushing up, Polkenen was hit by the sword of the cliff.

include! !!

Boscodora stomped on the ground, and the ripples of the earthquake rushed towards Polkenyn.

Although the attacks by Bangui La and Boscodora did not cause much damage to Polkenen, they were annoying.

boom! boom!

After Bangjila and Boscodora's attack hit, Geng Gui's double shadow ball also hit.

嘭 ——

A green energy hood appeared on Geng's body.

Hold on!

Successfully offset the attack.

Then, because he was close at hand, Geng Gui shook his hands, and an inexplicable ripple appeared in his eyes.


Polkenen was affected by such a sudden hypnosis, and he had been focusing on Geng's body instantly.

I feel that my eyelids are a bit heavy, and it's a lot worse than falling asleep, but my spirits are a bit loose.

Shaking his head, he wanted to launch an attack again, but at this time Bangila and Boscodora arrived at him.

Double-edged hammer!

Spike attack!

With the help of the dull king's superpowers, Boscodora regarded himself as a giant missile!

boom! !!

With the advantage of weight, knocked over!

Then sharp rocks rushed wildly towards Polkenen.

Huh! Huh! Huh! ...

Round after round.

Polkenien was extremely angry, but under the influence of Genggui's hypnosis, he couldn't do anything for a while.

The pain caused him to regain his spirit, but then two mental shocks passed through the yellow sky and came to him.


Instantly dizzy again!

A moonlight fell slowly in the sky, shining on Polkenien.

"A **** !!!" roared Polkenen.

Too aggrieved!

What a terrible thing! !!

More people bully less people!

Although the power caused by each attack is not very heavy, it is very uncomfortable to add up again and again.

And he has only been beaten, how can it not fit his temperamental character ~ ~.! Boom! Boom!

This sound appeared on Polkenien, the blue ball on the ring flashing red and blue on his back, and white smoke spilled from the gaps up and down his body.

Aoki's face changed suddenly to see Polkenen's state at this time.

"Sure enough, is he furious, is it going to be so fast?" Aoki thought to himself.


He said to the elves immediately.


Second more! Ask for a monthly pass!

If you are free, please help hibiscus. Although we don't know what it is, we follow the flow, it doesn't matter if you are free.

By the way, hibiscus is from Zhejiang.

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