The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1124: Mayan Yana and Elifas

Did not wait too long.

A small black spot appeared in the sky.

This black spot grows rapidly.

It was Aoki's crow head that was sent to look for Maji Yana.

On the feet of the crow's head, a silver-white round giant ball was grasped, a bit like a magnified version of an elf ball.

There were some strange lines carved on it, which looked a bit like a lace pattern.

This is Maji Yana!

As a mechanical elf, her body can deform, and when it comes to danger or something you don't want to face, it will become what it is now.

This is a way for Maji Yana to protect herself.

But in fact, if you really want to do something to her, it doesn't make much sense.

Soon, the crow's head appeared in front of Aoki.

Looking at Polkenen, who was asleep, was a little surprised.

Before he left, he was worried about the battle between Aoki and Polkenen, so he flew at full strength and wanted to go back quickly.

Unexpectedly, when returning, Polkenyn had lost his fighting ability (asleep).

嘭 ——

The giant metal elven ball formed by Mayan Yana was dropped directly on the ground.

Her heavy body made her smash a hollow hole in the ground.

Speaking of them, although Ma Ji Yana is a mechanical body and has no gender, the person who created her made her appearance like a princess, so in fact she is also a girl inside.

But the whole body is metal, and the body is not ordinary heavy.

So Ma Ji Yana hates most people talking about her weight. How can a girl be so heavy?

The chip scanned the information of Mayan Yana.

Elf: Maji Yana (light purple)

Gender: No gender

Level: 50

Attribute: Steel + Fairy

Feature: Soul Heart

Carry Item: Soul Heart

Genetic skills: None

Basic skills: trick defense, auxiliary gear, gear shift, iron head, help, sonic boom, rounding, phantom light, lucky spell, aurora beam, mirror light shooting, eye of heart, cannon light cannon, flower cannon,

Teaching skills: electromagnetic levitation, collection, sharing pain, electric shock waves, healing ringtones, you first, iron wall, mind hammer

Skill Learner: None

This is the information of Maji Yana.

In a strict sense, she can also be called a legendary elf, which is one of the beasts of gods, or a fantasy beast.

It's just an artificial fantasy beast, like Super Dream.

However, because Chaomang inherited the ability of fantasy and a large number of other elven genes, even if there is no clergy, his combat effectiveness is also outstanding.

Because when the Super Dream was created, the purpose was to fight.

But Maji Yana is different.

The significance of her existence is guardianship, so Maji Yana is not good at fighting.

Of course, if she is trained to make her like fighting, the fighting power that can burst out will not be much weaker.

Because Maji Yana has high physical and special defense racial values, but she has the highest special racial value, and there is a possibility of becoming a fighting elf.

And this may be large, and the ceiling is good.

The only problem is that Ma Ji Yana's character is impossible to love fighting, she is a peace-loving elf.

There is even a hint of cowardice in character.

From the moment the crow's head was dropped to the present, there was no sign of outcrop.

Then Aoki focused his attention on the characteristics and carrying props of Mayan Yana.

Soul heart!

The only elf in the elf world that has soul-heart characteristics.

The effect of this feature is also very peculiar. Whenever a companion falls in front of him and loses the combat ability, the special attack ability of Maji Yana will rise.

It may also be because of the concern for the companion that a small universe broke out.

The existence of soul-heart characteristics is also because of the "soul-heart" carried in the props column.

Strictly speaking, the Ma Ji Yana she is seeing is not the real Ma Ji Yana, that soul is her.

Such a soul is what Azot's most talented scientist, Elifas, spent all his life creating.

The magical spirit, Ma Ji Yana, in fact, her body is the "soul heart".

About five hundred years ago, the genius scientist Elizos of Azot collected a large amount of living energy of elves, injected it into a container, and created artificial life, which is this soul heart!

Then Alifas created a mechanical body for this soul-heart, which is the "Maji Yana" as seen in front of his eyes.

This is the pinnacle of mysterious science.

It is also because of this soul heart that it almost made the Azot Kingdom to perish.

Because Elifas loves his country too much, and his talent is really too strong.

He wanted to use his own power to protect this country, which was why Ma Ji Yana was born.

Matching it is the mechanical city wall created by Aliphas for the Azot Kingdom and the entire Mechanical Kingdom.

As long as you find the organs in the castle, you can combine the walls of the entire kingdom through special machinery to become a huge aerial fortress.

And the energy core of this air fortress is the soul heart of Ma Ji Yana!

I don't know where to learn the news. In order to compete for this aerial fortress, people began to compete for soul.

The royal family not only failed to protect the country because of the soul, but also almost started a civil war.

In order to stop the war, Elifas sealed both Maji Yana and the fortress.

The place where Maji Yana sealed was the Nibel Plateau.

It may be because the violent Polkenen destroyed a mountain and awakened Ma Ji Yana in the seal, and this is what Aoki sees now.

Therefore, as long as the people of the Azot Kingdom know the existence of Maji Yana, and get the soul of his body, and unlock the seal of the fortress, he can become the new king of the Azot Kingdom.

And there are a lot of weapons hidden in this air fortress, these are the treasures that Elifas left to the kingdom of Azot.

The combat power that these weapons can explode is not comparable to that of the Rocky Fortress.

This is the pinnacle of the development of mechanical and mysterious science.

The talent of Eliphaz is absolutely the crown of the elven world.

Even now ~ ~ is one of the best talents in the world.

Five hundred years later, the machinery and mysticism of the Azot Kingdom not only did not make any progress, but also because of the loss of some of the research achievements of Elifas, they caused their mysterious scientific ability to decline.

In the kingdom of Azot, the supreme glory of all mysterious scientists is to learn and master the research results of Eliphaz. The more you master, the more respect you will receive.

There is no innovation of its own.

Maybe there is only one person named Jarvis who can touch the level of Elifas slightly.

This person is also the one who Aoki let the Flash Flames help him find.

He created a mysterious science that made Aoki quite hearty!


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