The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1125: Small Broken Diamond Variant End

"Maji Yana."

Aoki squeaked softly.


As if he heard a cry, the metal elf ball slightly opened a slit, revealing a pair of red eyes.

Maji Yana saw Aoki with a smile on her face.

Looks very friendly.

But Maji Yana didn't feel Aoki's heart.

This made her feel very strange.

Soul Mind has a very strange ability, which is the ability to feel the mood, thinking, and physical condition of other elves or humans.

If any elves are injured, Maji Yana can feel the pain and suffering, and desperately help.

This is Maji Yana. She has a very gentle temperament and likes to take care of elf.

Knowing that Maji Yana has such ability, Aoki is of course prepared in advance.

Similar to the ability of a waveguide force, it can be blocked with super power.

With a curiosity in her eyes, Ma Yana slowly turned her head to look at the other elves.

Seeing the dumb king, crow head and Mrs. Huajie, she suddenly looked surprised.

The spirits of these elves are very pleasant, and seem to have a strong bond to the human in front of them, and they are very close to each other.

For the elves to have such feelings, in the eyes of Maji Yana, this human is not at least a bad person.

All of a sudden, my senses of Aoki were getting better.

As for her being caught by the crow's head, this was long forgotten by Maji Yana.

Slowly poked his head out of this ball, looking at Aoki's expression unchanged, but also relieved a little.

Then he saw Bangila and Boscodora with injuries on their bodies.

Suddenly, she got up from the ground, waving her metal hands, and came to Bangui La and Boscodora, preparing to use her power to treat them.

This is the character of Maji Yana.

Looking at Maji Yana, Aoki didn't know how to express her heart.

Originally thought that she was indifferent enough to be able to directly control her, and then took out the soul of her body and studied it carefully.

But now I find that I can't do that.

However, it also proves that at least he is not completely cold-blooded, and humanity has retained a large part.

Bangui La and Bosco Dola saw the anxious look of Maji Yana and did not know what to do.

In particular, Boscodora even blushed when she saw Ma Ji Yana approaching.

But because of the metal casing, it is not conspicuous.

But Aoki and Banguila found out.

嘭 ——

Maji Yana stretched out her two hands, and in front of Bangila and Boscodora, then a snoring sound turned into two bouquets.

Seeing these two words, Banghira and Boscodora were stunned.

He smiled happily immediately.

Maji Yana felt that the two elves were really happy inside, and also showed a happy expression.

But soon, Maji Yana saw Polkenen, who was lying on the ground sleeping at this time.

There were some scars on his body, but he was recovering at a rapid pace.

This is the green grass field that Aoki let Mrs. Huajie release in advance.

Just to not leave a bad impression on Maji Yana.

Now Polkenen's injuries are almost recovered.

Maji Yana looked at Polkenen while she was asleep. Although she didn't know why he slept here, she was not willing to wake him up.

I haven't seen him sleep so well for a long time.

But I don't know, because of her existence in the dream, Polkenen could sleep so well and so sweetly.

When Aoki was about to communicate with Ma Ji Yana, an elf ball on her body suddenly flashed pink light.

Holding this elf ball in his hands, Aoki's eyes suddenly looked surprised.

Elf ball with small broken diamonds!

Waiting for so long, is the little broken diamond finally going to complete the mutation?

Throw the elven ball and summon a little broken diamond.

The small broken diamond at this time is completely different from the ordinary small broken diamond.

The first is the color of the diamond, which has all turned pink, and the second is her size.

Ordinary small broken diamonds are chunky, but this small broken diamond looks very slender at this time.

In the progress bar seen on the Aoki chip scan, the degree of abnormality has reached 99.9%.

Slightly surprised.

Although the degree of abnormality of the small broken diamond is very fast, before coming to the Carlos area, Aoki saw it. At that time, it was only 80%.

Now it suddenly soared to 99.99%!

Just one last hundredth of a percent can complete the mutation.

When Maji Yana saw the small pink diamonds emitting pink luster at this time, her eyes were filled by her.

Never seen such a beautiful diamond.

This is what any girl wants to have.

And Maji Yana felt as if there was a connection between her soul and the little broken diamond in front of her.

Aoki noticed this.

Eyes were attached with super powers, and at this time saw a connection between Maji Yana's soul heart and the small broken diamond.

A magical energy with a lot of vitality is being injected into the body of the small broken diamond.

Life energy!

The soul is originally created by gathering a large amount of life energy, and the fairy energy is, to some extent, equal to the life energy.

Maji Yana is the elf of the steel and fairy.

Now it can be seen that she is transmitting the energy of the fairy line with a small broken diamond, and still without any preparation from both sides.

A small thumb-like horn slowly floated from the small broken diamond.

The energy of Mayan Yana is input into this small angle, and then this small angle transmits the energy to the body of the small broken diamond.

"Corner of Zernyas."

Seeing this little horn, Aoki's eyes shone inexplicably.

I don't know what has to do with Zernyas?

Aoki suddenly thought of the feeling of being stared at just now.

Will it have something to do with Zernyas?

As Maji Yana's energy was injected, the body of the small broken diamond began to change.

The pink energy spilled out of her body, as if turning into pink smoke, condensing without dispersing.

Slowly shroud the small broken diamond.

Mrs. Huajie walked to Aoki's side and looked into the eyes of Maji Yana and Xiaozhan with a strong interest.

As a fairy spirit, Mrs. Huajie can feel the intense energy of the fairy spirit in the small broken diamond and Maji Yana.

At this time, the energy of the fairy series on Mrs. Huajie was much richer.

You must know that Mrs. Huajie already has the strength of the official Heavenly King. Maji Yana is only at level 50, and the small broken diamond has not even reached forty levels. Shows such a strong fairy spirit energy.

The chip monitors the abnormality of the small broken diamond in real time.

Waiting silently, once the mutation is successful, it will become Tianxi!

I don't know if it's the first Deansy in the world.

But her presence is significant for Aoki!

An elf who can change Aoki's overall strategy!


Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Adding more rewards to Laks's store boss!

If you are free, please help hibiscus. Although we don't know what it is, we follow the flow, it doesn't matter if you are free.

By the way, hibiscus is from Zhejiang.

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