The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1126: Dean, say goodbye to poverty

The first small diamond to begin to change was the diamond on her head.

Originally just a diamond, slowly split under the infusion of pink energy.

It became four octahedron diamonds, and then the extra energy of these diamonds extended downward, and two long diamond groups appeared.

Form a pink crown.

The mutation has just begun.

In the middle of the small broken bit, the original diamonds of different shapes slowly turned into a huge round pink diamond, dazzling.

The body became more and more slender, and the two small ears on the head began to change shape and became the shape of a hand.

The middle circle of white fluff slowly evolved into a white skirt that wrapped the body of the little broken diamond.

The body slowly appeared in the abnormal.

The small blue eyes turned into two big red eyes like rubies, and a small mouth appeared under the cover of diamonds.

The diamonds covering her mouth curled up around her neck, and the ore turned into a round golden ring with a pink eight-sided diamond in the middle.

Judging from the current appearance, the appearance of the small broken diamond has completely disappeared.

Maji Yana stood aside and watched the change of the little broken diamond.

Then he looked at himself again, feeling a little embarrassed.

Hundreds of years of grinding have made her originally gorgeous body and the paint on her body fade away, leaving only a silver-white body and wonderful lines.

But compared to the current small broken diamonds, the gap is very large.

However, Maji Yana did not leave.

She knew that the little broken diamond was at the most critical moment of her life, and she was the main energy source of mutation.

The energy in the soul's heart has not decreased, but it has increased more and more.

The mysterious science of Eliphaz has collected a lot of elf life energy from the beginning, and made special settings for the soul heart when making it, which can absorb the life energy that is free from the air and keep flowing Earth added to the soul.

In this way, the air fortress can always have enough power, and it can also have endless firepower.

Known as having a fortress that can conquer the world, all energy sources come from the soul of Ma Ji Yana.

Of course, having such a technologically advanced fortress five hundred years ago may be able to conquer the world.

But after five hundred years, scientific research outside the country has not stagnated, and the strength of the elves cannot be ignored, so conquering the world has become a joke.

However, the deterrence by force is quite considerable.

The abnormality on the little broken diamond is already in the final stage.

The pink mist emanating from her body slowly converged and merged into her body.

It can no longer be called a small broken diamond.

The broken diamond on her body has already become a complete eight-sided diamond, and her figure has completely changed. The characteristics of the little girl are clear at a glance.


It murmured softly.

The surrounding pink mist is completely absorbed into the body.

Originally because it was covered by sand, the ground could no longer be seen, but now it is driven by unknown energy and something has been madly out of the sand.

Blossoming flowers began to appear at the feet of Tiance.

Then it seemed as if I had touched something, centering on Tianxi, spreading frantically around.

A sea of ​​flowers slowly appeared like this.

At a glance, wherever my eyes go, they all become a sea of ​​flowers.

Even the flowers are welcoming Tianxi.

Seeing this scene, Ma Jiyana's eyes were almost heart-shaped.

Her favorite is flowers, and the appearance of so many flowers now is heaven for her.

Danced elegantly directly in the sea of ​​flowers.

At first glance, I have studied with the royal family of the Azot Kingdom, showing elegance and nobility.

Like a white swan dancing among the flowers.

Opening his eyes, Tiance saw this scene, and felt a bit unreal.

The elves of Aoki were also infected by this scene.

I feel very happy.

Tiance looked at her hands, then looked at her body, some wondered what happened.

Aoki walked to her with a smile.

"Master Aoki--" Dianxi's voice sounded leisurely.

After that, Aoki didn't respond, but she froze first.

Can your voice be spoken?

In fact, it is not sound, but just like Polkenen, through a power similar to ECG induction, it may be waveguide force, or some other mysterious energy.

These are unknown.

In short, Tianxi hasn't adapted yet.

"Congratulations, now you should be called Dean." Aoki said with a smile, with a touch of complexity in his eyes.

Diane, the princess of the diamond kingdom, did not expect to appear in such a situation.

As long as there is Tianxi, it means that you have a steady stream of wealth.

Aoki just slightly boasted about the days when he had fought for money.

It is really nostalgic to think about the situation where hunter missions have been performed for millions of alliance coins.

Unfortunately, such opportunities and feelings will no longer exist in the future.

Poverty has nothing to do with myself since then, it is really nostalgic to think about it.

Aoki's heart has mixed flavors.

In the future, you can buy two cups of soy milk and drink a cup and pour a cup. This extravagant day is really longing for.

"Tie .. An ... Hee?" Tean He said the name softly.

She hasn't responded yet. It turned out that after her transformation was completed, she would become the existence of the Minister of Diamonds.

Is this Princess Tienci?

Diane looked at Aoki, ruby-like eyes, with deep doubts and puzzlements, and confused.

The sudden change made her somewhat uncomfortable.

Aoki also knows that Deansy feels like a ugly duckling becomes a white swan after winter.

The little beggar became a princess of a country.

Identity changes are too big to accept at once.

"Tianxi, all of this is destined when you follow me. You only need to slowly get used to it and accept it. In the future, you will become a real princess of the little broken diamond kingdom." Aoki stood Vowed aside.

Blushing and panting.

"Did you ...? Princess? Tianxi ... Princess?" With Aoki's words, Tianxi's originally confused eyes gradually lightened.

Looking into Aoki's eyes brought deep worship and respect.

Is everything in Master Aoki's plan?

Aoki accepted this credit frankly.

In fact, it can't be wrong. When the little broken diamond just showed signs of change, no one knew that it was Aoki who found her for the first time.

Take her with her ~ ~ Various energy and food supplies are available to speed up her transformation.

Otherwise, who knows how many years it will take to complete the change in the underground of Neverland, which has relatively insufficient resources.

If the mutation is not valued from the beginning, maybe it will stagnate or even disappear?

It is not impossible.

So when Aoki said, he didn't feel guilty (mainly used to it).

"Uh huh! I'll ask Master Aoki to continue to take care of it in the future!" Deanxi smiled and decided not to think about it, just follow Master Aoki.

After all, I have never been treated badly since I followed Aoki.


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