The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1128: Non-person

"It seems that it is not possible to manufacture it in large quantities, but if it is manufactured in small quantities, it should not be difficult for Tiance."

Aoki instantly explained this phenomenon.

Therefore, the diamond in Maji Yana's hand will not disappear.

So, now that Tianxi has the ability to make eternal diamonds?

Aoki was a little surprised.

As long as you can create eternal crystal diamonds, you can continuously create small broken diamonds!

Test again later.

Aoki needs to resolve the issue of Maji Yana first.

"Maji Yana." Aoki called.


Hearing Aoki's voice, Maji Yana looked at Aoki.

At this point there wasn't the fear when he first saw him.

Tiance also looked at Aoki.

"Would you like to follow me?" Aoki didn't meander, and said his purpose directly.

Hearing that, Maji Yana shook her head immediately.

When Eliphaz sealed her, she said that she existed for the entire kingdom of Azot, not for following a specific person.

Cannot be a weapon for someone.

This is what makes Aoki a headache.

But ... it is not without solution.

Aoki shouted the dream demon and let the dull king and Geng Gui maintain Polkenen's sleep.

Compared to Polkenen's powerful strength, dragging Maji Yana into the dream is much simpler.

The dream demon hypnotized her when she didn't respond.

Then Aoki and Dream Monster entered the dream of Maji Yana together.


Came to a sea of ​​fire.

This is the Azot Kingdom five hundred years ago.

In order to compete for Maji Yana, the entire palace was burning at this time.

Aoki stood behind Ma Ji Yana and a white-bearded old man.

This man was the genius scientist who invented Mayan Yana, Elifas.

"Maji Yana, your existence is to protect the Azot Kingdom, but because of your existence, the Azot Kingdom has fallen into chaos, so I can only choose to seal you and send you away." Elifa Said.

Hearing that at this time, the colorful Maji Yana was still on her body, showing a sad expression.

She likes this country very much, but because of her existence, it has caused suffering to the subjects of this country.

Maji Yana could clearly feel the pain of the civilians.

All these pains were sensed by Ma Ji Yana's soul and gathered in her heart.

Maji Yana just wants to curl herself up to avoid these painful emotions, but she can't, and doesn't want to.


Nagyana raised her arms and pointed two bouquets of flowers at the royal palace in the sea of ​​fire.

This was the last thing she could do. The last thing for the Azoz royal family and the subjects of the Azoz kingdom.

Feeling weak and small.

Aoki and Dream Demon standing behind Elifas are like outsiders.

But soon, Aoki's eyes flashed superpowers, and the moment Elifas lowered his head, his eyes flickered like Aoki.

Aoki replaced Eliphaz in his dream.

Maji Yana didn't notice anything.

"Maji Yana-did you feel the suffering of the people?" Elifas asked suddenly.

Maji Yana is a machine, so there are no tears, otherwise she must be in tears now.

Nodded helplessly, wondering what to say.

"It's okay, it's not your fault, but you have to remember that although your existence is for the Kingdom of Azot, I don't want you to carry this heavy burden all the time.

When you meet someone who can truly accept you, who is kind, and the surrounding elves who have a strong dependence on him, then ... no need to resist.

You have the opportunity to start over and you can make your own choices.

Instead of being stubborn in the kingdom of Azot, you can live the life you want.

This is what your creator, that is, me, Alifas expects from you, I just hope you can live happily. "Elifas had kindness and petting in his eyes.

Maji Yana looked at Eliphaz stupidly, always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

But there is nothing wrong with the logic.

"Agree with me? Maya Yana." Averys asked again.

Maji Yana nodded again and again, she knew that Eliphaz would not lie to herself.

Afterwards, Elifas sealed Ma Ji Yana, and the whole dream disappeared.


When Maji Yana opened her eyes again, her eyes were full of doubts.

I seem to be dreaming just now?

But it feels so real.

The surrounding scenes are as vivid as being in person.

The words of Eliphaz echoed in Ma Ji Yana's mind.

Have a good life ... your own life?

Maji Yana always feels like there is something abnormal. Remember that Elifas also told herself, don't become a tool in anyone's hands?

For a while, Maji Yana was a little confused as to which is memory and which is dream.

But as soon as Elifas had spoken in her own face, it seemed as if she had become a curse, and kept circling in her heart and mind.

The previous memories faded away.

This is the latest attempt made by Aoki after using Vladari's dream.

Revert everything, just change a few words, and then continue to deepen the impression.

In this way, as long as it is not forcibly turning around the mind, ordinary people cannot distinguish between true and false.

Of course, if you want to do such a thing, you must know the weakest in the other person's heart, and the place that is the easiest to touch.

Also try to be able to restore the scene at that time.

If it is for other people who do not know or try as far as possible, they cannot do it.

But Aoki knew about Maji Yana's place in her heart.

This has opportunities.

"How about? Maji Yana, don't you think about it again? Look at my elves, after following me, you have never been disappointed. The bond between me and them, I believe with your ability, completely Can sense it.

You ... need to have your own choice and have your own life. "

In the end, Aoki deliberately emphasized the words "your own life".

It is to hope to emphasize the dream that Ma Ji Yana just experienced.

Make dreams and memories indistinguishable.

After hearing Aoki's words again, Maji Yana was lost in thought.

No immediate refusal.

She wondered if Aoki could be a trustee.

Although Maji Yana can indeed feel the deep bond between the spirit of Aoki and him.

But she could not feel Aoki's heart.

"Maji Yana."

At this time, Tianxi next to Maji Yana nodded towards her.

Diane likes Maji Yana very much, and Maji Yana also likes Diane.

It was only when Maji Yana flashed the look of Polkenen ~ ~ Tianxi interrupted her and nodded towards her.

Do you agree?

In the end, Maji Yana, who has a gentle personality, does not know how to refuse, and there is no reason to refuse.

As pointed out by Elifas, Aoki was almost satisfied.


Maji Yana agreed.

Shouldn't ... trust someone?

I guess ... should ... probably ... isn't it?

This was the only doubt that appeared in Ma Jiyana's head after she nodded.


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