The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1129: Machinery Capital, Azot

Seeing Maji Yana nodded.

Aoki's heart was ecstatic, but the surface remained calm.

Take out a valuable ball.

This is specially prepared for Maji Yana and Polkenien.

Originally, Aoki was preparing to double-catch, but when he thought of arresting Polkenen in his mind, he felt an inexplicable danger.

It seems that capturing will cause you a lot of trouble.

The subconscious mind of the superpowers made Aoki unable to believe. Later, it turned out that Zernyas has been paying attention to this side.

Then this iron golem can only be put here temporarily.

Let the dull king leave superpower coordinates on Polkenien so that he can be found at any time later.

Then he took the precious ball and gave him a slight sting on Ma Ji Yana.

The valuable ball put Ma Ji Yana in.

Without being blocked, the elven ball locked after the precious ball slammed.

Maji Yana Conquer!

Aoki's arm waved uncontrollably!

Maji Yana successfully conquered!

Plus Tianxi!

Two elves that cannot be said to be gods, but are better than gods!

However, these two elves are not like the elves who can fight directly. Tianxi may be better. If the meek Yana is allowed to participate in the battle, she will be scared away immediately.

Compared to Mrs. Huajie, Maji Yana is more like an auxiliary elf, both in character and skill.

However, I have to say that Maji Yana's race value is still very good.

The most important thing is the existence of the soul!

Aoki threw a valuable ball and summoned Ma Ji Yana.

Immediately after her appearance, Maji Yana's hands turned into two bouquets of flowers, celebrating her success in being conquered by a trainer, and she will have a home again.

The elves of Aoki expressed their welcome to Maji Yana, especially Tianxi, who was beside her at this time.

The relationship between the two elves was very good at this time.

Aoki smiled and said to Maji Yana, "Maji Yana, welcome to join!"

Weng Weng——

Maji Yana nodded again and again.

Feeling the sincere welcome of the elves, she was also very happy. As for what Elifaz's words were, she was temporarily set aside.

Aoki looked at Maji Yana just like the real elves and had to admire Elifas.

Use your own power to create an elf comparable to a beast.

You must know how long it took the Rockets to do so, plus countless resources, and a large number of scientists working around the clock to achieve the extent.

Aoki beckons to Maji Yana.

She danced happily and came to him.

"You don't have to wait for a while, I may need to study a little." Aoki said with a smile.

Hearing that Ma Ji Yana was no doubt about him and nodded to understand.

Putting her hand on Ma Ji Yana's back, she was in close contact with the soul in the middle of her metal body.

"Chip, collect data, analyze the reasons for the trip, and how it works." Aoki ordered the chip.

"Task established!" The chip's voice sounded in his head.

Then a large amount of subtle current flowed from his hand to the soul.

Maji Yana didn't feel much, but Aoki felt that some subtle energy flowed down her arm into her body.

The whole person felt a little refreshed, and fell asleep full.

Soul heart still has this effect? !!

Before long, Aoki let go.

The data of the chip has been collected, followed by simulation and analysis.

Then Aoki was ready to leave with the elves.

As for Polkenen ...

Already prepared for him.

Didn't he listen to anyone else's words beyond the words of Maji Yana?

Then tell him in a dream that Maji Yana needs to leave for a while, and let him move freely later.


Find a place to rest for a night.

After dawn.

All Tianxi and Maji Yana are put away, and the rest of the elves are also put away.

This trip to the Nibel Plateau not only fulfilled his goals, but also exceeded it.

If the soul owner's top mysterious science and technology can be analyzed, it will be of great benefit to both Aoki and his elves.

The focus thereafter was on the planning of the Kingdom of Azot.

The small broken diamond also successfully turned into Tianxi. At the same time, I don't know where to watch the Zernyas from here.

I believe it is not difficult to condense the eternal crystal diamond.

In the future, the most important part of the small broken diamond kingdom has already been owned.

This is the summary of this harvest, very good!

Seems like I forgot something?

Aoki, sitting on the back of a desert dragonfly, had a stuck head when recalling this harvest.

Seems like something important to forget?

At this time ... the sticky dragon lying in the elven ball can only feel some sadness in silence.

You may be the first quasi-god elf abandoned by the trainer, and after being conquered, when you count the harvest, you actually forget your existence!

How can you say that you are also a quasi-god? !!

No face? !!


the other side.

After Vladali pointed at Aoki, he immediately sent someone to find the Azot Kingdom and lurked in.

I believe we will soon be able to find the person Aoki needs to find.


Not Jarvis the housekeeper!

Although it may be the role of a housekeeper in Azoz.

Aoki sat in the desert dragonfly directly towards that remote kingdom, and Azot flew away.

Not far from the Nibel Plateau.

The Spark team has found it and sneaked into the kingdom of Azot.

So now Aoki knows where Azot is.

Originally, I wanted to let the Flash Flames lurk for a while, and then look for the person named Jarvis.

Unexpectedly, this Jarvis had a great reputation in Azot.

When leaving the Nibel Plateau, Vladari sent Aoki's coordinates to Aoki.

Although Azot is not known by most people, it does not mean that it has no communication with the outside world.

In fact, the Alliance has been with these relatively remote, still retains traditional culture, kingdoms with ancient history, have a lot of exchanges.

The Kingdom of Azot is one of them.

So as long as you follow the alliance clues, you can quickly find.

How Vladali is also an alliance-certified researcher, and is not yet a researcher of this general status of Aoki. He has his own research institute and has connections with many senior officials within the Carlos Alliance.

The Carlos League has not yet known the birth of the Flash Flames ~ ~ also has a last hope for Fradari.

However, Vladali has long lost any trust in the league.

Today Vladari only believes in himself, and Aoki, who "likes him".


Half a day later, Aoki successfully reached the ancient country, Azot!

Looking from a distance, it is actually a huge town.

There are huge walls surrounding the town.

There are huge gears turning in every corner of the town.

Azot is also called the capital of machinery.


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