The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1137: 3 month change

Three months.

For Aoki, this is the longest period of development since his rebirth.

It can be said that it is very valuable.

Allow him to calm down and sort out the state of his elf at this time, and determine the direction and goal for the next period of time.

Therefore, this period has a great impact on Aoki.

Not only the improvement of strength, but also the determination of future goals.

In the past three months, the greatest influence brought by the change of strength was Geng Gui, Dao Wang, Crow Head and Madam Huajie.

Because these four elves have broken through the seventy-level mark.

Almost a month, the crow head, the dull king and the lady Huajie reached the 70 level.

Geng Gui is slightly faster, reaching level 71.

However, Aoki tried, and the 71-level super-evolution cannot reach the 75 level.

It can only reach the peak of level 74, which is the peak of senior Tianwang level. It cannot break through and enter the semi-champion level.

This is a huge hurdle, not so easy to be able to cross.

But the appearance of four senior Heavenly King-level elves represents one thing.

Aoki has reached the level of senior Heavenly King. If he wants, he can fight for the title of Four Heavenly King.

Although the Four Heavenly Kings should normally break through to the quasi-championship level to be able to serve, but the situation in Fengyuan is different now, and Aoki's identity is different, and he has such an opportunity.

Three months can raise the third level, which is very good for the current level of Aoki.

According to the original situation, it was impossible to reach, but these three months of Aoki suddenly raised the level of the energy blocks used by the elves.

Coupled with the influence of Maji Yana's subtle influence, this degree can be achieved.

In addition, the Dragon King Scorpion reached level 68 and Madara reached level 69.

The strength of the two elves is also steadily improving.

Aoki's current strength is increasing, and I believe that anyone who knows it will express surprise and sigh.

too fast!

Mainly because the materials used have changed a lot.

If you insist, Aoki can use the income of the entire Sky team, plus the resources he earned after selling his own island, plus the wealth created by Tiance.

So many things are all accumulated to barely maintain Aoki's resource consumption at this time.

This shows how exaggerated the materials used.

There is also such a promotion that is piled up with a little money.

Fully understandable.

Of course, in fact, it is not impossible to use slightly worse materials, and the impact on the sprites will not be great, but the speed of improving the strength may be slightly slower.

However, after the last suspected incident, Aoki ignored it completely.

For a limited time, as long as he can improve the power of the elf without any sequelae, he is willing to do it.

Even if it invests a lot of resources.

And this is not without rewards. At least after the strength is raised, the speed of earning resources can be increased again, which is a virtuous circle.

It is estimated that now, like Aoki, you can use massive resources to enhance the power of elves. There are only a few people in this world.

In addition, the three elves' levels of Bangjila, Flaming Chicken and Boscodora have reached level 65.

The giant marsh monster reaches level 64, and the mosquito coil frog emperor is slightly slower, reaching level 63.

In general, the elves of the second echelon, because of some gaps in their qualifications, temporarily opened up a little level difference.

But it doesn't matter, just like the first echelon and the second echelon, there will always be some level differences between each other.

However, as the level gets higher and higher, the gap will become smaller and smaller. At that time, there may be no need to distinguish between the first echelon and the second echelon, which can be distinguished by different team configurations such as sandstorm teams and rainy teams.

It is worth mentioning that because after a long running-in period, the dream demon finally became thoroughly familiar with the rhythm and fighting methods of Aoki.

Coupled with the input of a lot of resources, the dream monsters, who are not badly qualified, have also kept up with their ranks.

It may be that the savings have been long before, so the three-month level suddenly soared by five levels, from 64 to 69.

This improvement is not small.

It may also be related to Aoki's increasing emphasis on dream monsters.

Because after many attempts, dreams can affect humans and elves too much.

A real dream combined with real interpersonal relationships, and finding the entry point in it, is likely to be able to directly change the mind of this person or elf.

This ability can no longer be regarded as a dream.

It can be said to be a type of hypnosis, but also a long-term, subtle type.

After using it a few times you can see that it works very well.

The dream monster's strength has improved. Aoki's requirements for her are not mainly fighting, but more of an exercise in hypnosis and dream-making ability.

This ability may become one of the abilities that Aoki depends on in the future.

Because as a rebirth, he already has some informational advantages. If he can use them more efficiently, why not?

In addition, the crustaceans and sea thorns have reached level 45.

These are not promoted through combat, but are slowly accumulated due to the increase in energy in the materials used.

After all, the crustaceans themselves are accumulating energy.

The sea spinosaurus Aoki did not feel that he had reached the time when he evolved into the spinosaurus king.

The Yutian team has no opportunity to use it for the time being. The Dragon King can let the sea dragon grow for a while and then evolve.

And Qi Lulian, to be honest, she has been entangled in Aoki is not as simple as a day or two, but Aoki just does not let her evolve.

Level is on the brink of 29, slow to suppress.

Aoki is also good for her.

Kirillian's qualification at this time is blue. If you use the qualification potion, you will be promoted to dark blue after evolution.

But this failed to meet Aoki's requirements.

If you can, Aoki definitely hopes that Qi Lulian will be promoted to the purple level after evolving into Chaneldo.

She can be said to be the most likely of all elves in Aoki.

You must not give up the long-term benefits for the moment's gains and losses.

So even if Qi Lulian kept lingering on Aoki, he wouldn't let go.

However, in order to help her, Aoki and Dazuwang will use superpowers to help her clear up her superpowers every day, and also keep her with Maji Yana and Deanxi, hoping that she will be subtle and invisible influences.

But let's not say that the three girls stayed together ... a lot.

Finally, Leo Road!

Xiao Leo Lu finally participated in the training and will be teleported to the island every day by Aoki to fight the wild elves of the appropriate level.

At this point, the level has reached level 15 ~ ~ Finally the last!

Tiance and Maji Yana.

Although their fighting requirements are not very high, I still hope that they can have a certain combat power.

And the higher the level, the greater the benefits that can be rewarded.

So Ti Anxi and Ma Ji Yana have reached level 55.

According to the analysis of the chip, there are still some changes brought about by their strength improvement.

Te Anci makes diamonds faster, and Majiana's halo effect is stronger.

Therefore, whether you participate in the battle or not, you still need to upgrade your level!


Second more! begging!

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