The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1138: Collapse

Aoki flew towards Kanaz on a desert dragonfly.

The desert dragonfly can no longer keep up with him.

But it doesn't matter much if you don't hurry.

After the crustaceans evolved into Tyrannosaurus, there is no need to worry about flying mounts anymore.


Kanaz city.

Devon company building.

In my office.

At this time, Dawu's office has been transformed into an elven training room.

As for the affairs of the German company, he has been temporarily put down.

It was also what Aoki said to Ogo that affected him. Ogo found Master Hibiscus and told him his goals and ideas. Master Hibiscus agreed.

For the time being, let Ogo drop all the affairs of the German company and concentrate on training and training the elves.

Being able to take second place in the Shenniao competition proved Ogo's potential.

Mr. Hibiscus, as a frequent visitor to the Alliance meeting, certainly knows the importance of strength.

Anyway, his body is still tough now, so let me grow up for a while.

The Zvitch family really needs someone who can reach the top by strength.

Otherwise, others will always consider the Zvolch family as a merchant family, and then consider the family's overall strength, and finally personal strength.

Dawu is the most hopeful person in this generation of Zvuchi family to reach the top by his own strength.

After understanding what happened and why, Aoki also had to sigh. The growth rate of this world's big brother is faster, and it is estimated that the speed of having the championship strength will be faster.

Coupled with the full support of the Zvitch family, I don't know what impact it will have on the future.

The wings flapped by this small butterfly of Aoki have gradually formed a storm.

For example, the task that needs to be participated in this time has something to do with him.

"Do you want something to drink?" Dawu just finished training and took the elves with him. Some sweat came from his body, and he asked with a towel and sweat.

This is what he learned from Aoki.

Wanting to make the elf and the trainer more tacit understanding, participate in the training together, can have a good effect.

"Come at the bar." Aoki hesitated and said with a smile.

Hearing words, Dawu stunned.

I have never seen Aoki drinking.

"Alcohol? Aren't you not drinking? And it doesn't seem like your age is enough to drink?"

Although he said so, he took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator, put ice cubes, and poured himself and Aoki a cup bottom.

The degree of this wine is not high, and drinking a little will not affect it.

Ogo usually likes to drink a little bit. This way he can be more passionate. He had let Aoki drink before, but he was rejected by Aoki. Now he wants to take the initiative?

Aoki laughed and said nothing.

I always chose not to drink because I always felt a pressure on myself, forcing myself to keep an absolutely calm mind.

But now that the strength has risen, there has been some change in the mentality of the entire person.

"It doesn't matter if you drink a little." Aoki said with a small sip.

The wine tastes lighter, but the taste is good.

In previous lives, he liked drinking very much. This was a way for him to relieve stress, and he gradually developed a habit.

But after rebirth, it was never drunk.

"I told you long ago that drinking is a feeling, not to pursue that kind of alcohol stimulation. Ingesting a little alcohol will make your work more exciting, but you ca n’t drink more. One glass a day is the limit . "Ogo said with a smile.

This is what he learned from his father.

He is a little older than Aoki, so he meets the drinking age in the morning.

But just drinking this a little bit every day, no one would care about him.

Ogo's self-discipline is still very high.

The two just sat on the sofa and drank in silence.

No one broke this rare peace for a while.

After a while, Aoki put down his glass first.

"Have you received this assignment?"

"Huh-I didn't expect it to be so fast." Ogo said with a smile.

Silent again for a moment, Ogo continued, "I didn't expect this guy to go so fast, but we have to hurry up.

During this time, Fengyuan area has experienced so many things and it can be regarded as our opportunity ... "

"To cross this guy, I have to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings." Aoki's eyes flashed a little complexity.

I thought the transition would be fast, and I was trying to grow, but I didn't expect that this guy would take a step ahead.

After separating from the Carlos area, the two did not communicate again.

Aoki went to Phoenix King Space, went to the Nibel Plateau, and trained in Zijing City for three months.

It adds up to five or six months.

In these five or six months, Du ’s strength has changed dramatically.

"Isn't it because of the last time I told him that Rangdu let go of the Yulong family?" Aoki was slightly ashamed.

I seem to have a little influence on these regional champions.

In the original direction, Du is still his chief search officer.

"Do you want to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings without transition? What are we going to see? Stimulated?" Dawu was a little confused.

Aoki said with a smile, "Isn't that what? You don't know what's happening in the Fengyuan area now? It's an eventful season ... I always think it will become more lively soon."

After the Sky team completely occupied the city of Violet, they set up an intelligence system in accordance with Aoki's requirements.

Do not seek to what extent, at least when major events occur, you can know earlier.

When the Fengyuan Alliance dealt with the Hunters' Guild, although the Lava Team and the Ocean Team did not have any big moves and seemed to shrink, but actually there were not many small moves in secret.

At least many of the original Hunters' Guilds were later included in the Lava Team and the Ocean Team.

Aoki estimates that these two organizations will not be quiet for long.

Hearing words, Dawu scorned.

Even if you don't go to see it, it has already stimulated.

President Adams did exactly that.

"Just the two of us?" Ogo asked.

Before waiting for Aoki to speak, two figures appeared outside the door.

"Brother Aoki! Brother Ogo! We are here!"

Then, one of them hurried towards them.

It is Hibiscus.

And the Ming Sao man who walked in with her, wearing a large white coat and holding a piano in his hand, Mickey!

"Oh, here they are," Aoki said with a smile.

Furong ran to the two of them ~ ~ the nose suddenly twitched.

Looking at Ogo and Aoki in disbelief, "You two are drinking !? Aoki, you seem to be young enough to drink?"

Mikkeli also came over, "It looks like he has been arrested."

Aoki and Ogo glanced at each other, the smile on their faces remained the same, "Would you like to come a little?"

Hearing that, Mikkeli froze.

Immediately smiling and nodding, "Okay."

Hibiscus stood aside, and just watched Mickey join them.

The images of three people collapsed in her head for a while.


Third more! Ask for a monthly pass! Friendly reminder, children should not drink alcohol and hurt themselves.

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