The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1148: Primal Superpower

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Aoki frowned and did not loosen.

So unbridled?

On the league's site? !!

His malice is not just to himself, but to everyone around him!

Originally, such a thing could not be done by Aoki. After all, this is Baiyin Mountain, as long as it is enough to tell the Alliance to their own feelings.

However, after all, it is a false look. Even if the intention of the other party is stated, the alliance without any evidence cannot do anything.

When Aoki lowered her head and thought, and raised her head again, she was no longer in the position opposite the hairstyle.

"I leave for a while."

Aoki whispered to the people next to him and walked directly outside the venue.

Dawu, they didn't think too much, after all, at this time Du and Kona had fought fiercely.

Take a look now, and you can better understand how far you are from challenging the Four Heavenly Kings.

Aoki left the position and walked directly outside the venue.

The opponent has left super power fluctuations in the air, which is very obvious for the super power.

This is obviously for Aoki, the meaning is very simple, tell Aoki himself to go there, and have the courage to chase.

Aoki just hesitated a little, and chased directly toward this superpower fluctuation.

Ye Gao's people are bold, and they don't believe how many people can really make trouble in Baiyin Mountain, the headquarters of the Alliance.

Along with the super power fluctuations, I quickly came to the commercial street of Baiyinshan.

Then traced to a cafe on the edge of the commercial street.

The last wave of superpowers disappeared at the door of this cafe.

Aoki standing outside, looking through the window and looking inside, no one was there.

The furnishings inside are no different from ordinary cafes.

Eyes narrowed, Aoki's palm flipped, a friend ball.

He put it on his waist and strode toward the door.

Open the door directly.

But the moment when the door was opened, anomalies were discovered.

It's just that I want to step back now, it's too late.

Fortunately, at this moment, Aoki found that there was no danger. It was just that someone had manipulated the door and let the person who pushed it open through a space barrier.

The unknown totems on his wrist also told him that there was no problem.

Just hit a different space.

After Aoki pushed through the door, there was no abnormality in the cafe or the street, and the situation was restored.

Look around, and watch the space flowing around.

As a person who is more familiar with different spaces, it is not that once and twice to open up different spaces through unknown totems, of course, I know very well here.

An ordinary alien space.

At this time, in a different space, a middle-aged man in black was looking at Aoki with a smile on his face.

Seems to be waiting for him to come in.

"Aoki, right?" The middle-aged man in black asked.

Aoki frowned, without answering directly.

But being able to call his name directly seemed indeed prepared.

The goal is yourself.

"Who are you ?!" Aoki asked.

"Hey, do n’t think about delaying time. As a superpower, you may not know where it is? The lost superpower is really sad." The middle-aged man said sarcastically.

His face seemed to have a strong disdain for the identity of Aoki Superpowers.

Lost superpower?

"You are also a superpower! What's the purpose ?!" Aoki asked again.

Different space?

My heart is very disdainful.

The squad gets axe.

If you don't want to get some information on you, this alien space can be broken easily.

"Now I represent our organization and give you a chance to give up your so-called advanced superpower status, give up your ridiculous alliance status, and return to our original superpower group, we will let you know what is true Superpowers!

You are different from those around you. You have the qualification to be absorbed by us. Otherwise, when you enter this alien space, you will be buried. "

When the middle-aged man talked about primitive superpowers, there was a flash of insanity and enthusiasm in his eyes.

Primal Superpower?

Aoki stood still, with a look of anxiety on his face, "What is a primitive superpower? If you want me to join you, at least let me understand what kind of organization you are?"

Heard that the middle-aged man in black was silent for a while.

Thinking of the task cards that the lady in white had given to herself before, one of them was trying to recruit Aoki to join the organization, and then strangling Ogo, Girona and others.

Before they are fully grown.

He was the first person sent by their organization, and it was also a sign that their organization was ready to be born.

However, he felt that Aoki was right. If he didn't understand, why should he join their organization?

This is also a different space he opened up, so there is no need to worry about Aoki being able to escape.

Even if he wants to deceive information from him, it is useless that he cannot get out of a different space.

"As a superpower, you should know something about the history of superpowers," said the middle-aged man in black.

Aoki nodded.

"Do you know whether the superpowers of ancient times were proud and wanted to enslave all ordinary people, and finally they were overthrown by the ordinary people in one fell swoop, and then the remaining superpowers and ordinary people Become a cooperative relationship and have it survived to this day? "

Aoki continued to nod.

This is indeed the history he has learned. Whether it is the league or the Rockets, the historical information in it is described as such.

"Fuck his mother!"

I don't know if the middle-aged man in black is outraged.

It seemed to be insulted.

"It's all about the winning party changing history and putting itself on the moral high ground!

In fact, it was ordinary people who expressed their willingness to become vassals of superpowers. Then at a time they planned, they suddenly launched a coup. Some superpowers chose to cooperate with him. Finally, the entire superpower kingdom fell into Abyss! !! !!

They are ordinary people's running dogs! "When the middle-aged man in black was talking, the anger in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

As if he had gone through the history of that time.

"Look! This alien space! Have you so-called superpowers taught you such abilities? You know, in ancient times, as long as you broke through to the middle level, you will be taught this ability, but now ?!

Ninety percent of all superpower use methods have been lost ~ ~ What **** do you think the telepathy is, even a superpower? ? ?

In ancient times, this ability was completely when you talked with children, but now you are regarded as a symbol of superpowers! !!

What you call a high-level superpower now is just a joke, you just barely reach the intermediate level.

Or an intermediate superpower without any skills.

Even the degree of control over one's own superpower energy is weak. "

When the middle-aged man in black looked at Aoki, he showed a strong disdain.

It seemed that Aoki's superpower was worthless in his eyes.

Aoki's super power control and use methods are worthless.

Ten more eighth more! Ask for a monthly pass! For the important goal of reform, innovation and development, the rewards of the bosses are increased by 1/3!

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