The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1149: Welcome to my site

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Hear the words of the middle-aged man in black.

Aoki was shocked.

Turn your thoughts straight.

The so-called high-level superpowers in the old days can only be regarded as the intermediate level in ancient times?

So is Nazzi's super powers considered advanced?

And the middle-aged man in black in front of him, who respects the ancient superpowers so much, that Aoki is unimaginable. How did ordinary people in ancient times overthrow the rule of ancient superpowers.

And from what he meant, what was the survivor or successor of the survivors of the ancient superpowers?

Then he should know the secrets of many superpowers.

Slightly agitated.

"According to you, as long as you join your organization, can you give me some super power use skills?" Aoki asked.

The middle-aged man in black took a deep look at Aoki, knowing that he was telling his own words.

However, relying on the advantages of different spaces, he did not mean any taboo.

"That's right! And this is just the tip of the iceberg. As long as you can complete the tasks given by the organization, you can also obtain the supreme power!" A mania in the black middle-aged man appears like a religious fanatic.

"I don't know what your organization is. What's your name?" Aoki flashed a hint of irony.

Middle-aged people are unaware.

The enthusiasm on his face did not subside, "Godism!"


Aoki was speechless.

I still teach it.

The middle-aged person seemed to look at the disdain wearing Aoki, "I finally ask you again, would you like to join our **** !!!! You will have supreme glory !!!"

Aoki looked at his expression as if looking at a fool.

"No! The name is too idiot."


It was said that the middle-aged man seemed to be choked by his own saliva. When he was ready, all of them turned into drool and swallowed back, choking to his throat.

Staring at Aoki deadly.

"Then stay in this alien space forever! You have no chance to regret it." The middle-aged man in black threatened fiercely.

"Okay, I still like it here, but I'm a little bored. It would be better if you could stay with me." Aoki said with a smile.

A sneer appeared on the face of the middle-aged man in black, "I don't know."

Then, he reached out and waved in the air.

A door appeared behind him.

Just walk through the door and go back outside.

"You are here to have fun yourself. I didn't have much thought to play with you originally. If it weren't for the task, I wouldn't be too perfunctory." There was a strong disdain for Aoki in the words.

He was very upset about the tasks on the task card and the importance he attached to recruiting Aoki.

He has done this for the organization for so long, and has been loyal to the organization. He has not seen the organization attach so much importance to himself.

Admitting jealousy is not that difficult.

"I also sent a white messenger to emphasize my mission. Is it necessary?" It seemed to feel the pain of the broken arm before him, and the anger in the eyes of the middle-aged man in black was even worse.

But without any hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the door.

Just know to open and go through.


I just do n’t know why, originally it was very easy. The space door that can be opened as simple as drinking water, but at this time it was motionless.

Work hard again!

Still not moving!

"Ah, why aren't you leaving? Can't you bear with me?" Aoki said weirdly.

The mockery on his face was undisguised.

After hearing that, the middle-aged man turned and looked at Aoki, staring.

"It's your hands and feet! What have you done ?! Why can't I control it ?!"

There was a hint of shock and unbelief in the words.

Not only is this door out of his control, but even this whole alien space has been out of his control.

"Well? You're really weird, don't you say that this is your place, is it under your control? How do I know what happened?" Although he said so, the expression was completely different from that.

Seeing Aoki's expression, the middle-aged knew that he had been tricked.

His complexion gradually gloomed.

"Where did you get the method to control the different space? Did the lost superpowers also get the inheritance?" The middle-aged man in black asked.

When he heard him, Aoki frowned.


Seems to know something extraordinary.

"It should be almost there," Aoki said lightly.

"What?" The middle-aged man was stunned by Aoki's sudden words.

"You should know almost everything you know, and the rest is estimated to be in your role as a little character, and you are not qualified to know how much." Aoki's face did not conceal.

After hearing these words, the middle-aged person's face suddenly turned red, and I didn't know how to refute it.

But Aoki was honest.

He is really just a small character.

My family understands their own affairs.


Before he said anything, he was interrupted directly by Aoki.

"Don't you you you, let me welcome now

Welcome to my site! !! !! "

Speaking, Aoki spread his hands, his superpowers spread at once, and the unknown totems on his wrists flickered.

For a moment, the originally slightly narrow alien space suddenly expanded four or five times, and the surrounding space walls seemed to be stronger.

All of a sudden, the different space that made this middle-aged man proud was exploded.

The middle-aged man who saw this scene stared at this scene with astonishment.

I even wiped my eyes very funny, I couldn't believe the changes I saw.

"How about, not surprised? Unexpected?"

Aoki said with a smile.

The squad was axe, but that's it.

Except space.

The middle-aged man looked at Aoki, his face constantly changing.

He finally knew why the organization attached so much importance to Aoki.

It turned out to have this ability.

"That's no way, I can only defeat you first." Taking a deep breath, the middle-aged man took out an elf ball.

Dropped directly on the ground.

The elven ball opened, and a hump appeared in the alien space.

Are super-elves paired with super-powers?

It's really a traditional way of matching.

Aoki smiled, took out an elf ball, opened it in his hand, and an elf appeared in front of himself.

class! !! !!

A roar spread throughout the space.

At the height of three meters, Banguira appeared! !!

Even if it was just playing ~ ~ Bangila's momentum swept the entire space.

Very aggressive.

Middle-aged people also saw a little surprise when they saw Bangui Aoki.

Such a tall bangla?

Immediately, however, there was a slight disdain on his face.

"It's really ordinary people's thinking. Do you think that an elf is just big and strong?

It is really simple with developed limbs. "

In the discourse, it is obvious that he dismisses Bangila's strong physical fitness.

Hu Di in front of him also showed a disdainful expression to Bangila.

Even if Bangila is an evil spirit, she can't get in his eyes.

Ten more ninth more! Ask for a monthly pass! For the important goal of reform, innovation and development, the rewards of the big brothers plus 2/3!

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