The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1151: Advent of God

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Super evolutionary energy emanates from the stones on Hu Di's forehead instantly.

Then the entire elven was wrapped.

Hu Di's cry was a bit of excitement, but more painful.

The entire face was twisted.

But super-evolution is proceeding normally! !!

Aoki saw it very clearly. The stone the middle-aged man put on Hu Di's head was not a superevolutionary stone.

Not even Keystone.

Can it still be super-evolved? !!

Aoki thought of the superevolutionary wave that Jarvis could study in the future.

It is also possible to let the elves super-evolve without relying on the super-evolution stone, and without relying on the bond between the trainer and the elves.

However, after careful comparison, it is found that this is not a superevolutionary wave or a superevolutionary stone, but another way different from these two.

"Di Hu !!!"

Hu Di growled again, and all the super-evolutionary energy on his body was absorbed into Hu Di.

At the same time, in front of Hu ground, he showed the symbol of super evolution, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Hu's appearance changed completely at this time.

The armor part of the body became a purple robe.

The overall color remains the same, a red crystal is added in the middle of the forehead, and sharp corners are formed on the top of the head, and the yellow mustache becomes a pale pale beard.

The two feet were crouched together, and they used superpowers to float themselves in the air.

The number of spoons suddenly increased to five, no longer held in the hands, but was lifted into the air by super powers, showing behind him like a peacock opened the screen.

There was a joke that once said, the strength of the elves such as Hu Di is closely related to the number of spoons they can control.

Casey was the weakest when Yongjera was able to control one spoon, while Hu Di could control two spoons, but now Super Hudi can control five spoons!

The quantity doubled all at once.

Although it is a joke, it is still reasonable to say.

The stone with a strange texture that was pressed on the head of Hu Di by the middle-aged person was completely turned into powder at this time, scattered and disappeared.

It was as if Superevolution could be stored in that stone, and at this time it was completely absorbed by Hu Di.

Super Hudi!

This organization actually has the ability to let the elves superevolve?

Has superevolution been discovered so early?

Suddenly, Aoki became very interested and curious about this mysterious deity.

However, after the chip scanned the information of this super Hudi, Aoki found some abnormalities.

This super-hudi, although the shape has changed, the overall strength has also changed.

But the increase effect brought by this is not as much as Aoki imagined.

It even seems to have half the effect of ordinary super evolution.

It's a "fake" superevolution.

"It seems that this super-evolution is still defective." Aoki thought in his heart.

"Hahahaha, see it ?! See it ?! That's it! ... the supreme power of our divine religion!" The middle-aged man laughed wildly. (Secondary)

As if Hu Di had completed super-evolution, he could win.

"I'm really interested in the so-called theology in your mouth," Aoki said lightly.

The super-evolution of defective products, I don't know if they can mass produce such stones.

If you can, even if the amplification effect is not really super-evolutionary, but the effect is very scary if it is manufactured in batches.

The most important thing.

The super-evolution that Aoki pinched in his hands has never thought about when to release information. If this time, the people of these gods would use the super-evolution wildly.

The impact on Aoki is still very large.

When the middle-aged man looked at Hu Di, there was a flesh ache on his face, and he soon covered up the past.

"I've given you a chance, but you don't pay any attention to it! Even if you are a god, no one can be rewarded with a **** stone. Only after completing the mission of the god, will the angel be rewarded!" Shows the pride he took for granted.


Aoki's heart moved slightly.

"It doesn't seem to be able to be distributed indefinitely, then it's slightly better."

"Huh! Let me see what kind of strength you have now!

Hudi, meditate! Spiritual Blade! "

"Di Hu--"

As the middle-aged man's order was issued, Hu Di closed his eyes and opened it again, his superpower fluctuations became more active.

The substantial blades condensed by several superpowers rushed towards Bangila.

Romantic Swordsman!

With a serious expression, Bangla was able to feel the threat of the spiritual blade to herself.

嘭 ——

The first mental blade was held up by Bangila's hand.

But even then, Bangila took a subconscious step back.

Looking at his arm a little surprised.

The increase after hyperevolution is a bit powerful.

This is the first knowledge.

One after another ...

嘭 —— 嘭 —— 嘭 ——

One after another attacked on Bangjira's arm, hitting Bangjira back.

There are already a lot of general spiritual blades with three or four handles, but at this time Hu Di's super powers are like a steady stream, attacking madly towards Bangla.

Bangla put her hands in front of her, bearing the attack.

at last!

After bearing the ten-handed elven blade, Hu Di needs a little rest, and Banguila can breathe a bit.

At this moment he felt a little numbness in his two arms.

After super evolution, the amount of super power has not changed, but the quality has gone up.

class! !! !!

Bangila was slightly angry.

Tigers don't send cats when I'm critically ill? !!

Aoki also felt the anger of Bangui La. It was not his style to be repelled by such a little guy.

Takes out a keystone from his pocket.

"That being the case, let you see what it means to be true ... God comes!

Bangila, super evolution! "

As Aoki's mental power drew the keystone in his hand, it immediately triggered the superevolutionary stone on Bangila.

Suddenly, the rich super-evolutionary energy suddenly diffused from Bangila.

The middle-aged man in black looked at the familiar energy, but was unfamiliar with the operation, and his eyes widened.

"This .... this is ... the divine power is coming?" Muttered the middle-aged man in black.

Aoki ignored him.

The super-evolutionary energy around Bangila's body is more intense than before Hu Di's super-evolution.

The giant monster of three meters and more is completely wrapped up at once ~ ~ A pure super evolution logo appears in front of Bangla.

Subsequently, all superevolutionary energy was submerged in Bangla.

Zhang Ya danced claws in different spaces.

Most of the body is super Bangui wrapped in green armor, the spikes on the body are even more exaggerated.

class! !! !!

Hiss-roar! !! !!

Super Bangila is screaming with excitement.

God comes!


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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