The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1152: Saury

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The middle-aged man in black looked at Super Bangla with a shudder.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

It just feels too difficult.

Why are you recruiting Aoki?

Real use of superpowers.

Well, the different space was directly occupied by Aoki Dove and became his territory.

Show the special energy of the gods, endure the pain and use a divine power stone to make your own Hudi special evolution.

Well, there are others.

And it seemed to be more powerful than himself.

At least from the richness of energy, when Bangila evolved, the energy was more intense.

too difficult.

It's really difficult.

A bitterness flashed across the middle-aged man in black.

But soon it was replaced by mania.

"Impossible! I don't believe it! You're disturbing me with hypnosis !!

Hu Di, the spiritual blade! !! "The middle-aged man in black is a little hysterical.

Hu Di really felt the deep threat from Super Bangla.

With a grit of teeth, dozens of elven blades appeared together, smashing through the air, and rushing towards Bangila.

"Bangira, evil waves!" Aoki said lightly.

The aura with a lot of evil breath suddenly burst out from Bangila, much richer than before.

Before Hu Di's spiritual blade touched Bangila, he was consumed by part of this violent evil gas field.

Banged on Banguila again.

Originally it was necessary to raise his arms and keep back to resist, but at this time Bangila was not defensive and the door opened.

嘭 —— 嘭 ——

The elves' blades banged on Bangila's body, as if hitting a hard diamond, without moving.

Faced with the vicious waves of Bangui La, Hu Di suspended in mid-air was directly impacted to take off.

Rolled a few times on the ground.

"The Sword of the Cliff!"

The super bandila now has red belly, so the "Ω" symbol is not so obvious when using the sword of the cliff.

From the ground came a sharp stone pillar much thicker than before.

And on this stone pillar, there was a trace of hot magma.

嘭 ——

The super-Hu Di fell to the ground before he reacted, and was directly attacked by the sword of the cliff.

boom! !! !!

The explosion sounded.

More and more has the effect of Gulado's true cliff sword.

The impact of the Sword of the Cliff blasted Hu Di directly into the air.

Maybe this is also under the control of Bangla, Hu Di after the bomber flew towards Bangla.

Hu Di's head was still dizzy at this time.

Super power is powerful, but physical fitness is a bit daunting.

Even with the super-evolution, Hu Di has not brought much physical gain.

嘭 ——

One was caught by Bangila.

Again like a poor little chicken with little resistance.

Bangjira's arm trembled slightly, and the evil energy of her body shocked, and Hu Di's last trace of consciousness completely disappeared, and she fell into a coma.

Hu Di lost his combat ability.

At the same time, the superevolutionary energy spilled out of Hu Di and disappeared into a different space.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional. Bangila felt that some of the super-evolutionary energy spilled from Hu Di had penetrated into his body.

Aoki was aware of it.

But Bangila did not show any abnormalities, and the scan of the chip did not see any changes in Bangila.

So no more thinking.

It may be that the superevolutionary energy has found a better destination.

The middle-aged man in black looked stunnedly at Hu Di.

The inner complexity doesn't know how to express it.

His face was ashes.

He also did not summon the elves to fight.

Hu Di is his strongest elf, but he didn't expect to face Bangila at all.

His biggest hole card is super evolution.

嘭 ——

Hu Di was then left in front of the middle-aged man by Bangui La, like a slop of mud and motionless.

Aoki frowned, glancing at the ground.

Scanned by the chip, at this time Hu Di's physical quality was weaker than when he saw it before.

It seems a little ... malnourished.

"Does poor superevolution overdraw the elf's body?" Aoki thought.

No wonder when he first saw this Hu Di, he felt that his body was too weak.

But even so, his eyes were higher than his arrogance.

That's it.

The energy of the rock system in Banguila started, and the layers of sand slowly crawled onto the middle-aged man in black.

Then he was completely wrapped up, unable to move except his head.

After making sure that the other party couldn't move, Aoki slowly walked in front of him.

"Several questions," Aoki said.

"First, does Heba at the Uranus Challenge have something to do with your theology?"

The first question Aoki asked was not about superevolution, but about the unexpectedly emerged Heba.

Hearing that the middle-aged man had a complex look at Aoki.

The artificial knife stabbed me as fish.

He was honest, not struggling.

Nodded, "Yes."

"Also your full members? Have super powers? Can special evolution be possible?" Aoki asked again.

This is critical, and it is more important than why this middle-aged person can be super-evolved.

Superpower can't talk about him. If this Hepburn can also allow the elves to superevolve, Aoki must consider whether to choose a time to announce the superpower.


With the discovery of the goblin department heading, although the discovery of super evolution will have a great impact on the entire elven world now, for his own benefit, Aoki is the best choice.

The middle-aged man in black hesitated a little and chose a bachelor.

The typical self is not upset and does not allow others to feel better.

"He is a man who has just been conquered recently. He is a hidden talent with superpower talent, but the superpower has not awakened, the messenger helped him to awaken, but he definitely cannot perform a special evolution. It may be until he wins this game. Will not be rewarded. "

Middle-aged people are very sure that Heba cannot be super-evolved.

Divinity is very strict about the release of divine stones.

Godstones will only be rewarded after trial and error and after completing important missions.

Even he was awarded three times in total.

This time the mission of the White Messenger ~ ~ recruiting Aoki can get two **** stones, and each time they kill Dawu, they can reward one.

That's why he came to Aoki so quickly.

Because the task of rewarding two **** stones is very rare.

"Then why did he improve so much?" Aoki was also curious about this.

A sneer appeared on the middle-aged man's face, "Huh, he is also an ambitious person, and has always been hiding his strength, otherwise the messenger would not find him.

However, even if he hides his strength, he is not as strong as he is now. The messenger should have used his divine power to help his elf improve his strength.

Is a good luck guy. "


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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