The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1153: Leave

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Hear here.

Aoki became more and more curious about this religion.

What kind of organization can actually improve the strength of others' spirits?

However, Aoki determined that super-evolution would not be exposed in advance, and he felt a little relieved.

I haven't heard anything about this organization in previous lives, it is estimated that it is also relatively low in strength.

Now that I know it, I want to take it seriously.

A super-powered person is at the core, and possesses many of the lost skills of the super-powered person, and even allows some members of the elf to super-evolve.

Although it is a one-time, and this kind of super-evolution can not exert the full strength of normal super-evolution, and may even damage the foundation of the elves, but it must be said that such a mysterious and special rental has made Aoki smell a trace of nothing. Calm taste.

Choose to do things when the Rockets shrink.

Does Banki know about this organization?

Does the Alliance know the existence of this organization?

What kind of attitude is it?

All these things made Aoki, who originally thought he knew the whole process of the alliance for a period of time, felt a little out of control.

"Second question, who are you in the theology? Are there many superpowers already absorbed by you? Who are your leaders? What is the white messenger you said before?" Aoki The second question was raised.

Hearing this question, the middle-aged man in black looked at Aoki like an idiot.

However, in the face of Aoki's expression that gradually cooled down, the middle-aged man in black also remembered his situation at this time.

"I'm just a person in charge of these tasks. I have told you about the religion before. Except for the next layer and the upper layer who are connected with me, I shake the rest of the people in the religion. No contact. "The middle-aged man in black was full of helplessness.

"Don't say who the leader of the gods is? I don't even know if there is such a person as a leader.

As for the white messenger, it is the superiors who have contacted me. In addition to the white messenger, there are black messengers. This time, the task of inviting you to join the gods was given to me by the white messenger.

The **** stone I've got before is rewarded after completing the mission issued by the Black Angel. "

The middle-aged man in black didn't have any hidden meaning, and told everything he knew.

Even if he keeps silent, Aoki definitely has a way to let him speak, and may even suffer some inhuman abuse, it is better to be honest.

Maybe there is still a glimmer of vitality. Even if it doesn't, it is better to die neatly than to die after being abused.

He saw very thoroughly.

Aoki frowned even more at hearing him.

According to the strict allocation of the superiors and subordinates, the subordinates can only see their superiors or subordinates. In this way, even if a person is arrested, he also exposes a part of the content.

With such a disciplined organization, does the alliance really have no news at all?

Then the founder is a bit scary.

"Third question, why do you want to start this challenge? Are there any further goals?"

The third question.

After hearing that, the middle-aged man in black groaned a bit and said, "One part is to see the strength of the younger trainers outside now, and the other part is to try to kill some of the league ’s good geniuses. It's good to be successful, and it won't matter if you can't. "

Aoki nodded.

From this point of view, this so-called theological base is not yet in the elven world.

It may be in a secret or different space.

And their shot this time was just a tentative test of this so-called divine religion. Seeing that after so many years, the league's teeth were still not sharp.

There is no ability to hurt people.

"Then you take what you know about the use of superpowers, and about your online black and white messengers and your downline, all those under me will show me." Aoki said.

The middle-aged man is only bound by his hands and feet, which does not mean that his super powers cannot be used.

Aoki is not worried about his current superpowers.

Because Aoki found that although the opponent has some special skills in super powers, but generally not as strong as himself.

And with the existence of Bangla, then there is no need to worry.

The middle-aged man in black closed his eyes and used superpowers to project images of three of his men in the air. One of them had Heba who participated in the challenge, and two others Aoki didn't know.

However, the strength of this Herba is obviously stronger than this middle-aged man. Is it under his control?

As if seeing through the doubts of Aoki, the middle-aged person said with a smile, "All people who have just joined the organization will become the people of me, settle for three years, and have completed a certain share of the task. With regard to the rights of black and white messengers, I have come here before. "

Hearing this explanation, Aoki understood.

Keep the three faces in mind.

Later, some text appeared in mid-air, exactly what he knew. Some of the special use of superpowers, among them, how to develop superpowers, and how to better with their own superpowers, to make superpowers more Well blended together to complete the increase.

Only when the appearance of a black and white messenger is finally to be condensed.

Just starting to condense, the middle-aged man stared at his eyes, and then seemed to see something terrible, his head was bent, and he stopped breathing.

Seeing this scene, Aoki was also stunned.

This ... is a bit like a superpower.

But it seems to be a little different from the superpowers.

The result is the same, this directly lost life.

Begging Bangila to release the sand from him.

Take down the elf ball and space storage tools on him.

Just dump everything out of the storage space to prevent this mysterious organization. A locator is installed on this space equipment.

I put away some of the valuable things, and then received a mysterious white card and a book in my arms.

The elves in the elf ball are not weak.

It's just that they might have forcibly improved the elves before, so these elves have completely lost their upside.

Physical fitness and basic literacy are not enough.

This is exactly a person who was promoted by Yu Miao.

It is certainly not possible to reach the rank of Heavenly King.

Then the Haba might just like him, forcibly improved his strength, causing the elves to lose most of their potential.

This middle-aged person may also know the situation of his elf, so after the improvement of his strength, he fully cultivated this Hudi ~ ~ a strength and potential are considered good, and can also exert super evolution Elf.

It's just a pity that after using the super-evolvable **** stone a few times, this Hu Di's body also suffered a loss and could not show his full strength.

And Hu Di, such a smart elf, must be looking at everything that middle-aged people have.

So this Hu Di can not be asked.

Aoki glanced at the middle-aged man again, and after confirming that there were no abnormalities, he put away Banghira and waved away.

After he left, the entire alien space collapsed directly.

No traces were left.


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Dark Rise of the Elves

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