The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1159: 2-word golden sentence

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My teacher sells himself like this.

Now I ca n’t refuse even if I want to refuse.

With the encouragement of the friends around me

Aoki stepped directly on the railing next to him and leapt forward!

Superpower coverage

Slowly floated to the improved table at this time.

The old woman sitting in the middle saw her eyes slightly after seeing Aoki's superpowers.

However, I believe a little bit about Liu Shenggang's words.

Originally, when Liu Sheng came to her door and told her that there was a 17-year-old boy who was going to be a senior breeder, she didn't believe it.

Until Liu Shenggang showed her the whole process of Aoki detoxifying Yuanzhi.

And Liu Sheng just packed the tickets in his own name, and said that he would cough if he didn't succeed.

In short, looking at Liu Shenggang's face, she waved her hands and let the entire breeders' association act directly.

If what Liu Shenggang said is true, it is indeed an extraordinary thing for the Cultivation Association.

In this case, then it is simply high-profile in the end, they have been low-key for such a long time, and it should be obvious.

Therefore, all the old men and women who were engaged in research were called out by her order.

In a word, support the scene!

Do it big once.

That's why this scene is now.

Even Liu Shenggang was not prepared for this scene.

It can be seen that although this old woman is old, she still has no courage to say.

"Teacher, teachers." Aoki greeted the nine old men respectfully.

Many of them don't even know who Aoki is.

In addition to Liu Shenggang, Tian is old.

As the vice president of the Foster Association, he is currently responsible for all matters of the Foster Association.

Already more than a year ago, when he learned that a 16-year-old was assessed to become an intermediate breeder, he paid attention to Aoki.

His decision was to promote Aoki as a spokesperson for the next generation of educators.

So when I learned that Aoki was coming to the test today, apart from Liu Shenggang, he was the most motivated.

"You are Aoki?" The old woman sitting in the middle said.

At this time, although the hair is already white, there are not many wrinkles on the face. If you are young, it is definitely a peerless beauty.

"Yes." Aoki nodded respectfully.

The old woman nodded. "When Xiao Gang came to the door at first, I thought he was joking with me. Now it seems to be a bit interesting, but in such a big situation, if you fail the assessment, whether it is for you The teacher, or for yourself, will be a big blow, are you ready? "

After hearing that, Aoki groaned a little, took a deep breath, and tried to make herself look a little nervous.

Be nervous, otherwise it's too fake

Nodded again, indicating no problem.

"Looking at your teacher Xiaogang's face, our group of old ladies and old ladies have let go of things. If your assessment is unsuccessful, your teacher has promised a lot of unequal treaties. Hope you can understand your teacher It's not easy, don't let him down. "The woman spoke again, and at the same time glanced at Liu Shenggang who was sitting on the far side with her eyes and nose.

There was something else in his eyes.

Aoki's expression was strange when she saw the old woman's eyes.

No way

How powerful is your own teacher?

Have something to do with this chairman?

No wonder you can walk sideways in the breeder's guild.

"By the way, my name is Quiborg, and some people add me to it. You can call her mother-in-law." Said the old woman.


Aoki yelled respectfully again, this scream is still to be called, maybe he can become a teacher in the future.

Hearing that, Grandma Kui nodded, and when she looked at Aoki, a kind of kindness appeared in her eyes.

There are too many stories between her and Liu Shenggang to elaborate.

Then Granny Kui glanced at Tian Lao next to him.

Tian Lao knew instantly.

"Ah, the assessment has officially started, the first content, professional knowledge question and answer."

From the people here except Liu Shenggang, no one asked two questions, a total of sixteen questions, as long as the answer is twelve.

Although all of them here are considered advanced breeders, in fact they have broken through the category of advanced breeders long ago, but there is no clear standard in the upward direction, and they do not know where the upper limit is, so they are considered advanced breeders.

The first question was from the mother-in-law, the president.

"What happens when ice crystal fruit comes into contact with spicy vine flowers?"

This is a fairly satisfactory question. The mother-in-law is obviously looking at Liu Shenggang's face, which means a little water.

However, no matter what the problem is, it is the same for Aoki.

After three seconds of groaning, he said the correct answer frankly, "When there is a large amount of ice crystal fruit, the spicy vine flower will instantly freeze, which can slowly treat burns, and it will also eliminate scars. It is instantly melted and can be used for the internal burning effect. The recovery speed is fast, but there is a possibility of recurrence.

When both components are the same "

In two minutes, I talked about the changes and effects brought about by the combination of these two materials.

The old women who heard Aoki's answer nodded.

Of course they dare not complain about the chairman who forcibly pulled them out.

Others don't know, can they still not know the president's temper?

But for Aoki, they were ready for trouble.

They are all old urchins who are very old but always feel that they are not old.

However, after hearing this first question in detail that they could not pick up a little problem, almost standard answer than the standard answer, they also showed interest.

One question after another.

Aoki gave the answer after three seconds of groaning.

And every time the answer is very accurate.

In some cases, even if the questioner hadn't figured out what the standard answer was, Aoki already answered it.

Inside the door to see the door, the layman to watch the fun.

People sitting in the position to look at the assessment still felt a little foggy at first, after all, they didn't understand.

I just feel that Aoki can answer such a complicated question, which is great.

People with a higher level of education will give the word "w", which can not only show their wonder, but also make people feel boring without saying a word, and can also popularize the atmosphere to a certain extent. OK, how good?

This is the first time I have seen an examiner asking a question, asking a question, and getting an answer from the examiner, the examiner is lost in thought.

Even after hearing the answer, the examiner showed a sudden realization.

Aoki thoroughly raised the interest of several examiners.

Aren't you great?

I just did a research. The owner's question was asked to see how Aoki responded.

But Aoki still has the old rules ~ ~ After three seconds of groaning, he gives the answer.

Others may not know, do they still not understand?

This is completely beyond the assessment scope of senior cultivators.

Slowly, the number of questions also exceeded sixteen.

But the examiners did not care about this, and raised the problems that bothered them.

One is more difficult than the other.

Even when communicating, there is no need to rely on the old to sell the old tone, and it has become a peer exchange.

The people in the stands didn't understand the content, but their attitude was completely in their eyes.

Suddenly, a simple and amazing two-word "Jinyan" came out of the population.

Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass! The two-character golden sentence is very easy to use, but still use less!

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