The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1160: Ghost

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"Ahem !!"

In the end, the farce was stopped by Granny Que.

Even a flush appeared on her face.


But it was soon revealed by the people who reacted.

All old guys, how much is your face worth?

It was Liu Shenggang, at this time there was an old **** with a relaxed expression watching the performance.

Had he not been absolutely confident in Aoki, would he have so many unequal treaties?

My stupid brothers

After the first round of assessment, none of these examiners dared to underestimate Aoki anymore.

Even people in the stands can see that it's messy.

The second round of assessment is still the old rules, the production of energy blocks.

As a cultivator, the most important ability is of course the production of energy blocks.

Of course, the production of energy cubes contains a lot of things. For example, the last time I gave Yuanzhi treatment, the deployment of antidote was one of them.

There are also various medicament configurations.

Because Granny Kui has seen Aoki's antidote, she is still interested in making Aoki's energy cubes.

Coupled with the wonderful performance of the previous Q & A session, I am even more interested.

I don't know what kind of energy blocks can be made.

The assessment content of this level is provided by the Breeders' Guild as a sample, and then the assessor will make an energy block for this elven.

As long as you can achieve the high-level energy block quality, even if you pass the level, if you can customize it, of course, it is even better, it is a bonus.

The Guild was originally prepared for the elves, but after going through the last thing, Granny Que suddenly had a clever idea.

"I don't know if there are trainers willing to provide their own elves? Rest assured that everything is checked by our old guys and will not cause any damage to your elves." Granny Kui said loudly to the entire venue .

Aoki glanced at Granny Que in surprise, because she had unconsciously used her super powers when she was just talking.

So everyone present could hear her.

"The president of the Nurturing Family Association is also a superpower?" Aoki's mind appeared a lot of speculation.

"I come!!"

"Let me do it !!!"


Suddenly, many people stood up in the entire venue.

Granny Kui glanced across the venue, and in the end she selected Dawu who was sitting with Aoki before.

I have to say that looking good is easy to attract attention.

Dawu suddenly rejoiced.

He couldn't understand Aoki's ability.

He also lied to him that the energy cubes were made by his teacher, and later he learned that all of them were made by Aoki.

That is, at the age of sixteen, Aoki actually had the ability to become a senior breeder, just a hidden one.

Is it still weak now?

Of course, the elf chosen by Dawu is his giant gold monster.

"Oh? Boy, your giant gold monster has been trained very well. The original energy block used must be a customized version of the advanced energy block, right?" Granny Kui is a veteran, and she can see the situation of the big monster.

Ogo nodded.

"I don't know which master made it? A lot of adjustments have been made to the shortcomings of the giant monster." Granny Kui lamented.

Without waiting for Ogo to speak, she continued, "Don't worry, if the energy cubes he made are unqualified, we won't let him eat your giant gold monster."

"This one"

Dawu spoke again, but was interrupted again, "It's okay, you have to believe our vision.

Aoki, let's get started. "

It was just a strange expression on Dawu's face that Granny Kui didn't see.

Tian Lao, who was sitting next to Granny Kui, noticed the change in Ogo's expression.

Are there any moths?

Although Aoki just helped himself solve a problem, I feel that his theoretical knowledge should have been studied for a long time.

But compared to theoretical knowledge, this practical operation can not be achieved only by effort.

There was no change in Aoki's expression.

He is more familiar with Dawu's giant gold monster.

Since sooner or later, I will make energy blocks for Dawu's giant gold monster, so I can do it right now.

"Is the request the same as before?" Aoki said suddenly, making them all stunned.

Dawu looked calm and said after thinking about it, "Under the premise, I hope to strengthen the giant gold monster, his basic strength can not keep up with the rhythm."

The Aoki Giant Gold Monster made a few laps, then reached out and rubbed the Giant Gold Monster a few times.

He nodded and said, "It's really a bit behind. The energy cubes used to eat too long, and they can be changed long ago."

Granny Kui and others watched Aoki's exchange with Ogo.

Tian Lao showed such an expression.

Liu Shenggang, sitting aside, smiled like a chrysanthemum on his face.

Hem questioned me and scared you!

"Are all the materials available?" Aoki asked.

Dawu nodded immediately. "It should be there. I can get it without me."

Aoki waved his hand.

What I don't have, I should have it on him.

"Cough, we will provide Aoki materials." Granny Kui said after coughing.

But Aoki and Ogo didn't have time to ignore her.

Take out your full set of tools.

Although very uncomfortable in front of so many people, making energy blocks like performing acrobatics, but since it is to be a little high-profile, then simply high-end to the end.

Aoki laid the material on the table piece by piece.

When seeing Aoki's production tools, Granny Kui knew that it was not easy.

Not the ordinary tools circulating in the market, but according to the basic needs of individuals, find specialized craftsmen to build.

This is made by Aoki to ask the sky team to find a master according to their own requirements.

It is very convenient to use.

Aoki acted directly.

His hands shuttled back and forth between these seemingly complex machines, and pieces of material slowly turned into pieces of material under his control.

This piece of material is separated from Mother-in-law and they all know each other, but in such a group, they didn't know what Aoki was going to do for a while.

But these people are not ordinary people, and soon they understand what the effects of these materials are.

But the more you think about it, the more you can't stop the surprise on your face.

Is this an on-site custom advanced energy block?

And is it still an energy block that is accumulated after so many materials are superimposed and accumulated?

Then its effect

The expression on Granny's face was getting more and more exciting.

No super powers used!

Aoki does not use super powers to make energy blocks!

In other words, everything he has now is not his limit!

Because superpowers can greatly help the cultivator when making energy blocks.

Therefore, Granny Kui always thought that Aoki could become a senior breeder at this age because of his super ability.

But in this production process, no super powers were used at all!

Pure technology!

Watching Aoki making energy cubes is like watching the birth of an artwork.

The slender and slender fingers of every joint ~ ~ are like every note in a beautiful song.

The combination is a song with melody and ileum.

In addition to writing a gorgeous movement with the production of energy blocks.

In less than half an hour, the giant custom monster's exclusive custom energy block is completed!

And for half an hour, it was finally the mother-in-law who calculated the effect of the energy cubes made by combining these materials.


Two words appeared in Granny's heart.

Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Plus 2/10 for the rewards of the jokez boss!

I forgot to thank you yesterday, thank you Grandma Grandma for my great reward!

Everyone has a monthly vote for a monthly ticket, and a recommended vote for a month without a monthly ticket.

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