The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1165: Expose

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"Oh? Tell me," said Shui Wutong.

Indeed, the two sides are deadlocked here, and the final benefit must be the alliance.

"You and I know what you are here for. These two things will definitely not be buried separately. You might as well find them together and say, you take what you need, I take what I need." Chi Yansong said.

"Everyone knows things are here, but there are so many branches of Meteor Falls. Even if we all dispatch, how long will it take? According to my information, the alliance is now outside." Shuiwutong frowned.

"You also know that the league is already out. If there is no gain this time, how much will it cost? I believe you also understand.

Since you are here, it means that you are willing to take the risk, so you may find it first. "

After Chiyanmatsu spoke and clapped her hands, two members immediately "please" a middle-aged man in an archeological costume.

"This is Dr. Solas, who has done a lot of research on meteor waterfalls. I believe that with his help, I can find them soon.

But before you find it, you can't go into trouble. As soon as you find it, let's talk about it later. "Red Flame Pine glanced at Dr. Thorens, who was slightly embarrassed, and his eyes narrowed with a smile.

Smiley tiger.

Shuiwutong knows best what a red flame pine is like.

"Then find something first, Quan, take care of this more." Shui Wutong said to a tall, beautiful woman behind him.

"No problem." All nodded.

"Then we will be responsible for you on the fire side." Chi Yansong also said.

This is not the first time that the two have cooperated.

"Dragon King Scorpion, Shadow Ball."

With Aoki's order, two head-sized black energy **** instantly formed on the Dragon King Scorpion's pliers.

Towards the other two elves, like the sun, emitting orange light in the tunnel.

Bang bang

With two sounds, the two elves fell in response.

Two sun rocks.

As the elves deep in the meteor waterfall, the number of sun rocks and moon stones is very large.

Often they can be seen at the intersections of several tunnels and in some relatively large spaces.

In addition, the elves formed by these two alien creatures, plus the long-term life in the ground, have no communication with the outside world, so even if they are superpowers, they have no corresponding IQ except for their strong superpower energy .

Seeing alien creatures such as Aoki and Dragon King Scorpion, of course, he launched an attack without hesitation.

In the end all were under the attack of Dragon King Scorpion.

The super-elves have little resistance to the evil dragon dragon scorpion.

However, the sun rocks and moon stones encountered here are somewhat higher.

The ordinary wild elves are at the peak of the elite level, and several of them are stronger, and they have reached the level of quasi-sky king.

Because this is already the depth of the Meteor Falls, and few people can usually go deep into it, their growth is relatively comfortable.

"Coming soon," Aoki thought silently.

Standing on the back of the Dragon King Scorpion, I sensed the two superpower coordinates that the King of the Goblin could perceive.

It was a bit vague before, it should be because there are so many sun rocks and moon stones here, which hinder the perception of superpowers.

Put away the Dragon King Scorpion first.

Too many elf targets are a bit big.

Later, Aoki and the dull king used Huayu to hide themselves.

Rushing towards two superpower coordinates.

Slowly, you can see several members of the lava team and several members of the ocean team are holding instruments to the ground and the wall to search what.

Aoki's heart sank when he saw the two teams staying together in peace.

The Lava team and the Ocean team finally cooperated.

"First try to see if they stay in touch with each other."

Aoki made a bold decision.

A flashing body approached them.

With the less obvious light in the tunnel and the assistance of super powers, it appeared behind several people in an instant.

This environment is the world of Geng Gui and Dream Demon.

Two elves appeared instantly, one against them, and one aimed directly at the person.

No fight, just hypnosis.


One by one fell directly to the ground.

Then Aoki hid immediately to see if it would cause any commotion.

Fortunately, five minutes after the fall of several people, there were no abnormalities.

As a result, Aoki's courage grew.

All the hypnotizers and elves were thrown into a different space.

Silently came to a relatively open area.

Seeing a group of people around a man in a white coat pointing at something.

The moment he saw the man, Aoki recognized him as Dr. Solans.

The Lava team and the Ocean team were clearly prepared, and Dr. Solans was arrested.

But how did they know that there were two orbs here?

Also, why did n’t Tian Haoyu tell Yuanzhi about such a big event?

Aoki was a little confused.

Instead of approaching, they chose to bypass them quietly, and proceeded to the depths along some of the corners where the lights were not obvious.

The coordinates of the superpowers of Quan and Fire Village are very obvious next to Sorens.

However, there are no red flame pines and water indus trees here, and Aoki decides to go in again.

After passing through a short tunnel again, she saw two different huge tents, blue and red.

Under the light of the tent, the head was throbbing inside.

Aoki hesitated a little and approached the lava team's tent.

Silently walked behind the tent.

Pull a gap with super powers and look inside.

After seeing what was inside, Aoki's pupil narrowed sharply.

Chiyanmatsu is sitting on the main seat, holding in his hand a special iron box made of no known metal, inside which is a ball of yellow and red round fireball-shaped energy balls, emitting red light. Halo made Chi Yansong's thin face look a little bit oozing.

Gurato's energy!

But what surprised Aoki even more was not something in the hands of Chiyanmatsu.

Instead, he was kneeling in front of him at this moment, a man with blue nose and **** face.

Vaguely I can tell that this person is Tian Haoyu who was sent to the undercover by Yuanzhi.

But looking at the current situation, it was obvious that Chi Yansong knew his identity.

A few people standing beside Tian Haoyu sneered.

Two of them were holding baseball bats in their hands, stained with blood.

Tian Haoyu's hands were tied behind her, her eyes staring at the metal box in Chi Yansong's hands, and six elven **** placed neatly in front of him.

Inside are his elves.

"It seems that you are unwilling to say anything more ~ ​​ ~ Bonfire has been telling me that there is an undercover in the lava team, I do not want to believe that I can only use this thing to fish, but I did not expect I caught a big fish. "Chiyan Song looked at Tian Haoyu with a sullen look.


The palms slammed on the table.

"I trust you so much, I didn't expect you to be the undercover of the Alliance!" Chi Yansong's face became instantly unsightly.

As Tianhao Yu, there is too much to know.

He is undercover

The Lava team has almost no secrets before the league.

This made a red flame pine that likes to take wisdom and take pride in its IQ.

Or insult.

Fifth more! Ask for a monthly pass! Add 3/10 to the rewards of the jokez boss!

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