The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1166: Get into trouble

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Tian Haoyu's face was beaten completely twisted, but a smile appeared.

"Still fooled by you, but it doesn't matter. The Lava team knows what the Lava team has." Tian Haoyu cracked his mouth and revealed a very ugly smile.

Still can vaguely see that he was a little handsome.


A stick hit him directly on the back.

Here comes a face intimate contact with the ground.

Tian Hao Yu, lying on the ground, couldn't get up all of a sudden.

His eyes were slightly loose.

He still doesn't understand a little bit now. Why does the league know that there is something wrong, but insist on doing it.

Although the lava team is an underground force, Tian Haoyu still has to admit that the lava team is not doing bad things.

They are not so much a group of violent elements as a group of mad believers madly worshipping Gurado.

There is not much difference from members who believe in religion.

The metal box in the hands of Chiyanmatsu is the reason for the birth of the lava team, and it is what Chiyanmatsu brought out from their small village at sea.

Water Indus also has a similar.

Tian Hao Yu fell into a coma.

"Take care of him." Chi Yansong waved his hand without too much entanglement.

He can insert pieces into the league, and of course the league can also be placed under him.

This is a game between him and the alliance, there is no right or wrong.

He's just a bit angry that the undercover of the league can actually achieve this level within the Lava team.

Tian Hao Yu is indeed a personal talent.


Upon hearing the order of Chiyanmatsu, the members of the lava team that had been holding Tian Haoyu immediately showed a cruel smile.

They are the captains of the lava team and have long yearned for cadres, but they have no chance.

Tian Hao Yu's step down now is a good opportunity for them.

Apart from that, the few elves left by Tian Hao Yu are not ordinary elves.

It's just a pity that when he was subdued, several of them had been seriously injured in order to save him.

But the remaining ones are still good, all are King-level elves.

Whether it is potential or strength, they are stunned.

If you make Chiyanmatsu happy, maybe you can get some rewards.

As long as they can get one, the door to the Heavenly King level is open.

Aoki hiding behind the tent witnessed it all.

His eyes flickered and hesitated.

But soon, Aoki made up his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Geng Gui emerged silently from Aoki's shadow, and then slowly walked from behind the tent to the front.

However, at the moment when Geng Gui appeared, a big and big wolf dog that had been lying beside Chiyanmatsu opened his eyes!

Standing up slowly, his nose twitched.

He didn't smell anything, but just now, he did feel something.

Chi Yansong noticed the movement of the wolf dog, his eyes narrowed, and immediately closed the iron box in his hand.

The wolf's eyes stared tightly at the main entrance of the tent.

Seeing the changes in the great wolf dog and red flame pine, everyone in the tent also felt abnormal, and they stood up and took out their respective elven balls.


The front of the tent was directly bombarded by the sound of an explosion.

Suddenly, Aoki and the dull king were in the same state as before. The dull king did not act with Aoki, but began to move instantly in place.

"Who!" Chi Yan Song whispered.

It was just that he had just uttered his voice and felt his hands loose.

Suddenly discolored!

He rushed towards the door and returned immediately.

A large amount of evil energy was condensed on the huge fangs, and rushed toward that super power, and the super power that was originally used against Red Flame Pine was instantly cut off.

At this point, a dark shadow rushed from the main entrance!

Tian Hao Yu, who fell to the ground, was absorbed by the black shadow when everyone was attracted to the red flame pine.

At the same time, a lot of elf **** were thrown, and only a powerful elf appeared.

Unfortunately, at the speed of Geng Gui, it has long disappeared.

The reacted red flame pine also immediately threw two elven balls.

A prong bat and a fire breathing camel appeared in the tent.

"Fork bat, air chopped! Spitfire camel, spray flame!" The horror on Chiyanmatsu's face had not yet disappeared, and one hand was covering his neck, and he could see the blood flowing between the gaps between the fingers.

Whenever the Great Wolf Dog's response is slightly slower, he may be killed.

The opponent's attack is very simple, and the ability or tool used is also very simple.

The Billy blade is even sharper, and the special red high-necked material inside does not play any protective role.

To know this red high collar, but the material researched by the lava team's most advanced technology, in theory, the toughness of this dress, even a sharp knife, can not cut.

But just now it seemed that there were no obstacles.

This shot was by Aoki himself.

It is space cutting that causes damage to Red Flame Pine.

Only Aoki knew that it was impossible and impossible to kill Chiyanmatsu, and his target had been locked in the iron box of Chiyanmatsu's hand.

As for getting the box and then loosening Chiyan, it is also to attract attention to Geng Gui.

The result is obviously the same as Aoki expected.

Although Chiyanmatsu's high collar was instantly destroyed by space cutting, it also consumed a lot of superpowers invested by Aoki.

The rest can only cut a little skin.

Fortunately, Chiyanmatsu and his wolf dog did not know this.

In the field, the only great wolf dog that can restrain Geng Gui is Red Flame Pine.

Geng Gui successfully saved Tian Hao Yu.

At the same time, he returned smoothly to Aoki's side.

The only thing that surprised Aoki was the speed of red fire pine.

Without confirmation, he threw two elven **** directly and let his ace elves attack the back of the tent.

The whole process of this operation took less than two seconds.

Although Chiyanmatsu looks emaciated, he has a clear mind and is quite capable of commanding and fighting.

It can be seen that Red Flame Pine can become the leader of the lava team. It is not unreasonable for UU to read the book

Because of Aoki's estimation error, the dumb king's teleportation could not be started.

In desperation, he could only wave a hand to open up a different space on the rock wall and hid in.

When Red Flame Pine rushed out of the tent, it was seen that the passageway in the different space was getting smaller at an extremely fast speed.

Through this passage, Chiyanmatsu saw a dark figure inside.

Aoki suddenly moved in her heart, and shouted, "This man, we have a god! The leader of Chiyanmatsu, let's treat things as a gift of injury."

Finally shouted, "Our gods will come again!"

After that, the alien space channel completely disappeared.

Several members of the lava team rushed up with their elves and launched a storm on the rock wall, but found nothing.

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