The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1171: Alliance Action

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Tian Haoyu's departure was within Aoki's plan.

However, Aoki was a little surprised that Tian Haoyu had guessed his identity.

Not very important, because his own heart has begun to shake.

I believe he will come back to find himself after seeing something he wants to see but not.

At that time, the Sky Team will add another general.

This is why Aoki values ​​Tian Hao Yu most.

Return to the Alliance camp.

After seeing Aoki, a large number of people were relieved.

Not only Oo and others who have a good relationship with Aoki, but also the rest of the league trainers.

Aoki did not return for a long time, and the senior executives of the league were not in a good mood. They rushed into the meteor waterfall at any time and started to fight against the lava team and the ocean team.

This scared a lot of league trainers.

After all, the meteor waterfall is currently dark, and who knows what to face when rushing in?

Fortunately, even if Aoki is back, even if he wants to go to war, he doesn't have to go to war blindly.

Upon learning that he was back, Genji immediately called everyone to a meeting.

Within the main account.

"Aoki, why have you been there for such a long time, have you gained anything?" Genji asked.

The rest also looked at him.

It's been almost three days, and if we don't come back tonight, we are really going to rush in.

Hearing the problem of Genji, Aoki nodded immediately, then scratched his head.

"It took a lot of time to find the lava team and the ocean team after entering, but I drew the map of the tunnel deep into the meteor waterfall. When that time we go deeper, we won't get a black eye." Aoki said.

All of a sudden, everyone made up for the reason why Aoki spent so much time.

"Take it out soon," Genji said.

If there is a detailed map of the meteor waterfall, it would be really good.

Aoki took out the communicator and displayed the map drawn on the chip.

Of course, some of it was hidden by Aoki.

The location of the Lava Team and the Ocean Team is only roughly sketched by Aoki, but it is not fully displayed.

After all, these things are hard to explain.

"Okay! With this thing, we can prepare to take the initiative!" A smile appeared on Genji's face.

"It still needs to be a little more cautious," Huayue said aside.

Genji nodded, and he knew that.

"Also, according to my observation, the lava team and the ocean team should have joined forces. They seem to be looking for something, because I was afraid to be found, so I did not dare to go further." Aoki said again.

Wen Yan said, Yuanzhi frowned, "Where did you find them?"

Originally thinking that Aoki had only drawn a map, but did not expect to really find the location of the lava team and the ocean team.

Aoki nodded. "The two teams are in a deeper position. We are actually useless here. I suggest that we can choose to go deeper. Here, there are two places here, and we can completely remove the lava. The team stopped in the middle of the ocean and came in to catch a puppet. "

Then, Aoki pointed to two places on the map.

These two places are not far from each other, they are relatively wide caves, and they are the only way for the lava team and the ocean team to go out.

As long as the league can hold these two places, unless the lava team and the ocean team hard dig, they must pass here.

Not too far together means they can soon support each other.

The wide caves do not need to worry about being attacked, nor about collapse and other things.

"Are you sure?" Pooh started.

Aoki took a glance at Boni, the King of the Ice Department. The two met many times, but this was the first time for a real exchange.

"Okay, you can enter slowly, and then find a few people to make sure that there are no ambushes on the road before the troops advance.

What the Lava team and the Ocean team are looking for is unclear, but what can make them take such a big risk, what must be found here is definitely the key. I suspect it has a lot to do with those two elves. "

Those two elves

Everyone felt a little heavy.

If it is found, there will indeed be many uncontrollable things.

"It seems that time is not on our side." Genji looked at the two places marked by Aoki on the map and lost his thoughts.

The crowd did not speak, waiting for Yuanzhi's decision.

He is now the chief commander of the Alliance station. At this critical moment, he still has to make a decision.

"Okay! Then act tonight! While it's not dark now, you should be ready to prepare." Genji thought for a while, weighed the pros and cons, and made a decision.

"Hanayuki and Bonnie! You two lead the two teams separately, and head towards Meteor Falls at night!"

Start assigning tasks.


"Thousands of miles, Aoki! The two of you will follow these two main routes to enter, to make sure that the people behind will not be ambushed."

Qian Li and Aoki looked at each other.


"Ogo, Hibiscus, and Mikkeli! The three of you are in charge of assisting Qianli and Aoki, and exploring these branches to ensure that there are no lava and ocean teams left to prevent dumplings."

Originally, the three of them wanted to talk, but Genji immediately arranged a task for them.

"Yes!" Some excitement.

"Be careful! All captains must ensure the safety of their team members!"

"Yes!" Echoed.

This alliance dispatched more than 300 people, of which three members of the Four Heavenly Kings, one no less than thousands of miles away from the Four Heavenly Kings, is equivalent to the Four Heavenly Kings together.

Aoki, Ogo, Hibiscus, Mikkeli, and three others, a total of seven Emperor-level trainers.

There are a total of twenty prospective king-level trainers.

Eighty elite trainers.

The remaining everyone is led by these eighty people, the elite trainer is the captain, and the team has three members.

All tasks and orders are directly delegated to the captain.

Elite trainers form their own teams. Each team can consist of two to four people, and will be assigned tasks according to strength.

Such personnel arrangements are in full accordance with the Alliance's wartime marching guidelines.

In other words, this time the action of the lava team and the ocean team, the alliance is completely regarded as a war!

Everyone acts as war

Night falls.

The Alliance Begins ~ ~ Aoki and Senri take the lead.

They started before everyone else.

Both of them are equivalent to scouts.

"Mr. Qianli, I have always wanted to ask for a question." Aoki and Senri were heading towards Meteor Falls.

"Oh? What is it?" Qianli looked at Aoki with curiosity.

For Aoki, Qianli has not thoroughly understood.

However, because he learned from Yuanji last time that he valued Aoki very much, Qianli became interested in the person.

"Although it may be a bit bold, but I still want to ask, how can we let the ape evolve into a queen of leave and get rid of laziness?" Aoki asked his most concern.

First more! Ask for a monthly pass! Everyone is empty, don't forget to give hibiscus a praise 呦 (? ′? ‵?) L?

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