The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1172: Leave King Training Code

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For Aoki's question.

Thousands of miles are not unexpected.

Because he is a trainer of general elves, and he is best at cultivating ape and leave king.

He has a leave king who can burst into full strength and is not affected by the laziness feature. This is no secret for the senior executives in the league.

Many people have asked the question of Qianli.

Because there is no leave king affected by laziness, the combat power that can erupt is really terrifying.

But this is not so easy to imitate.

If thousands of miles can really cultivate such a leave king, isn't it invincible?

It was only by chance that he cultivated one.

And it is not the kind of leave king that can erupt in combat power at any time. Only under certain prerequisites can the leave king be unaffected, and this requirement is relatively high.

He smiled a thousand miles and didn't hide anything. "Actually, I also cultivated by chance and coincidentally, and I still know a little about the principles.

However, I think that people are thinking about how to get rid of the laziness of the leave king, but they have never thought of cultivating along this characteristic.

Laziness is the nature of the leave king. Since he wants to be lazy, why not keep him lazy? Lazy to the extreme, maybe something will be reversed. "

Hearing thousands of miles, Aoki felt someone opened a window for himself.

Yeah, why do you have to let the leave king change the laziness feature?

Both himself and others are thinking that it would be nice if the leave king could not be affected by the characteristics of laziness, so he would find some ways to make him no longer lazy.

For example, let the sprites use the property swap to make the leave king's characteristics become the characteristics of other sprites.

But when an elf's laziness has penetrated into the bone marrow, how can it be possible to get rid of laziness?

And laziness is the elven trait of the leave king, so why not follow this trait to cultivate.

Since he is lazy, you keep him lazy.

Until it reaches the extreme, there will always be a rebound.

"So, Mr. Qianli, your leave king is also too lazy to be able to burst into full strength in a short time?" Aoki asked, his eyes brightened.

Asking someone's hole cards so blatantly is very impolite and crosses the line.

But Aoki can't take care of it now, after all, the answer to the question is at hand.

But thousands of miles did not feel anything.

For so many years, has the league asked him little about the leave king?

But besides him, has anyone cultivated such a leave king?


Not a few, but none.

This made Qianli and the league feel that his theory was incorrect.

Because Qian Li himself has never cultivated such a leave king again.

In other words, he just cultivated a semi-finished product, which is his second leave king.

If someone can now cultivate such a leave king again, it will be an affirmation and encouragement to him and to the league.

"Yes, when I started training the leave king, I never thought that would happen, but I just felt that since he wants to be lazy, let him stay lazy.

Until one time, when I was on an alliance mission, I encountered a crisis and encountered a group of wild elves in a rage.

At that time all my elves had lost their fighting ability, and only the leave king was left.

So I took a try and summoned the guy who knew that it was only one last struggle, but it really became my life-saving straw.

The leave king is not bound by laziness at all, and the erupting fighting force will completely repel all the wild elves.

So I survived. "Thousands of miles lied in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, presumably also thinking of Wang Tianshen's attitude of asking for leave at that time.

He continued, "After the battle, the leave king slept for two days and two nights before he recovered.

So I know how long the fighting time he can burst out is directly proportional to his laziness time, as if he is accumulating strength, the more he accumulates, the stronger it will burst out, and the duration will Longer.

Since then, I have begun to study the elves such as the leave king and the ape.

It ’s just a pity that from then on, among the leave kings I cultivated, only a semi-finished product appeared in front of me. The rest of the leave kings were not different from ordinary leave kings.

Even if they cultivated along their laziness, the situation of the guy did not appear. "

Thousands of miles also booed.

After more than ten years of research, he didn't produce a second one.

There must be another key, but this key was not caught by him.

"Semi-finished product?" Aoki was curious when he heard such an adjective.

Qianli laughed with a ridicule, "It's just the one that is closest to that state. The strength and time that can be erupted are not fixed. It is not like my first leave king. The longer the laziness, the longer Strong, he can only stay at least three minutes without being affected by laziness. After three minutes, he will return to the original state. "

This is his second leave king.

Even if it is a semi-finished product, it is much stronger than the ordinary leave king.

It is also because of these two leave kings that he was able to get the attention of the league.

Because of this, the combat power that he can explode is really terrifying.

Even the explosive power in a short period of time, even if it is Genji, can only parry it, only because this explosive period is limited, otherwise even if thousands of miles are unwilling to undertake affairs, Adams will take him to the position of four heavenly kings, and even finally let him The meaning of being a champion.

After hearing Qianli ’s explanation of the semi-finished product, Aoki asked again, “Since there will be semi-finished products, has Mr. Senri already seized the opportunity of the leave king to make such a change?”

Qianli groaned for a moment, as if it was a memory, and it seemed to be a little uncertain. "I don't really have much confidence until now. At that time, shortly after I became a trainer, I subdued the lazy man. Later it evolved into a hyperactive ape, but my hyperactive ape is very active, has unlimited energy, and possesses considerable combat power.

So I was thinking, if the ape is so strong ~ ~ why should it evolve? So I discussed it with my overactive ape to keep him from evolving.

Afterwards, even when it was time to evolve, the overactive ape was forced to suppress, and each suppression was a torment for him.

But after suppressing it once, the energy of the moving ape became more abundant.

In the end, it could n’t be suppressed, and it evolved into the leave king. Therefore, the material must be reversed. After madly consuming energy, the leave king was particularly lazy. I was very guilty at the time, so I didn't force the leave king to quit laziness.

Maybe the key is here.

So according to this idea, cultivating a second hyperactive ape also kept him from evolving for a long time, but the final result was a deviation from what I thought, and in the end it was unsuccessful.

After that, I carried out several trainings, but all failed.

In the end, I found a possible decisive condition, but I can't determine it now. "

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