The Rise of Dark Pokemons

Chapter 1193: Wake up! Geoka


God of the sea?

Gaoka? !!

Hearing the words, Quan was shocked.

What does it mean?

Already found the **** of the sea, Gaoka?

And listen to the boss's meaning, it seems that he found it by himself?

All of a sudden, Quan couldn't react, and his spirit was a little shy. I don't know what happened to him. I always felt like I had forgotten a lot of things.

But soon, she was attracted to what Shuiwutong had in her hands.

A blue orb glowing with a light blue halo, with a special symbol "a" on it!

This orb is exactly what the Oceans are looking for in Meteor Falls.

Other members of the Ocean Team may not be qualified to understand it, but as the top cadre of the Ocean Team, Quan is aware of it.

This is the only prop to awaken the **** of the sea, Gaoka!


The blue halo is where Gaoka is sleeping?

Is the boss going to wake up Gaoka? !!

The ecstasy erupted in Quan's heart, just like Didi and Tide behind her, and her inner joy appeared on her face.

But suddenly, a voice appeared in Quan's mind.

A familiar and strange voice.

"The purpose of Water Indus is to destroy all the land"

Echoing in her mind over and over again.

Suddenly, Quan's expression froze, the smile on his face disappeared, and he looked at the water sycamore with his indigo blue orb in his hand, and asked inquisitively, "Boss, what is your intention to wake up Gaoka ? "

Hearing Quan's question, Shui Wutong turned and looked at her.

At this moment, Quan saw the endless desire and greed in the eyes of Shuiwutong, as if the whole world was at his feet!

This is the most instinctive desire of those who are only one step away from their dreams and cannot restrain their ideals.

Water Indus said, "Of course, to conquer the ocean. As people living in the sea, we are also a marine team sailing at sea. Of course, our goal is to conquer the ocean !!"

When he heard the words of Water Indus, Quan looked loose.

Fortunately, the leader did not want to destroy all the land and turn the entire world into a marine world, as the voice in his mind thought.

But just as Quan's expression relaxed, Shuiwutong's entire face suddenly froze.

"As the master of the sea in the future, the owner of all resources, anyone who pollutes the sea and wantonly plunders the resources in the sea, will be punished as they deserve. They are not worthy of the right to live !!

I will replace the sea and exercise power! !!

Take all land, all Lu Shen as a lesson, and warn them!

The sea should be the master of this world. All beings, only in the water, deserve the right to live!

but me! !! Just the arbiter who exercises power in the sea! !! !! "

The wanton voice echoed throughout the cave.

But when I heard this, Izumi's relaxed expression suddenly became tense again.

It's not just her!

And the tide behind her frowned.

All land has disappeared, so why did they conquer the world?

Looking at the endless sea, then no one can share joy? Everyone's life is between the thoughts of Water Indus?

"No! Boss! You can't do this. In this way, not only other people, but even ourselves, can't survive!" Quan suddenly made a sound, a little excited, and some hysterical.

The tide on the side shouted, "Yeah! Chief! This way, we are all over."

Water Indus turned and looked at the two.

At this time, Quan discovered that the eyes of Sycamore had completely turned blue, with an "a" sign in them!

From beginning to end, Water Indus has been under the control of Gaoka! !! !!

Spring was shocked, and it turned out that Gaoka was not controlled by the indigo blue orb.

The Indigo Orb is just a tool to wake up Gaoka. When he touches the Indigo Orb, he will be under his control and bewildered invisibly!

But when Shuiwutong smiled strangely, instead of replying to them, he held up the indigo blue orb in his hand and shouted, "Wake up! Gaoka!"

Bang Pangpang

Pieces of gravel fell from above the mountain wall and smashed into the pool, and the water in the entire pool suddenly became turbulent.

A stone statue floated from the pool.

From the appearance of this statue, it looks like Gaoka.

The indigo blue orb seemed to sense something, and suddenly a blue ray was emitted, shining on the statue's body.

Then the rock shell on the statue began to fall off, exposing the blue body below, and the red lines on it.


All the rocky shells fell off, their eyes slowly opened, and their mouths grew loud and loud.

The whole cave shuddered.

Geoka! Elves similar to whales have two huge pectoral fins, each of which has four white square structures with red stripes on the body, and a large red "a" mark on the back of the two pectoral fins !!

The **** of the sea, Gaoka!

When Gaoka woke up, he fell into peace and stared straight at the water paulownia.

But seeing a flash of blue light in Gaoka's eyes, echoing it, Shuiwutong also flashed a blue light in the eyes, and nodded.

He took out a metal box from his arms and opened it with a blue and yellow energy crystal.

Then the water sycamore grabbed it directly, threw it to Gaoka, and was swallowed by Gaoka.

After throwing out the energy crystal, Water Indus laughed frantically, "Destroy the world! Geoka! Turn the whole world into an ocean !!!"

With that said, he strode towards Gaoka.

Hearing that, Gaoka nodded humanely, his body burst into yellow light, the form began to change, but the speed was a bit slow.

Until the Water Indus walked in front of Gaoka, holding the indigo blue orb in both hands.

Under Spring's horrified look, Gaoka turned over and swallowed the water sycamore into the belly, along with the indigo blue orb.

In the eyes of the three Quanquan, the teasing was revealed.

Then he saw his twin fins fanning, and a large amount of water rushed out of the pool, and the entire cave was suddenly filled.

Ignore the three, soar into the sky, sinking into the sea.

Quan was very lucky and was not buried under the water. With the help of his water spirit, he reluctantly returned to the sea.

Then I saw the end of the world.

The endless dark clouds are full of bright thunder and lightning, and the raindrops of beans are not falling like money.

The water level rose wildly, and huge waves traveled.

The biggest wave is higher than Chimney Mountain ~ ~ you can see that the color and appearance of Gaoka is slightly different, it is at the top of the wave.

Rushing towards Fengyuan area, all the elves who came out to stop did not play any role.

Suddenly, Fengyuan continent disappeared.

I looked at all the springs and felt the advent of Mo Ri, but didn't know what to do.

Regrets emerged endlessly from my heart.

Various conjectures about if also appeared.

Without waking up Gaoka!

If you don't find Gaoka!

If no Indigo Orb is found!

If you do n’t join the Marines

Will all this happen?

Third more! Ask for a monthly pass!

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